Park / Mount Sinister
05-October 02
- Views 15,751
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- Comments 77

81.11%(required: none)
Dr_Dude 95% no Cocoa 90% no chorkiel 85% no Kumba 85% no csw 80% no Liampie 80% no Scoop 80% no ][ntamin22 80% no G Force 75% no Ling 75% no Poke 75% no 81.11% 0.00% -
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More information and details on the second, linked page.
I didn't know he was still making parks.
Three and a Half out of Five, first reactions. I'll type more, when I get more to type.
I love his other parks, but this one has really really unconventional coasters. Could this be what makes his style so great? Usually yes, but this reminded me more of a station park than anything else.
I havnt check the park out yet but i will eventually
From the ultra-hyper woodie, to the spiraling 4d, the nutty inverts, the wacky canyon steel twsiter, everything was nice. Lots of nice hacking touches, and innovation. The walkthrough fountain, the trellis area, using criss-crossing single rails as roofing, sacking "ivy" up walls, the bridge for the rapids ride, the launching woodie...ahhh
I liked it, its nice to see change.
Also iris, too bad u arent doing runner ups, I think Heroe's by Segaman and Tioman Island kinda got skipped over...
Great park, loved the hacks and to me it seemed something worthy of the Disney/Universal name. Very well themed!
Corkscrewed Offline
btw, Iris, change ure avatar!
that's so not funny, finally your back on a new host and than you go like "where gonna close down for good"
2 forces
4 g's, 50 MPh in the loop
thats one big auwie
soul harvester is the same
big auwie
i liked the part of the park in front of Soul Harvester and DemiGod, but i did not like the coasters and the other parts of the park.
nice park, nice hacks well done
Although the coasters aren't really my thing, the landscape rocks.
By the way, was it just me or did some of the sound not work in the game? Some of the coasters and water rides had no sound and the message board at the bottom had no sound. But then some coasters did have sound as well as the park music.
I liked it in many ways, but then again, the coasters were not that great. Themeing was superb in many places.
I have been looking at Mala's Mountian beach and Cydonia City all last week (as I was bored) and He has grown on me I really love this park I thought he wouldn't be able to do such an incredible park that would beat Cydonia City but this is fantastic I love the coasters Soul harvester was amazing. the duelling inverts were also awesome very different and intresting the Theming was wonderful.
Great, no Incredible park Mala can't wait for you next one.