Park / Daredevil


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • G Force%s's Photo

    Not sure how to take this in, its very weird but has some nice aspects.  I think the coaster being so short relative to the buildings throws it off a bit.  Still great to see good LL work by anyone, nice job.

  • Lilith%s's Photo

    this was definitely fun to look at. the coaster interacts nicely and the archy is generally good, especially the theming for the coaster itself. that whole little urban area is all well designed and coherent.


    the scale seems odd and not super consistent and some of the buildings i dont really get, like the one behind the roll next to the darkride. i also think some buildings have a few too many colors and textures, the grey and tan castle combo isnt really working for me here.


    overall i like it and the archy is good, if it were a bit more coherent it would be fantastic. great work! 60%

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    good job

  • RWE%s's Photo

    I think this is great. Really enjoyable release with some cool stuff on it. I loved that little graveyard bit next to the station and i liked the archy too.


    What really bothered me about this is that it is basically planned as a coaster with path around it, which is a pretty poor choice in terms of composition, i also agree with the things merzbow said about the scale of some of the buildings.


    Nevertheless this is some great stuff and i would really like to see it getting a design. 65%-70%

  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    Thanks for the feedback guys. It's definitely a bit disjointed, with the scale as a result of being built over the course of six months. I definitely agree with RWE about the layout, pretty much all of my parks from over the summer and early fall have that main issue, but I decided to release this rather than completely reworking it.

  • csw%s's Photo

    Layout is a bit awkward, I think you tried to force the adjacent corkscrews. I think a brighter coaster paintjob would've looked better too. Buildings were great in some places, not so much in others. Foliage is decent as well. 


    I think overall you have great ideas, it just needs more refinement and details to get it over the hump. 

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    always love seeing some LL around here! this thing is a bit weird, but not bad. I'm just very confused about the theme- at first I thought it was maybe based on some IP I didn't know much about but the Hell's Kitchen ride really threw me :p. Then the castles, city, and japanese architectural bits all mixed together. So strange! I couldn't figure out what was going on. Some of the city buildings are pretty good though, and you seem to have a good grasp of LL tricks and construction. Would love to see a slightly more... directed? approach at parkmaking next time!

  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    A big thanks to everyone on the panel for voting for this, and especially Poke for giving it the last vote. I didn't expect this to win design but it's nice to get some feedback on where I stand. My next design attempt should be much more cohesive and consistent.

  • 57.00%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 57%
    Kumba 70%
    chorkiel 65%
    bigshootergill 60%
    trav 60%
    CoasterCreator9 55%
    Cocoa 55%
    csw 55%
    G Force 55%
    Liampie 55%
    posix 55%
    ][ntamin22 55%
    Poke 50%
  • Description

    The Man Without Fear arrives in Hell's Kitchen

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