Park / Giari Palms Theme Park
21-November 17
Giari Palms Theme Park
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- Comments 40
82.50%(required: 80%)
Xeccah 90% yes bigshootergill 85% yes Cocoa 85% yes Louis! 85% yes Poke 85% yes ][ntamin22 85% yes CoasterCreator9 80% yes trav 80% no csw 75% no G Force 70% no 82.50% 70.00% -
Welcome to Giari Palms Theme Park! Giari Palms Theme Park has been in the making since 2011, but will take you back way further than that, both in time and across the globe: from the tropical paradise of Sulawesi to the mysterious island Avalon, from the ancient city of Capua to the timeless charm of India, and from the wealth and extravagance of Monaco to the simple but welcoming atmosphere of the title port town. A love letter to days gone by.
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Hello, elite parkmaker Liampie! Definitely better than Escapist. There's not any really any weak areas, and you build this with a lot better sense of composition, atmosphere, and good ride design. The high-points on this park are the minetrain, water coaster, and the B&M floorless, all of which are clearly 90+. The roman area is a little weak in terms of ride-area integration but what there is very elegant and nice, and monaco is a little too dissonant and bright. Overall I'm stuck between 85 and 90.
Maybe I'll think of something later, but for now personally I struggle to find any flaws in this park. It's really good, Liam.
Wonderful blend of more traditional themes and more modern, experimental theming. I loved the originality and quirkiness of Morocoo, like, so much.
I feel like India will be criticised for being weaker or less detailed or whatever but I think every area in this park is a great and consistent quality. They're all different in their own way, with interesting aesthetic decisions but they still feel uniformed in the park as a whole.
I guess I could say that there was perhaps a lack of originality in the entrance area and the Capua area; perhaps even just a change of fence or colour could make them seem less like themes we've already seen many times before. Although the tents in Capua were a great decision to really break the boring, conventional tropes of the Roman theme.
I do love it Liam, it's all I want from LL. It's elegant and sophisticated but also experimental and has personality. I hate to say so little words about such a grand park, but I severely struggle to find any weaknessess.
Hmm, this park just doesn't seem to do much for me. Especially compared to Fabritius Delta or Escapist. I honestly don't know if I can find anything in this park that I like more than those two.
At this point its probably between a 70-75% for me. Compared to Delta and Escapist which I would have given an 80 and 85 respectively.
Not that this is necessarily a step back, there are some cool things here, but overall it just feels so disjointed, random and uninspired in many places.
Normally I'm a big fan of your LL, but this just doesn't quite hit the mark for me.
I think it looks good, but hard to say since I can only see it in Open right now. My LL PC died on me a few weeks after I finished Musket... I guess it served its purpose. I have Windows 10 right now. Should I just be able to install the disks and run the patches to have LL again?
I think that should work Kumba, Windows 10 is pretty good when it comes to compatibility.
I'm in the same boat as G. The entrance area is fantastic, as is the medieval kinda area, but then after that I feel like things take a bit of a step down overall.
I'm gonna give it a bit before I put a score to it so I can look at it a few more times, but I don't think this is as good as Escapist.
Here we go; time to articulate my thoughts on my first LL review.
I've been looking through a lot of popular LL parks over the past few months to get a better grasp on what makes LL so cool and keeps it relevant through the years, and I think this park is a wonderful example of how LL remains exciting and fun.
The entrance is excellent; and Ripper is very neat, I love the drop under the main pathway and the overall positioning of the ride. The little bouncy castle/play area was also very cute. Moving on to India, the water coaster is fantastic; I really love it. The area itself however didn't really scream India to me; it feels a bit more Egyptian or something to that effect, but it's a tough theme to pull of in general. Sulawesi is probably up there among my favorite areas in the park. The mine train is wonderful and a true centerpiece to the area. I love Via Appia, and Monaco is a neat addition, I love the multiple height levels in Monaco itself, but also throughout the park. Avalon is wonderful too, but I couldn't help but feel as though that was a bit more in your comfort zone than some of the other areas.
Overall, it's very solid work and a certainly high quality park.
Amazing stuff- your LL is always amazing. You've finally pulled off a real 'conventional' LL park, which you should be proud of. I'll start by saying that I actually like your other, weirder parks more- but only because I love them so damn much (which I'm sure I've said plenty of times before...). But this park is still a great, classic LL park. I think I'll just quickly go area by area:
entrance: fantastic stuff, despite having seen it all before. I think its a lot more of your style than natelox in there also- it does feel very 'liampie', in a good way. quaint and relaxing.
avalon: certainly a standard rct theme, but I really enjoyed it. IMO it doesn't compare to your autumn king castle, but there are a ton of fantastic little spots of ride interaction, flowers, grass, etc that really make it pop. the path composure is the real stand-out for me here, I may takes some notes...
monaco: while I didnt really like the screens you shared so much, I think the area really came together as a whole. tropical, lush, active, etc. the coaster is great and I love that use of track! the shape of the harbor and the gas station is wonderful.
indonesia: probably my surprise favorite area of the park. I looove the black path with tan wooden fences, it just has so much vibe. such a lovely, mysterious, relaxing area. great stuff.
rome: was expecting to also be a bit bored by it as its quite standard. but the landscaping and ride interaction with it was the best here in the park probably- a lot of really lovely building composure too. it reminds me a lot actually of the ikarus area in legacies...
india: great work as always, alex. the castle the coaster goes through is amazing, and the tea cup ride is fantastic... maybe another thing to steal...
overall: lovely work and exciting to have some big LL releases. great vibes and careful composure really make the park. It doesnt 'wow' me the same way that your other work did, but it also maybe isnt supposed to do that. Its a great, archetypal, LL solo, and I love that.
This park has certainly come together well since I last saw it. The newer areas are definitely much better than the old. I'm especially a fan of the Monaco area, it reminds me of Thoughts.
However, I don't think it's better than Escapist Experience or Thoughts. It doesn't quite fit together as well, and that's probably due to the long construction time. I think if you can focus all of your creativity into a smaller time period, you will definitely get that spotlight. Mid-low gold from me.
I'm sorry, but how in the fuck is this a low-gold by anyone's standards? Are people expecting alex-like creativity as opposed to the elegance that oozed throughout this park. It's not just you, csw, but i know there's at least a couple of more people who just absolutely raped this score-wise, and it makes no sense to me.
That's like saying this park is only of the same caliber to the ][ntamin22 park that he made in 24 in-game years.
I voted 90.
Completely agreed Shogo. like, i don't know what people want or expect anymore. What is this park missing?
Two more panelist votes.
Thanks for the replies so far. Discussion is also good. Will respond after the park gets its score!
One more vote to go.
I'll snap out a review when I have some time, but this is a lovely park! Well done Liam!
Only on NE can we have multiple topics about people not being critical enough and harsh enough with their votes (With even admins posting about it), and then on another topic, have multiple people saying that people are voting too harshly.
Alternatively, that park shouldn't have been a Gold!
I don't know which one of you did the teapot but I'm so salty