Park / Riverland
31-December 17
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- Comments 46
94.50%(required: 80%)
CoasterCreator9 100% yes Kumba 100% yes Louis! 100% yes Poke 100% yes bigshootergill 95% yes Faas 95% yes SSSammy 95% yes Coasterbill 90% yes G Force 90% yes nin 90% yes posix 90% yes trav 90% yes 94.50% 100.00% -
After 12 years as a member of rct communities I finally want to present you guys my first ever full scale park.
9 different seasons of the small family park Riverland which after being bought by investors got turned into the greatest theme park in Germany. (inspired by Phantasialand)
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Best park in years. Hugely thematic zones. Very detailed area's, great concepts and overall a very solid entry. I feel this will set the bar for full-scale parks for the coming years and I honestly feel this park has everything to be perfect for me. Really happy with the release and I hope I am one of the first to congratulate @Fisch with this great release
blub blub motherfucker
Looking at sea of sagas and some of your stuff even before that, Riverland is just a culmination of everything you've done in the past decade but perfected, personal, and even more true to yourself. It has the finesse and little touches that generally are reserved for an H2H map. The analogy to Trevin's waterpark still stands; the surroundings are still great.
All-in-all this is more than what you can reasonably expect from a spotlight release. The density felt inspired and authentic both to the German parks that you are akin to and your style as a whole. The ride design and integration is incredibly well done. That's the best Intamin LSM ever done in game. It seriously beats Vindicate. There's never a point that you let any one element in this park be by itself. Some may see this as a negative, but expecting that from such a maximalist park as this is missing the point.
There's really only two drawbacks to this map, and both stem from the way you've organized this map. Area transitions are in places either weak or forced. While some of them show your ingenuity (Elysium-Western), others felt off. The other issue is the disjointed feel of certain areas, namely the steampunk and western area. If things were organized slightly better nothing would have felt off about them, but I realize that spatially that probably wasn't possible.
Looks like we're getting a new legendary parkmaker... holy shit that miniature scale city is incredible. Everything about this is.
I looked at that with mouth agape for 5 minutes.
This park is truly unbelievable. I owe you a full scale review that I don't have time for right now, Fisch, but this park is a masterpiece.
You know what i think about that so i won't make an in depth review now, i just say that i'm glad and proud this finally is here, now grab yourself that parkmaker title!
At the end a happy new year to everyone and especially you, fisch, stay like you are and keep up being that friendly and great guy we all know and like that he is a part of this great community!
Absolutely incredible.
Expect a review.
What a year it has been.
Happy New Year, New Element.
This is the one project that brings the community together in this time and age on New Element, and even though I have literally nothing to say I'm a part of on this project, its influence and importance are too much to ignore. I'm just glad I am able to say I was here when beautiful work like this was still being released on this site, right on the edge of 2018. Thank you for producing such work like this, Fisch, seriously.
Riverland is one of the few projects on the entire site for me that have an undeniable weight to them that anyone will find hard to ignore even 5 years from now, and may God allow, even more. I can only hope you push this standard of park-making even higher in the coming renditions (if they follow, which I want to believe they will). While I'll be looking at this tomorrow and giving a fair-enough revised comment later, I just wanted to let that be known.
I have been following this park for a couple years now, and its nice to see how it turned out. Unfortunately it was a little rushed in the end but still a fantastic park.
I just love everything about this. When I found out this finally came out, I nearly jumped out of my chair.
Everything about this just has that love and caress a RCT2 park needs. There's so much beauty and articulate design that it'd be nearly impossible to recreate.
The interaction, the architecture, the colours, the atmosphere, every single aspect there exists and it shows you that with a passion.
This reminds me of a Busch Gardens park simply for the fact that both Tampa and Williamsburg look like it took real effort to make that park's beauty, so beautiful. You've vastly represented that here. Even though this is not a Busch Gardens park.
I wasn't that much a fan before you absolutely blew me to bits when I saw the 'Esylum.' From then on, I think I've been your biggest fan, so to speak.
This park consistently impressed me, and I am still in awe on how you could create something so majestic, yet so intricate but still manage to pull off something stunning.
My only little gripe is I kind of agree with Shogo on the area transitions being rough. Everything else is nailed flawlessly, I say.
This might be the only time I will ever give a 100% rating, but god damn, you've forced me to do it. I love every bit of this.
Incredible. Just incredible. I've never spent as long as I did looking at any other park. Every time I revisited a corner, I'd find another amazing detail that astounded me. The greatest parks on this site's history take the viewer beyond the computer screen and into the park. You can imagine yourself standing in the park watching a coaster duel with itself, or admiring the hotel's architecture, or boarding a boat to see the It's a Small World-esque attraction. That's a rare quality that this park accomplishes better than anything I have ever seen.
I'm going to look at this again and again. I don't want to give a 100%, but it's practically flawless in my opinion. What I can say definitively is this: in all my years, this is the most complete, atmospheric, fun, inspired park I've ever seen.
is this a 2017 or 2018 release?
Nah jks you deserve that 80%
Really bringing important and valuable content to the site as always.
The release date states 31 December 2017, so that makes it a 2017 release.
Fisch, my man, so glad to see this wrapped up and finished. NE couldn't finish 2017 better than with this park released.
Everything about this park is so loveable. The amount of details in here is incredible, just as the amazing archy that speaks to the imagination of us all. You've managed to portray a very immersive themed park with realistic elements.
I can myself seeing wandering in this park and oh my god, I would definitely buy a season pass. The SteamPunk area is one of my favorite areas I've seen in rct parks. And please send this park to Phantasialand as well, as prove they can add a woodie if they really want to
You recently asked on the Discord for an experienced builder. Fisch, you are a great experienced builder! This park proves you have no difficulties translating great ideas into great rct work. I love that menhir corner. That mini-city is just genius.
All of this is even created in such a greatly detailed environment. The city center with the station, football field, the fields, the diagonal tank station. And there's even a Lidl! Even when I'm browsing RCT parks I'm reminded to my employer
Is this the best release in 2017? Yes, definitely yes in my opinion. And we've seen some great releases past year (the NEDC entries, Imaginearium, Coors, Vortex, and all the other parks I forget). I'm not on the panel but if I were, you'd get a 90% and YES spotlight vote from me.
Incredible. It's my favorite park ever without a doubt.
Your talent has no limits. I don't even know what surprised me the most in Riverland.. Well maybe I have a crush for that miniature city !
The only critic I could maybe say is that some areas are maybe a bit difficult to view/understand, it could have helped having a bigger park map and space out things but that Phantasialand style is still very appreciable, no worries.
100% for me !
jesus christ, why are all the juicy accolade decisions happening when i dont have rct?
Fisch i have followed this par from the beginning. And you took the first park and made it one of the best parks i have ever seen.I thought number 8 was the end but you shocked the hell out of me and built a whole new section. You are a great builder and this park is out of this world. And a big shout out to all the other builders who worked on this.
I thought people were overreacting when I saw the score. However when I looked at the park in game I was blown away. This is in my opinion probably one of the best parks ever made. The interaction between all the rides is so good and the attention to detail is amazing.
Going around the map here are some of my thoughts (this is for the season 9 park btw):
The entrance area is pretty nice, nothing too special but still very nice and atmospheric. The custom ferris wheel is great, probably one of the best if not the best custom ferris wheels ever made in rct2. I feel like often custom ferris wheels in rct look kind of ugly because the proportions seem off, but you really nailed it here.
Going to the industrial/steampunk area I really love the drop tower (Dunkelschaft), the theming is so original. It looks really great. Overall the rest of this area is pretty nice although I do think the transition/placement of this area is a bit odd. It seems a bit cramped in there.
Going to the medieval area I must say I love the coaster (Dueling blades). The layout is pretty sick and the interaction with the terrain, the buildings, other rides and the ride itself is just crazy. I especially like the final camelback of the black part of the ride which goes under the monorail, over the blue part of the ride, through the building and then under the monorail again. The interaction is just so cool. I also think the station and queue is pretty cool, the queue is something I could definitely imagine seeing in any real life park.
The Hexenwald area is something I loved from the first time you posted a screenshot from it, and my opinion hasn't changed. I still think it looks great.
The area with the miniature town is probably one of my favourite area's in the park. Despite that this area doesn't have a coaster there is just so much going on. It is really cool and I love it all. As a kid I would love to ride that miniature train and the car ride.
The western area didn't really do much for me, everything is nice and from a park building perspective there is nothing wrong with it. However it just seems a bit bland and dull compared to the other areas in the park. I do like the gate with the diagonal train on it though. That's pretty cool.
The alpine area was also one of my favourite areas in the park. The coaster is amazing and has great interaction with the surroundings and I can also just imagine how epic it would look as a guest watching this coaster ride by. The hotel is also pretty great. Lastly the dark ride looks great and I love the little chair lift.
Overall a really solid park, great work!