Park / Yokum Creek Park

Park_3937 Yokum Creek Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • G Force%s's Photo

    Awesome job with this, I really enjoyed the archy, atmosphere and planning of the whole park.  It all just felt so complete and fleshed out, like you put a lot of effort and heart into everything.


    Only negative might be the coasters, some felt a bit random but that's pretty minor.


    Loved the theme music too, fit the park perfectly.  A 65% from me, hope to see much more from you in the future.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    I really liked this! A great little NCSO park that shouldn't go unnoticed. Felt very old school time line park, but like G Force said, everything is plannes and it's clearly visible you had fun with it.


    My only complaint are the park surroundings. I know meadows can be big and empty but damn.... That's really empty.

  • Steve%s's Photo

    On the contrary, I found this park probably suffered from poor planning. I get the vibe that you had a lot of fun with this yet I found myself exploring the park and saying "where am I?" This could've been do to poor transitions between themes or something else entirely, but it was almost like there was too much to see in this.


    I think this could've been resolved with more openness in the park. You have these huge fields on the outskirts and the inside of the park could've benefited greatly from some more breathing room. Everything is very close together which provides a certain aesthetic. It's pleasing in it's own way, but if you had planned it better to make the park itself larger to accommodate more open spaces I think this would've been a special piece.


    This isn't to say the park is without it's merits. Most of the structures in the park were very well done and this whole map was a huge trip down memory lane. It had a charm that Blue Oak was missing in it's NCSO-ness. This thing was just, I don't know, very cute? Yet in the most nostalgic way.


    I do agree that most of the coasters were forgettable but, I could give a shit about coasters really. They were okay.


    One final bit, and this is perhaps a personal preference, but please name your shops. It adds so much to exploring a park. "What's this awesome restaurant called? Oh, Burger Bar 6."

  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    I loved this. It had a lot  of charm. I loved some of the creative things you did like using those lattices to frame your man made rock walls and cliffs. I second the meadows on the outside holding it back though. The texas giant and the red coaster seemed out of place, but I also loved the weather control indoor ride and the mine coaster on the island. I think this is a solid NCSO silver

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    this park had a tonne of old school charm. there were some parts about it i absolutely loved. the general atmosphere was great.


    the places where it suffered have already been pointed out. it suffers from a lack of planning and a bad park layout. i do not mind the big open fields at all, they are pretty much the same as blacktiles and im glad you didnt waste any time on parts we dont need to worry about. the real problem lies in how cramped it is. more openness and room to breath would have done wonders.


    the coaster layouts were weak as well. this will come with time. you plainly have an eye for composition and with a bit more drafting of rides (building and rebuilding to make sure youve done the best you can) you can achieve some great things.


    thank you for sharing this lovely park with us and i hope to see much more from you in the future. keep up the good work.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    wow I found a lot to like here, especially in the atmosphere. It didn't really fall into the pitfalls of classic ncso vibes that all feel the same, which is great on your part. the park was layed out in a new and original way, and it felt cramped but still alive and it all sort of worked really well. there were some awesome details and composure throughout- the rapids (and that queue) were a particular standout to me. but generally throughout the park you showed a really amazing knack for making the infrastructure beautiful- paths were layed out amazing, they interacted well with height changes/stairs and water and foliage etc. really surprisingly good stuff all around!

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    Well deserved Silver. Charming NCSO with some great areas (Egypt in particular!), though some of the coaster layouts were a bit on the weak side. I liked the use of green/garden space (most notable around the schwarzkopf).

  • posix%s's Photo

    Sorry to be the low vote. This had enjoyable bits, no question, but design wise felt very under-developed, in fact too basic and dated looking to warrant an NE accolade for me.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I stand by my score! well done.

  • SSSammy%s's Photo

    this is one of those where i can understand both ends of the voting spectrum. it has some lovely moments but as I stated earlier it does need to develop further in your next project. great job on the silver, i hope to see much more from you in future!

  • saxman1089%s's Photo

    I thought this was pretty good. Asides from what others have said, I did not like how you made a nice indoor coaster and didn't have the building cut away to see inside. Otherwise, nice job!

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    Sorry for the low vote. There were some things I really liked like the architecture near the swinging ship, the stormrider building and the building housing the royal theater and you definately have talent but a lot of things were a major step down in quality.


    Texas Giant is probably the best layout in the park, but you used the game default layout (if opened in Vanilla it even has the Six Flags logo on it) and even default name. The Poison wind layout is awful, the other layouts could be better but they're fine. Jetflight is probably the best but there's really nothing to it.


    Also, I really wasn't a fan of the big open grass fields. It felt unfinished to me.


    There are nice things here and you clearly have talent. If everything was as good as the things I mentioned we'd be looking at a great release. Unfortunately a lot of it feels rushed and the layouts definitely need some improving. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you though.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    I see some spots of greatness in your two parks, but overall its of silver quality. the aforementioned skill though makes me think you can easily get a gold with proper ambition. hit me up for ncso stuff and i can help you get good.

  • nin%s's Photo
    Moments of greatness, but I'll have to agree with the majority here. Better planning wouldve suited you well. 

    I enjoyed the more intimate feel of the park, but it was screaming to be a bigger, more spread out place than it was. The entrances felt grand and made me wish the park suited them better, and the space was there to allow for it.

    Ride design was cool, though having duplicate attractions (multiple twist/scrambled eggs rides) seemed a little odd- I'm sure you could've found different supplements. No huge deal though.

    Texas Giant was an odd choice to have here, only because such a big ride is a premade layout. Even just creating a coaster inspired by the original (or a better rec) would've done you well, though it doesn't really bother me that it is a game layout. Just odd that such a prominent ride wasn't custom built. Aesthetically it fit rather well.
    The actual park details, the architecture, and the great backstage stuff kept me pretty interested. This makes me want to see more of your work because it has this great fun vibe to it. Just plan your parks a bit better, as it will do you wonders.
  • J. Taylor%s's Photo
    Hey all. Thank you for all the comments and for voting me Silver! I had been aiming for bronze with this one, so I’m surely surprised! Let me get into come of the comments below.

    I really liked this! A great little NCSO park that shouldn't go unnoticed. Felt very old school time line park, but like G Force said, everything is planned and it's clearly visible you had fun with it.
    My only complaint are the park surroundings. I know meadows can be big and empty but damn.... That's really empty.
    Thanks! This park started as scenario-play, leaving the original Six Flags Over Texas intact, the overall planning came later so I do realise it’s not the best planned out park. I did have lots of fun putting all of it together, which is still important to me. I know the park surroundings aren’t the most impressive 😊 This park had been so long in the making that I wanted to release it and not spend too much extra time on it anymore. Next time I’m paying more attention to it!

    I think this could've been resolved with more openness in the park. You have these huge fields on the outskirts and the inside of the park could've benefited greatly from some more breathing room. Everything is very close together which provides a certain aesthetic. It's pleasing in it's own way, but if you had planned it better to make the park itself larger to accommodate more open spaces I think this would've been a special piece.
    One final bit, and this is perhaps a personal preference, but please name your shops. It adds so much to exploring a park. "What's this awesome restaurant called? Oh, Burger Bar 6."
    I totally agree. At some point in the making the park was so cramped that I did a big overhaul deleting lots of rides and making the themed areas larger. So what you see now is already an improvement over how it was at first. Still I can imagine the park layout is confusing if you haven’t been working on it for four years 😉 I’m trying to pay more attention to theme transitions in my new park, and definitely giving everything more room to breathe. 
    Oh the naming of the restaurants, I never really did that consequently, so thank you for looking at the park this closely! I’m getting to that next time! 

    the coaster layouts were weak as well. this will come with time. you plainly have an eye for composition and with a bit more drafting of rides (building and rebuilding to make sure youve done the best you can) you can achieve some great things.
    Yes, the weak coaster layouts is something I’ve heard many times before. And it’s true I don’t work as hard on them as I do on the park theming and atmosphere. Thank you for pointing it out,I’ll be working on it more!

    wow I found a lot to like here, especially in the atmosphere. It didn't really fall into the pitfalls of classic ncso vibes that all feel the same, which is great on your part. the park was layed out in a new and original way, and it felt cramped but still alive and it all sort of worked really well. there were some awesome details and composure throughout- the rapids (and that queue) were a particular standout to me. but generally throughout the park you showed a really amazing knack for making the infrastructure beautiful- paths were layed out amazing, they interacted well with height changes/stairs and water and foliage etc. really surprisingly good stuff all around!
    Thanks a lot! I really appreciate that! Although the park layout and infrastructure felt a bit too cramped indeed, I’ve never started with an empty park from the beginning, making plans for the layout. So I do feel this is the best I have done so far as I always like to start out with scenario play and then see where it gets me from there. The new park I’m working on though is starting with an empty space, so I’m trying to put everything together in a better way then I’ve done before.

    I see some spots of greatness in your two parks, but overall its of silver quality. the aforementioned skill though makes me think you can easily get a gold with proper ambition. hit me up for ncso stuff and i can help you get good.
    Thanks! Will do so! For now I’m very satisfied with the Silver as I didn’t even expect to get votes this high. Ambitiously working on the next project, screens coming soon. Any help there is as always appreciated.

    Ride design was cool, though having duplicate attractions (multiple twist/scrambled eggs rides) seemed a little odd- I'm sure you could've found different supplements. No huge deal though.
    The way I use this twist ride is as if it represents multiple ride types commonly found in parks but not available in NCSO, such as teacups, breakdance, music express, dino carousels, seastorm ride, etc. It might look a bit odd having lots of scrambled eggs rides everywhere, but in my head it works well 😉

    Texas Giant was an odd choice to have here, only because such a big ride is a premade layout. Even just creating a coaster inspired by the original (or a better rec) would've done you well, though it doesn't really bother me that it is a game layout. Just odd that such a prominent ride wasn't custom built. Aesthetically it fit rather well.
    It’s true. The ride had always been there since I started the scenario play, and over time when I replaced all the other original rides from the park I was so used to the coaster, its placing and layout, that I didn’t think of replacing it anymore, as it fit the area very well in my opinion. Now the whole park’s finished I do admit it’s a bit out of place to have this game layout still in the park, I’ll make sure to think of it next time.
    Once again thanks to all of you for taking the time to check out my park and giving me criticism I can definitely work with!


  • 60.00%(required: 60%)  Silver
    Percentage of vote: 60%
    Cocoa 75%
    Steve 70%
    G Force 65%
    SSSammy 65%
    CoasterCreator9 60%
    Faas 60%
    Sulakke 60%
    trav 55%
    Coasterbill 45%
    posix 45%
  • Description

    Finally found the time to finish my second all-ncso park. The scenario used for this one is Six Flags Over Texas, which can still be recognized by the nearly unchanged Texas Giant and the placing of the original entrance and parking lots. Please feel free to check out the main theme music of the Scandinavian entrance area:

    Entrance A | 1976

    Former entrance area. Sits unused since the opening of the larger new main Entrance B.

    Old Europe | 1976

    The bustling streets of this original heart of the park are based on various European building styles. Attractions vary from carousels, theaters, a classic 360° cinema and a haunted walkthrough to the many shops, restaurants and even an indoor children's playground.

    Action Area | 1982

    A colletion of swirling thrill-rides such as a classic Vekoma-looper, a racetrack and an indoor rollercoaster.

    Castlerock | 1984

    A small mythical town built at the foot of a medieval castle. Home to the Gulliver darkride and one of the two Viewliner-stations. Medieval festivals and games are organized on the playground-area.

    Canyons of Texas | 1986

    While the trains of the impressive Texas Giant are racing over the track, more action in this old frontier town can be found on the Silver Mountain mine train and the razing river of Red River Canyon.

    Egypt | 1995

    The first big expansion outside the park's original borders is an ancient Egypt-themed area, complete with pyramids and a spectacular hypercoaster, named after a legendary poisoned wind.

    Grimvalley | 2002

    A spooky castle on top of a rocky hill serves as the starting point for an impressive flight on a compact B&M Inverted through the woods and past waterfalls.

    Entrance B | 2008

    This magnificent Scandinavian new entrance area is both inspired by the famous Danish Nyhavn and the old countryside towns. The main street is a bustling place with tramrides, shops, restaurants and information offices, while on the other side of the water a few rides such as the Sophia Amalia swinging ship can be enjoyed.

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