Park / Mount Sinister
- 05-October 02
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PyroPenguin Offline
GigaForce Offline
Coasters - The coasters were weird but cool (Mala style) and themed well. I really liked The launching woody and the 4-d Thingy.
Architecture - The architecture that this park had was very nice but i hink the park needed more architecture. there were some places where there was too much path and not enough architecture
Theming - The themeing in this park was very nice...There are some parts where the themeing is cluttered and hard to see everything but you make it looks good mala. I especially like the skull above the waterfall.
Overall Look - This park had a very weird overall look but when you zoom in, the true mala style comes into veiw. Wonderful Park Mala.
Rating - 9.1/10 - Great park Mala. Your style has really grown on me!
Toon Offline
posix Offline
this is the third time I try to reply... hopefully it will work now =/
I love this park.
Why do most of you don't like the coasters? Have you ever thought about how difficult it is to make them? It's nearly impossible to handle such speed but Mala did it in a very impressive way. Especially the inverters blew me away. No one can do better duellers than him I guess...
This park is different, unique, interesting, skillfull and.... just very impressive.
Best was the stacking which is imo one of the most important beast features. Mala used it very well and made innovative and new looks. I think most here haven't ever really used it...
Caddie Gone Mad Offline
Nic Offline
8/10 - Mount Sinister
9.95/10 - Mountain Beach
7.5/ - Cydonia City
mantis Offline
I liked the arches
The bushes were cool
The inverts were neater than
Brian Sewell
I wasn't too keen
On the Soul Harvester
Mala should make
a park set in Chester.
Seriously, I think that Mala's wooden coasters are far superior to his steel coasters, which is why I loved Mountain Beach so much. This one was good, but not as atmospheric throughout (even a little uncertain in places)
Prince Offline
~Prince Ashitaka~
Evil WME Offline
this park is soooo awesome... it has tons of neato hacks.. like the tombstone/fountain.. transplanted that right into my park as well as great use of skeleton heads.. and the best looking terrace section. evar.. no to figure out if its peep accessible tho the paths are probly to big.. the excitement of the 4d but even more so is the 1st drop.. like the beemer as well.. very nicely themed.. just didnt like the inverts as much.. tho the theming was incredibly superb.. i wish i could make a park like this that looks this good.. its near impossible, try it, and see for urself..
natelox Offline
cg? Offline
Somewhere in the half-way point between the NE inspired begining, and the old-fashioned Mala back section, you have the truly wonderful portions of the park. Great and beautiful theming combine with your usual Mala insanity and brilliant coasters.
Surprisingly it is a match made in heaven and this like every other Mala park grows on you, with each viewing. However the unsuredness of the whole operation, combined with Mala's obviously rusty skills makes for a somewhat sub-par park, so, well...
Four out of Five.
So let it be written, so let it be done. And that was the closest thing I've gotten to a review in ages... goody
rhcpraiders Offline
IRIS, when wull the new runner-ups be released?
JBruckner Offline
Blitz Offline
HOLY @#%$
OMGOMGOMG!!! mala park good!! me die happy now!! !@#+)QIJG
coasters=the most fun ive had watching a park, ever. everevereverver...
theming=i proclaim that mala can make anything look beautiful... anything. And he just throws around those innovations like they are nothing...
atmosphere=classic mala atmosphere... he does in 50 squares what takes most people a whole map... you call it crunched, i call it skill...
overall=classic mala flow with insane coasters, quite a few innovations, themed purely on aesthetics... this is the reason i play rct.
ok... now that ive got that out of my system...
id give it a 9.2, graded down for not giving me enough coasters =P, and for the repetativeness of some of the theming...
and although he is not my favorite duelist (the guy who did the tri-dueling woody from danimation nation is my fave), he exibits a level of technical skill i find lacking in the NE community... i mean, who honestly here thinks they can make a coaster as crazy as he does, and still manage a good rating, beauty, AND a layout that blends in with other rides as well as his macro concepts do? i can count them on one hand...
yeah, ill probably catch flak for this
The Drizzle Offline
cg? Offline
Well I know a couple of people who told me they could, in various different ways. Of course, I refuse to name names, but, well, yes. They're idiots.
Mala roxors and stuff. Most certainly.
Micool Offline
Unfortunately, I can't, so I build in the boring NE style as to not be called a "n00b."
Um, yeah.
Coaster Ed Offline
I respect the fact that Mala has his own style and he's welcome to build as many of these parks as he wants. Furthermore, I hope he continues to gather praise for them because there's nothing better than doing what you love and getting praise from others as well. It's truly a satisfying experience for anyone. However, I will continue to dislike these types of parks myself. That doesn't make me ignorant and it doesn't make me a "noob" it just makes me somebody with an opinion and personal taste.
Micool Offline
If the coasters weren't so amazing, and it wasn't Mala, everyone would say this is a "n00b" park.
I have only one thing I look for in parks, and that is:
Time and effort put into it.
And this park looks like it had a whole poopful of time and effort put into it.
Blitz Offline
well, in mala's case for one, he simply thinks of cool elements that are hugely absurd, and tries to keep the intensity down, the excitement is an after effect...
and using a piece of land will always be harder than NOT using it(aka: leaving it blank for realism)... but dont be naive, no one fills their parks with gaping amounts of water and trees because they think it "realistic"...
ah, now i see where your coming from...
you poor thing, youve been scarred for life by bad fantasy =P
strangely, its quite the reverse if your looking at the good side of both.
while realism becomes antiquated in its use quickly, fantasy is not held by those lame restrictions... when you breed realism, then you breed monotony... all those realistic rides, in order to be realistic, have to look at feel like something youd find at six flags or busch gardens etc... why be so restricted? theres only so much you can do... and all those break throughs you all had with things like imitating overbanked turns and other such nonsense have become cliche...
of course im biased... recreations are useless to me... for me, rct is a way to escape reality and break beyond the limits to make something truly beautiful...
reality is the force that constricts what you do.