Park / Coors Park
09-December 17
Coors Park
- Views 10,823
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- Comments 57
85.63%(required: 80%)
nin 90% no Poke 90% yes SSSammy 90% yes bigshootergill 85% yes Coasterbill 85% yes CoasterCreator9 85% yes Cocoa 85% no Steve 85% yes Louis! 80% yes trav 80% no 85.63% 70.00% -
Ride the Rockies at Coors Park!
(ignore the "missing path to exit" messages, they're there due to the motion simulator hack I used to the games/lockers) -
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This park is a wonder to behold.
You could have a second spotlight on your hands. Simply stunning.
I wasn't sure how this park was going to pull together as a whole, and I wasn't sure about how I felt about it for a long time. As I explored the park, I gradually discovered that everything I had looked at was at least interesting and not "samey" - different areas in the park were largely distinct and enjoyable to look at. A bit of a unique setting (environmentally) is fresh and helps the park stand out a bit. The foliage and landscaping sells the region, and is well done.
Mephisto was hands down my favorite coaster in the park. It looks like a joy to ride. Really, the entire German (right?) area was quite nice. The black forest car ride was a little plain in spots, but I'm sure a towering GG woodie right above it would be a sight to behold. The rapids were great too.
The park overall is colorful and full of personality, clever hacks, fun layouts, and pleasantly atmospheric. There are minor flaws in some spots (Revolver station, you know what I mean), but it doesn't detract from the full product.
Congrats on getting this thing done! Its all come together fantastically.
I think the most unique thing this park did was the landscaping. It really adds a lot of the vibes and sells the park as something with its own identity. Really solid work all around, and it interacts with the layouts and rides really nicely throughout. I think you did a good job capturing the sort of "cheaper Busch Gardens" vibe that "Coors" brings to mind. Tacky ads, knock-off themes and rides, etc. It felt like it had a well thought-out history and the rides and park composure reflected this. A good realism park always needs this to really capture my interest. I was thinking about how this park would be reviewed by real life enthusiasts as I was checking it out, which definitely means you sold me on the realism.
archy is good throughout- some buildings are exceptional, some are a bit more average but on the whole quite good. they tend to feel purposeful and fit in well with paths and rides, which is great.
there's a lot of detailing to love- I think you're especially good at making paths feel dynamic with your use of foliage, landscaping, and building placement. it helps build a great atmosphere and keeps the park interesting throughout, especially from different angles.
on the whole, i'd probably give this ~85 spotlight. Its not the most stand-out park in the world, but thats fine. the original intention of spotlight parks is to showcase the best talent from the site, work that is up to scratch with the best stuff being put out nowadays. That doesn't mean every park needs to be the best thing ever, or better than predecessors, or overwhelmingly new and unique. I think this park very clearly is a showcase of the best of NE's current style and what the community, and yourself, is capable of.
Congrats then on two spotlight- worthy parks in one year- that's an incredible feat that we would never have imagined five years ago. As annoying as you can be sometimes in the discord
, you're really smashing the rct2 scene. Play some LL!
As annoying you can be sometimes, as skilled you are as parkmaker.
Congrats with what will undoubtedly another spotlight for you. I enjoyed the park very much. It really takes some time to explore it hence the enormous amount of details and content you've managed to put in this park.
If the German area weren't there I'd describe the park as a more crowded Silver Dollar City
The park is a great mix of theming and realism. The landscaping and foliaging are great.
Just as great are the coasters. Revolver (where it all started) is my fav and seems like a hell of a ride! Memphisto looks like a topnotch coaster as well. Overall pretty good line-up.
90% and yes from me. If nothing else shows up before New Year, this is a clear winner of the Best Major RCT2 Park 2017.
7 votes in already! Is it just me who thinks settling on a vote is tough for this park? How can you already know after just a few hours!?
Personally, I had to stare at it for a long time before I knew what I wanted to rate the park.
Congrats on making spotlight this park deserved it.
I struggled for a long time on what to vote. In my final look over it was between 80/yes and 80/no.
As casting vote, I didn't think my choice would really matter, turns out it did and you ended up with Spotlight instead of Gold.
So, really, you owe me for this spotlight.
This is crazyfast, how could you rate this in less than 24 hours? I mean the creator spent a numerous time and energy for a single park. I think it's a matter of respect and proper appreciation, have to recognize that your cast impacts the database and history. maybe I'm being too serious though.
Wow this is amazing. There is so much interaction between everything, it really creates an amazing atmosphere. Everything just works. Besides that the architecture is also just great. Really nice work!
Congratulations on two spotlights in LESS THAN THREE MONTHS that's insane. I really enjoyed taking a look through this park, and it's one of my favorites of the year for sure. I guess I spent too long looking at it though, because by the time I was done it already had a score....