Park / Riverland
31-December 17
- Views 20,593
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- Fans 34
- Comments 46
94.50%(required: 80%)
CoasterCreator9 100% yes Kumba 100% yes Louis! 100% yes Poke 100% yes bigshootergill 95% yes Faas 95% yes SSSammy 95% yes Coasterbill 90% yes G Force 90% yes nin 90% yes posix 90% yes trav 90% yes 94.50% 100.00% -
After 12 years as a member of rct communities I finally want to present you guys my first ever full scale park.
9 different seasons of the small family park Riverland which after being bought by investors got turned into the greatest theme park in Germany. (inspired by Phantasialand)
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Congratulations Fisch! Well deserved. I've seen this ârk so many times now on mp so I can't really add anything new.... Apart from that Alpine area. Good god I love this. I'm so glad you didn't listen when I kept saying 'just release it already'! That stubbornness of yours gave us a magnificent park and a great new area that has instantly become my favorite par tof the entire park, with my favorite coaster. The compactness really captures that Phantasialand feeling so I think you succeeded into making a fitting own version of your favorite park. Biohazard is right, this one will be remembered for years to come. The dedication to detail, atmosphere, interaction and surroundings is astounding.
One nitpick is that I'm still not a big fan of some of those weird colour schemes you used for some areas like the El Dorado area and the Elysium area. But that's just a matter of personal taste.
I thought this park was so good, I would break out the title sequence tools and shelve the Official OpenRCT2 Title Sequence for a few days and produce a comprehensive title sequence of Riverland: https://www.nedesign...of-new-element/
Wow guys, thanks a lot for the overwhelming response and all the praise! Don't know where to start.
The download was updated with a readme btw and a timeline of all the story updates I had posted on the website.
I think it's hard for me to really respond to most things that have been said. But if there are any questions or any further things that need to be mentioned, whether as comment or as feedback, then please let me know! I would have to disagree with the notion that it >feels< like a multiplayer park though @Lagom. The stuff inside the park is conceptually very single-player directed, but in some spots the details or the execution came through multiplayer work. But overall the first version of the park is the real multiplayer one. This one is far less of that.
I want to thank all the people that helped me with this park over the course of the year, and I hope the possible next park is going to pick up where this one left off. After all these years I've finally managed to become an NE parkmaker.
Happy new year to everyone!
i like the cows
This park has it all. Tangible charm, brilliant hacks, OUTSTANDING architecture, well-executed themes, everything. It has the quality of an H2H park with the size of a spotlight. Congratulations on one of the best parks this site has ever seen.
Best park I have ever seen, bar none. Every single element is absolutely outstanding. The archy is some of the best I've ever seen (that miniature town tho), every single coaster looks wonderful, love love LOVE the entrance, and just... everything. Wow.
I honestly want to vote higher than 100%. Absolutely flawless park. Congratulations, Fisch. You deserve all the praise.
Don't know how I missed this park. Easily the best park ever made on NE. Great job Fisch. An easy 100% from me. Loved how the bikers slowed down before crossing the street. So many little perfect details. Just wonderful.