Park / Riverland
31-December 17
- Views 20,593
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- Comments 46
94.50%(required: 80%)
CoasterCreator9 100% yes Kumba 100% yes Louis! 100% yes Poke 100% yes bigshootergill 95% yes Faas 95% yes SSSammy 95% yes Coasterbill 90% yes G Force 90% yes nin 90% yes posix 90% yes trav 90% yes 94.50% 100.00% -
After 12 years as a member of rct communities I finally want to present you guys my first ever full scale park.
9 different seasons of the small family park Riverland which after being bought by investors got turned into the greatest theme park in Germany. (inspired by Phantasialand)
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I promised a review later, so here it is.
I loved this park. So warm, so inviting, so filled to the brim with heart and soul. It just exudes character everywhere you look. This is themed realism to the max, and I love it.
My favorite area would have to be the area around Elysium. The archy is so whimsical and colorful, and really puts me in the space next to that coaster. I also love the ferris wheel and its placement. I also love the miniature city area with the car, train, and boat rides. It's just lovely, and props to you for using spacek's custom trains. We need to continue to take advantage of his unique skill set.
In contrary to what others have said, I thought the alpine area was extremely well done. It really made me nostalgic for my trip to the Swiss Alps around this time last year. The chalets are extremely well done, and don't look "rushed" in the slightest.
If I had to name one thing that I would say I didn't like is the density in some areas. It particularly sticks out for me in the castle area, but happened in a few other areas as well. One more tile's width in some of the paths in these areas would've made the park a smidge more enjoyable. However, this is an extreme nitpick, as everything else more than makes up for it.
Some fun little outskirts details that I loved:
- The lonely cow (I feel so bad for him! You should give him some friends in a sequel park!)
- The football stadium
- the Lidl store (a friend just started working for the company on their US expansion, so it was fun to see it and be able to recognize it)
- Fisch's ultra modern home complete with BBQ grill and koi pond
Really great release, and a park for the ages to be sure.
Aight just got time to take a look through all of this last night. You already know my thoughts on a bunch of the older areas- so vibey, colorful, and atmospheric. and dense. love it.
The new bits to me were the miniature area, the swiss area, and seeing the castle area finished. the castle area was unfinished last I saw, and it really came together to maybe be my favorite bit of the park. some of the buildings and the wooden frameworks in particular are excellent and somehow not glitchy at all. great work there. the coaster works very well with the environment, and the castle actually ended up feeling like it actually made sense in the area. It reminded me of the penis drop ride castle at phantasialand IRL.
the minature area was unexpected but also so wonderful. love those new trains! one of the best times I've seen this pulled off tbh. I'd always wish for more fully fleshed out areas, but that object limit will do that to you...
the swiss area is also amazing, and I knew nothing about it going in. I love the tiny chairlift into the hotel, thats a hilarious detail. the minetrain was great, and I'm absolutely stealing those arch pieces immediately. the whole area felt really graceful and well put-together.
anyway, a great park and a great way to end the year. You finally have a real release! congrats- park of the year 2017 is gonna be a toughie...
also, can't believe you renamed Cocoa's Calamitous Cavity Crane. 70% no
This is one of my favourite parks ever. It was great to see it develop and a pleasant surprise to see the parts I hadn't checked out yet.
Good job!
Hey Fisch, nice park you got there!
Glad to finally see this park in game. Your recent screens were all very promising, and I absolutely loved the first version of Riverland. So naturally, I was very excited to have a closer look at this.
Just like Coors Park, Riverland has pretty much everything I want to see in a park. It has atmosphere, heart, soul, peeps, peepability, lovely colours, beautiful architecture, roller coasters interacting with the environment, etc etc.
It’s obvious how much time and effort that goes into this. It feels like there are layers and layers of attractions, paths, and architecture. There is so much to discover. It’s crazy. I’ve spent a lot of time looking through the map, but I still keep finding more.
There are so many cool things! The ferris wheel is the best wheel I’ve seen in RCT. Kudos to whoever built it, and made that object. The miniature city is among the very best things ever created in RCT - at least in my opinion. I looked at it with my jaw dropped. The custom boats and the custom train added a lot to the miniature experience aswell. Spacek deserves a lot of credit!
The suspended swinging coaster was fantastic. It’s a truly gorgeous coaster in an equally gorgeous setting. I loved the way it interacted with the environment. I also really enjoyed watching Gletscher Express. It was very charming and very well made.
As with everything in life, there were some cons aswell. I found the park quite hard to read. My latest release had that very same issue. The park was perhaps a little bit too cramped and would've benefited from being more spread out.
I think the log flume would have been better off without the purple road lines.
I think the park sometimes gave me the impression of being a multiplayer park, rather than a solo. It’s not a con really, and obviously there is a lot of Fisch, but it sometimes made the park feel a little bit incoherent - style wise.
I’m not sure which version I like the most, your gold winning edition or this one. I think the first edition was charmier, but both are masterpieces in their own way. This is certainly worthy of a higher score and the Spotlight accolade. It’s a no-brainer.
Fisch, congrats on a truly amazing park. You are a wonderful member and a splendid player. Congrats on the Spotlight! It’s going to be a tight race between you and Shotguns? in the NE Awards!
Congratulations Fisch for finishing this park on such a deep detail level, in my eyes this one of the completest park we have seen in a long time. The sheer amount of atmosphere is breathtaking.
A great mixture of atmospheric, original architecture, amazing rides and foilage. There are so many little details to explore.
Although the business of the park is pretty fantastic in the most aspects, i think it's hard to capture all the details.
All in all, i think this one of the best parks of the past years and i am really to see a full size park from you.
Happy new year!
this is, unambiguously, one of the best pieces of rct the world has ever seen. sometimes timeline parks can come across as perhaps a bit lazy, leaning on the gimmick or perhaps newer players wanting more regular positive feedback. however, this park uses it to its fullest potential yet. the timeline quality truly adds to the park. i spent so long jumping back and forth between the saves my eyes hurt. im writing this comment then going to do something else for a bit.
every component is executed to such a high degree of skill, has such a level of ingenuity, and is brimming with atmosphere and wonder that it amazed me every time i opened the next save
I hope this gets spotlight, and i hope this sees recognition for the masterpiece it is.
First of all, congratulations on Spotlight AND Legendary Parkmaker. It's more than deserved for this incredible park.
As I was looking through the timeline saves, I found myself enjoying the park as I did the first time I joined on the servers and looked at the original release. At first I wasn't sure about the hype; then I hit the later seasons.
Seasons 8 and 9 really encompass the kind of RCT I find myself coming back to and enjoying years into the future. Some highlights for me were the Swiss Alps, Magnolia Bay, and the quarry in the castle area. I enjoyed the castle as a whole, but that quarry themed flat ride was so cool. Magnolia Bay was just fantastic. Reminded me a lot of Legoland California with the boat ride touring through it, but the addition of the miniature train and car ride just pushed it over the top. There's so much to love about this park that I really don't know where to begin and where to end. Truly fantastic and I hope that this release influences future parks; the future of RCT is bright.
This is literal perfection as it just has everything I want in RCT. Just so much absolute talent and heart shown throughout. The whole viewing experience was me just staring in awe.
Like the amount of detailing and interaction and theming is insane?? I cannot get over it. It's utterly inspiring.
Wait, when did it change to 12 votes to decide a park? Absolutely not a complaint, just curious.
Still have to check this out, but congrats on the spotlight!
Well done Fisch! This is a crazy achievement.
congrats of being one of the best of the best!!!!
Yes, the vote requirement has been changed from 10 to 12 in an attempt to slow down scoring and voting.
Congratulations Fisch, a very adequate and impressive score.
94.5 feels low somehow...
When I looked back, I really enjoyed working on this park and was interested in it fully. And I know so when I went as far to solve an openrct2 bug to get the Ferris wheel hack working smoothly. And in the end I will spend many hours looking through this park in the future.
Congrats my dude
This is a landmark project for NE. Streamed and hosted, a timeline park shown publicly and advertised heavily 100% of the way. I think this is emblematic of the post-Openrct2 community.
Speechless. A remarkable achievement to cap off an incredible year of RCT. Congrats to you Fisch, and this whole community.