Park / Walnut Woods Amusement Park
12-January 18
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bigshootergill 50% CoasterCreator9 50% Liampie 50% Louis! 50% posix 50% pierrot 45% trav 45% Coasterbill 40% G Force 40% SSSammy 40% csw 35% nin 35% 44.50% -
Here's that throwback park I was working on. I really had fun working on this park and I think I found what I was good at. Hope ya guys like it :D
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This is a quaint little park that I enjoyed looking at. The overall layout of the park was pretty good, and you had a nice woodland atmosphere too. l also loved Goldrush, it was very solid and looked like a fun ride. Some of the things that I noticed that could be improved: a lot of the other layouts were ehhh. I liked Walnut until I got to the helixes at the end; I think you could've done without that second helix and it would've made the ride so much better. The Arrow was good, but looks very odd with B&M supports. Finally, name your rides! Its so disappointing seeing things called Launched Freefall 1, 2, and 3, or "Roller Coaster". Anyway, a nice park, looking forward to your future works.
I honestly really enjoyed this park. Brings me back to the rct1 days. I think that mine train was ingenious too. I'd give this thing Bronze just for originality alone, though I don't think the board members will agree. Nice job!
I'd give this bronze too. Your style reminds me a lot of John and his Peony Gardens (sadly never released), with bright green foliage, a pink bias, and a slightly small scale. If you keep refining your style, and open yourself to some custom scenery (doesn't have to be the modern tiny stuff), maybe you'll reach the heights he did too!
Some specific feedback points:
- Rush was a tad too fast
- It was disappointing how most coasters were green and brown, blending into their surroundings.
- Shockwave (not big loop) is one of the best ride names I've seen in a while
- The area around Hopper was very nice. Definitely the best bit. Well done on the density
- The architecture was consistently boring in this park, definitely the worst bit. Servicable for a simple park like this, most of the time, but boring. You can turn it from a necessity into a feature.
It was fun exploring this park. Hope we will see more of you!
Of course not everything is perfect though: The foliage was the thing that bothered me the most in this park. In some places it just felt random and rushed for me, you should definitely work on that. Also the architecture has problems, Liam described that quite good too.
It's still a charming release, and i would definitely call this bronze-worthy. 50% for me. Looking forward to your future stuff!
this park had a lot of fun within it. continue to refine your skills, im excited to see what you have for us next!
It was a fun park, but too bad it was ruined some very poor placed and useless coasters in the borders of the map. Could have been better to keep it simple.
It was a bit disappointing because I really liked the screens you shared. Some parts are 60-65% stuff and others are 40-50%
I would rate it 50% at the end.
Can't wait to see what you build next.
I enjoyed the section by Rush, but unfortunately, the rest of the park wasn't up to the same quality. It looks like you had fun building this, which is good, but there were a lot of holes in the separate elements of the park. Keep building and learning and you'll be an excellent builder in no time.
I liked this. I don't think it's quite accolade worthy as a whole, but you're well on your way.
I loved Goldrush though, so cute.
You understandably didn't win an accolde, but it's a good debut park nonetheless, and I look forward to your next park!