Yea, saw the preview, there are some beautifully themed section in the park. I especially like the Resident evil section, captured the theme perfectly. I also like the snow themed section, especially the different land elevation creating that mini cliff....cant wait to see your future project....whatever it is....
i'm really surprised this didn't get at least runner-up. i thought it was a great park that showed some serious skill. and it was ll too! i mean, you put a lot of time and effort into this park, and it shows. i think you should be rewarded with a little official recognition, becuase this is some cool shit.
honestly, cork (or whoever decided not to make this a runner-up), i think an explanation is needed.
Now I'm no LL expert (nor do I even try to be) but I really enjoyed this park Freak
What I like about your parks are the realistic que lines. My personal fav or this was Outbreak and Landmark. As for a fun ride to watch, that would have to be "Search for the Grail". Reminds me of a Disney-esque type of ride.
I enjoyed this more than the screens made me expect, especially the Resident Evil section. Great coaster (shame about intensity) and good theming too. The other errors all struck me as slightly nondescript. Not keen on the 'adventure' ride which was kinda non adventure-y, and although Landmark was a nice coaster, the 'nature reserve' thing just seemed like a boring forest.
Shame it didn't get runner-up, as I would have chosen it, but Croky seems to have different ideas than most people.
Nice park. I however would not have chosen it either I don't think. A year ago, definitely. But I mean, it's very hard to garner attention with an LL park these days and people are forced to really step up to fantastic heights to draw the same bit of curiosity an above-average RCT2 park would. I'm not saying it's the way things should be, it's just the way things seem to be as of now. The park was definitely an improvement of your other parks, but still I saw a lot of the same errors you made back in the day. Most of the areas are very repetitive, both architecturarly (your biggest problem over the years imo) and color-wise, as you never really seem to step outside of 2-3 colors per area, and unfortunately often times they are the same few colors throughout. Browns and greens and grays usually dominate your parks. The Resident Evil area was my favorite because it displayed stuff you've never done before. I think you really need to get more adventerous with your next park. I feel that you've found a comfort zone in RCT and you're being stubborn about really straying from it. Try adding some new colors to your next park, get really creative with I see a lot of the same exact pieces (almost) in all your areas in all your parks it almost seems. Start using foliage you never have before. You definitely have some great ideas in your head. I remember your tree-top jumping coaster that was one step away from greatness, but the whole area was dragged down in my opinion once again due to a lack of color. You took the obvious inspiration from Erwindale, and borrowed some of the great ideas behind it...but you left out the vibrant colors that made Erwindale so fresh. The touches of bright gold, red, blue, etc. that sprawled across the map were absent in yours and you just left it once again as primarily brown and green. I hope you continue building though, and don't take this as saying your park was bad...cause it wasn't by any means.
Iris u almost make it seem like RCT 1 parks should be merited in the same way an RCT 2 park is. IMO each game should be classed on its own merrits and if a park is superb for its individual game then it should be rewarded so.
If that makes sence
Anyway freak i love the park. especially the RE section. Captures a good atmosphere all round. However it did have its downfalls. Like the colours as iris mentioned. i was suprised it didnt recieve runner up though.
I'm going to side with Corky and Iris on this. If I look back at some of the runner-up rounds before RCT2 was released, and compare this work with some of the old LL runner-ups, it may have actually struggled to be a runner up then. It is nice parkmaking and I did enjoy exploring it, but unfortunately, the overall effect of the park on me was a little bland. I don't think it was necessarily about one thing, (ie. colour, architecture, rides), but not once did I look at anything and get that feeling that this was really cool or this was a great idea, or the atmosphere here is incredible. It was all just good. Even a runner-up needs to have at least one or two great moments in it.
I suspect that Iris and Corky are trying to put some of the lustre back on NE by raising the standards of what a runner-up should be, and the final say really belongs to one or both of them. In support of this decision, it did seem for a while that any completed park was runner-up worthy and there were a lot of runner-up parks that I didn't think should've achieved that status. I guess everyone submitting parks should take the message that the bar has been raised quite substantially for both Spotlight and Runner-Up. This could be a very good thing or it could scare people away from even submitting their work. We will see how it works out.
^ Pretty much what he said. I will admit that this was a VERY tough decision. I loved the park, but there's a difference between loving a park and posting it as a Runner Up.
Two years ago, this would have easily been Runner Up and *possibly* even considered for Spotlight, but standards have raised a lot.
And I'll admit that I've had some learning to do in judging, so you might see inconsistencies now compared to before, but things will level out. To be honest, in retrospect, if I had judged Chapters of Amorphis with the same scrutiny, that probably shouldn't have made it either, but I was still trying to get a grasp of how things were being run back then.
With that said, I will say that your city section is by far the strongest. The blending of architecture and landscaping and vegetation was very nice. You should pay attention to stats though. That's one pet peeve of mine: get the intensity under 10. I know RCT stats suck, but the under 10 rule is something I, as an old schooler, do adhere to. Or try to anyway.
The desert area was pretty nice, but a tad repetive. Furthermore, making the track truly invisible would have produced a better effect IMO, as this came off more like an adventure ride than a coaster. The woodsy area to the right of the entry was almost like a throwaway kiddie area--which is fine, except you had four theme lands period, and each should be utilized to its fullest potential.
Great use of the rusted metal walls in combo with the snow theme, but again, things were a bit bare here in that I didn't see a lot of variety. And above all, given that you've done this sort of park two years ago in Xanfia didn't help things. You gotta up the standards you set, and in my eyes, though you made a very nice park, it just lacked that alluring feeling for me.
I guess everyone submitting parks should take the message that the bar has been raised quite substantially for both Spotlight and Runner-Up. his could be a very good thing or it could scare people away from even submitting their work. We will see how it works out.
Take this into account. Especially with the imminence of NE3, we're changing some of the things that run around here. Treat this as a challenge. After all, do we not build because we enjoy the challenge of crafting something from our minds?
The bottom line is that a "good" park won't cut it anymore for NE, because that just makes you normal. Just about everyone here is capable of making a nice looking park. But you need to infuse some of your personal self in it to get recogntion. Bring something new to the table. It's almost like an application (as bad of an analogy as that is); I see parks all the time. What makes yours stand out?
It may seem hard to come up with an answer, but it's really simple: build for yourself. Don't build what others want to see; build what you want to see. And in the process, if you surpass that certain level, the creative ideas will flow, and you will automatically bring something new.
Not every can do it, but that's why we don't worship the norm. We worship the special.
And for the record, Steve would have hands down made it if he hadn't submitted Mandarin for the Death Match. Long standing rule: only unreleased stuff is featured on the site. It goes back to Danimation.
And unless you're a legend or you produce something legendary, you're not going to be an exception.
iris, Toon, & Corkscrewed, thanks. I too felt the RE area was my strongest, and I really will try and study it over to see what I did best in it and apply it to a new park. We'll see how the next one goes, but thanks for the kind words nonetheless =)
And at least I'm normal. I could be crazy (some may actually argue that I am), but huzzah for me, I'm normal. Now to become special, and not JUST in my mother's eyes, lol.
ewww, a very tough decision. i think it's really on the edge of winning runner up or not. i wouldn't want to decide. anyway, freak, you're definitely getting there. keep up what you're doing. i prophesy you there's an epiphany straight ahead liked the custom maze very much by the way. never seen before.
The Resident Evil area is extremily well exicuted with big architecture, lots of good ideas and pink flowers everywhere! All of the coasters were at least interesting to watch although both the inverted and the B&M had rating issues. The landscaping and folidged served their purpose in every area very well and there are plently of interesting details to explore which of course brought out a great atmosphere.
Now for the bad:
As a whole the theming and archetecture seemed stale (except for RE's) and the the map felt universaly small. It feels like a 100X100 even though it's really the max map size for rct/ll. Basically the whole thing is so spread out that it didn't have much substance. The only area that escaped this was RE and even it felt like an average sized area on such a small map that it only fit in two. A big part of this confusion was also probably led on by the fact that there is so much water in the middle.
Basically it's a cool park but I agree that it's not terribly memoriable. I look at it and it's pretty but after I stopped looking at it it's easy for forget that I ever had...
[font="tahoma"]ewww, a very tough decision. i think it's really on the edge of winning runner up or not. i wouldn't want to decide. anyway, freak, you're definitely getting there. keep up what you're doing. i prophesy you there's an epiphany straight ahead liked the custom maze very much by the way. never seen before.[/font]
I was wondering if anyone noticed the maze. I thought it turned out well myself =) Thanks.
Didn't win runner-up.
haha, so much for NE3.
If you wanna download it, here ya gooo: http://www.rctd.ft6..../the
Enjoy. Comments appreciated.
But the park is good, so I won't ban your sorry ass. Faggot. Or Something.
I like the park.
honestly, cork (or whoever decided not to make this a runner-up), i think an explanation is needed.
Awesome park Freak love it.
What I like about your parks are the realistic que lines. My personal fav or this was Outbreak and Landmark. As for a fun ride to watch, that would have to be "Search for the Grail". Reminds me of a Disney-esque type of ride.
Shame it didn't get runner-up, as I would have chosen it, but Croky seems to have different ideas than most people.
If that makes sence
Anyway freak i love the park. especially the RE section. Captures a good atmosphere all round. However it did have its downfalls. Like the colours as iris mentioned. i was suprised it didnt recieve runner up though.
I suspect that Iris and Corky are trying to put some of the lustre back on NE by raising the standards of what a runner-up should be, and the final say really belongs to one or both of them. In support of this decision, it did seem for a while that any completed park was runner-up worthy and there were a lot of runner-up parks that I didn't think should've achieved that status. I guess everyone submitting parks should take the message that the bar has been raised quite substantially for both Spotlight and Runner-Up. This could be a very good thing or it could scare people away from even submitting their work. We will see how it works out.
Corkscrewed Offline
Two years ago, this would have easily been Runner Up and *possibly* even considered for Spotlight, but standards have raised a lot.
And I'll admit that I've had some learning to do in judging, so you might see inconsistencies now compared to before, but things will level out. To be honest, in retrospect, if I had judged Chapters of Amorphis with the same scrutiny, that probably shouldn't have made it either, but I was still trying to get a grasp of how things were being run back then.
With that said, I will say that your city section is by far the strongest. The blending of architecture and landscaping and vegetation was very nice. You should pay attention to stats though. That's one pet peeve of mine: get the intensity under 10. I know RCT stats suck, but the under 10 rule is something I, as an old schooler, do adhere to. Or try to anyway.
The desert area was pretty nice, but a tad repetive. Furthermore, making the track truly invisible would have produced a better effect IMO, as this came off more like an adventure ride than a coaster. The woodsy area to the right of the entry was almost like a throwaway kiddie area--which is fine, except you had four theme lands period, and each should be utilized to its fullest potential.
Great use of the rusted metal walls in combo with the snow theme, but again, things were a bit bare here in that I didn't see a lot of variety. And above all, given that you've done this sort of park two years ago in Xanfia didn't help things. You gotta up the standards you set, and in my eyes, though you made a very nice park, it just lacked that alluring feeling for me.
Take this into account. Especially with the imminence of NE3, we're changing some of the things that run around here. Treat this as a challenge. After all, do we not build because we enjoy the challenge of crafting something from our minds?
The bottom line is that a "good" park won't cut it anymore for NE, because that just makes you normal. Just about everyone here is capable of making a nice looking park. But you need to infuse some of your personal self in it to get recogntion. Bring something new to the table. It's almost like an application (as bad of an analogy as that is); I see parks all the time. What makes yours stand out?
It may seem hard to come up with an answer, but it's really simple: build for yourself. Don't build what others want to see; build what you want to see. And in the process, if you surpass that certain level, the creative ideas will flow, and you will automatically bring something new.
Not every can do it, but that's why we don't worship the norm. We worship the special.
And for the record, Steve would have hands down made it if he hadn't submitted Mandarin for the Death Match. Long standing rule: only unreleased stuff is featured on the site. It goes back to Danimation.
And unless you're a legend or you produce something legendary, you're not going to be an exception.
And at least I'm normal. I could be crazy (some may actually argue that I am), but huzzah for me, I'm normal. Now to become special, and not JUST in my mother's eyes, lol.
anyway, freak, you're definitely getting there. keep up what you're doing. i prophesy you there's an epiphany straight ahead
liked the custom maze very much by the way. never seen before.
The Resident Evil area is extremily well exicuted with big architecture, lots of good ideas and pink flowers everywhere! All of the coasters were at least interesting to watch although both the inverted and the B&M had rating issues. The landscaping and folidged served their purpose in every area very well and there are plently of interesting details to explore which of course brought out a great atmosphere.
Now for the bad:
As a whole the theming and archetecture seemed stale (except for RE's) and the the map felt universaly small. It feels like a 100X100 even though it's really the max map size for rct/ll. Basically the whole thing is so spread out that it didn't have much substance. The only area that escaped this was RE and even it felt like an average sized area on such a small map that it only fit in two. A big part of this confusion was also probably led on by the fact that there is so much water in the middle.
Basically it's a cool park but I agree that it's not terribly memoriable. I look at it and it's pretty but after I stopped looking at it it's easy for forget that I ever had...