Park / Thibo's Bumbly Beach

Park_4088 Thibo's Bumbly Beach


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Deurklink%s's Photo

    It's simple, but a lot of fun to look at!

  • shnupz%s's Photo

    very cute park, I loved the little schwartzkopf. It reminds me of my old bumbly beach project (which got overwritten when I was halfway done, it was basically JappyBeach but NCSO) and put a smile on my face.

    I think the woody would have been better with a more traditional turnaround, I felt like the area where it went outside of the park just overall detracted from the rest of the ride

  • Dragons%s's Photo

    Ah, yes, I love me some Bumbly Beach, that scenario has so much soul. I like how pure this is, very down to Earth NCSO, a nice change of pace from H2H. I concur with shnupz on the wooden coaster, that section does look a bit off. I also agree the Schwarzkopf looks great! Good work!

  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    I agree with the others in that its a very simple, but well done NCSO park. Nothing crazy to hold your attention for a long period of time though. But, Alpine Mountain seems like it would belong in a Blackpool Pleasure Beach inspired park, so that was nice to see. Also, some of your midway rides/stalls were nice.. just wish you expanded beyond the scenario's borders and used some more space.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I like that you left a bit of room to breathe and have foliage here, its refreshing. I liked all the tracked ride- the coaster station area was very leafy and nice, the alpine coaster was done well, and the haunted house was composed well. nice job.

  • saxman1089%s's Photo

    A nice take on a classic scenario, with fun details all over. I would've loved to see you do more with the outside areas of the park though. 45% from me.