Park / [H2H8 R5] A Far Cry From Home
14-June 18
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How was what shnupz said anywhere close to out of line? She doesn't like that the music and themes seem too distinct yet too physically close. That's a pretty normal comment.
Yeah match 2 parks didn’t have drama around it and didn’t get much attention, but now after all this drama it’s suddenly “oh hey let’s give the parks attention!”
The drama has the attention now. The parks, as amazing as they are, are now overshadowed by Louis’s dick move that he tried to pass of as “a gift” to the community in his attempt at martyrdom.
I kind of agree with ottersalad. I think shnupz has the best intentions, but I can see where some people might find her reviews a bit harsh and overbearing. I do agree with her about how the two areas feel disjointed. It really didn't feel like a full park, but I think that's because there wasn't anything linking the two main areas such as path. it is a very abrupt change from he two themes and it doesn't really mesh well, but I think that's more a problem of the map limitations. I love this park and I hope Bubbsy get's a park maker status out of this shit hole that is a match. You have really stepped your game up with both this and mzima and I think you deserve the title.
Not a fan of asian themes, but you did well Bubbsy. Good job! Liked The Apprentice better. Would have voted for it.
Also; dick move.
What, do you want me to not give my opinion on the park? Am I not allowed to criticise? This is no more harsh than people have been getting all H2H, and no more harsh than the rest of my thoughts and opinions. I felt like the replacements park suffered from very poor planning in the composition. It was extremely jarring to me and very much affect how I felt about the park as a whole, but, the actual contents of both sides of this park were really, really well done, so to me it is overall not a bad release, but it makes no sense to me and it could have been massively improved with some small changes. (if you want ideas it could Maybe a bridge between the two halves, for instance? Could have even themed that middle area to central Asia, as a sort of crossroads. No extra content on the map than a bridge, just changing what some of it was themed to. Seriously though, just a bridge and moving the ride stations a little further apart so the music doesn't at least overlap and the atmosphere doesn't get fucked by proximity. Even without a bridge, it just needed either something to link the two section together or something to separate them further.)
so yeah Leon, the whole thing was baffling and fucking ridiculous, what else do you want me to say? I can't just wrap this shit up in cotton wool and pretend like the park isn't flawed, or the builders who made it won't see that critisism and be able to use it to improve in the future. Otherwise what's the fucking point of this contest? Why are we even here? They should be proud of what they did build, as I said this is like 2 designs glued together, 2 designs! A design doesn't come easy, they built well and should be proud, it just made for a baffling and yes, somewhat ridiculous park.
Depends. the huge FU to all involved in the competition for me warrants the FU to their park for reviewing purposes? if you dont respect the competition enough and intentionally get a DQ to change the outcomes, then me commenting on that is what you could expect. Im not even opening a DQed park, to bad
I want to vote on this match, this is rigging the comp and 59 people didn't sign up for that... OPEN THE FUCKING POLL
That's incredibly childish. I get that you're mad and yeah you have the right to be fucking pissed right now but that doesn't mean that this park isn't worth checking out. Its a good damn park just look at it and enjoy it for what it is
I'm all for this too, but I think its fair to say things are too heated for any sort of poll not to be pretty biased right now. Give it a few days, open up the voting with an announcement, and maybe people will give some decent feedback
I follow this h2h rather closely (altho i don;t comment much due to time) but shit like this really puts me off of doing that anymore. You'd think rct would have less toxic communities due to the nature of the game but i guess thats not true. Really feel sorry for all the parkmakers involved because this was an excellent match up and def curious who would win.
Such a shame the last RR mach ended in such a horrible way with 2 of the best parks in the competition. This decision affects the voters too because I'd love to vote on this and I'm sure the others would too.
Bubbsy and Recurious and the rest of the builders - I promise you that you will get your due respect for these two great parks. Delayed, yes, but it will come.
my question is willm this contest go on after this.
^Yes. That would be too much honor for Louis & co. Let's just enjoy the parks from now on, and ignore what has happened. I would be fine with a 5 way semi-final with the top 2 advancing to the grand final.
Will comment on the parks later, but they look stunning!
No the childish part was the intentional DQ. No feedback for a park that intentionally disqualified itself seems no more then reasonable for me. If you wanted feedback then all you had to do was submit it without the intentional screw you to community and all involved.
I have mixed feelings on this current situation and may comment later, but I will say that the Replacements had no say in this decision and was told about it moments before it happened. We had even said our goodbyes the night prior not knowing if we would be moving forward or not.
Obviously I am happy and relieved to see my team move forward, but I hate seeing the community torn over a contest that we were all so excited for. I have yet to form complete thoughts regarding H2H8, but I hope that for now it can continue as usual and we puts moments like this past us. Many angry, cynical things have been said between numerous members, transforming actions like this into hate against fellow parkmakers, such people that have been coexisting in friendly manner for years (I'm guilty of this as well), and I don't want to see a game website that has existed for an absurdly-long time be torn to shreds because of it.
Bubbsy, Recurious, and co., you all did great. I had quite the time watching our park form into something as high-quality as it is in such a short window, and I'm glad of what the Replacements have been able to achieve in just a few months. H2H8 was a sort of redemption for me given my previous attempt at a captain, and while it's not over I believe that goal has been reached. Many of my teammates have become some of my best friends and I hope that other teams have the sort of chemistry that we do. It's that sort of chemistry that makes me love this community, and it's such a shame that it's currently fizzled out. I hope that we are able to bounce back as a community like we've always done, and I hope to have a great rest of the season.
the problem is not with the Replacements, its the matchfixing. I was honestly looking foward to this matchup as both teams had a huge role in the final outcome of the round, thus this round was supossed to bring huge parks to the table.
Let me say that I'm mad about this and many other people are rightfully mad too. I think it's important to vent so I've been saying everything that has been on my mind. Although what happened cannot be undone and I will never approve or forgive, I plan on coming out of this holding no grudges. It will take some time. I'll be less angry everyday. For some this process will take longer. I hope that eventually we will all get along again.
Give this drama a few days to play out, and we will be talking about RCT again.