Park / Blue Oak Amusement Park
16-September 17
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85.00%(required: 80%)
SSSammy 90% yes trav 90% yes bigshootergill 85% yes Cocoa 85% yes G Force 85% yes pierrot 85% yes posix 85% yes Steve 85% yes Coasterbill 80% yes Liampie 75% yes 85.00% 100.00% -
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A few things to note: Peeps hate this park, a lot. Lock the park rating when you load it up. Peeps tend to prefer one ride over the other even with the same excitement ratings too.
i kept clicking the "large train" button on the cheat menu and the game got laggy. 30% from me
I have no words. If this doesn't become spotlight then I don't understand.
shogo you forgot a wall
wtf dude this shit is unacceptable
so unpolished
i voted 10%
Solid park but the glitchiness I found made this quite an unbearable viewing experience at some points. Peeps were just a bad design choice.
Didn't paticularly care for the architecture but the foliage and coasters were quite enjoyable. Inconsistent too; some stuff was really solid and thought out clearly, other stuff was just visibly rushed. Very generic theming too disappointly.
High gold to me; nothing about this particularly separates this in quality from any previous ncso we've seen, for me anyway, apart from the scale.
All I can say is, you can build what you like but your cso is infinitely better than this, imo.
Lord have Mercy. This is what I have to match up too!? -throws OpenRCT2 out the window- Argh! Damn and blast you and your cunning ways!
Seriously though. It is a nice grab. I am like a chicken on a junebug looking throughout this park keenly looking for each and every little detail there is. Though some of it is glitchy, your park has leaps and bounds of detail, all which impress me even more for NCSO!
Please, please do more of this. -dramatically points at the park-
-I may or may not do a full-scale review for my first time...maybe....probably. Why not?
So which ones better? The almost-design that took me 10 hours, Aquila, or this?
Don't care so much about this game, man lol
This park is good, but it doesn't make me say "Wow" as I expected to do. As Poke said, some parts are very well done and very interesting to look at, others could use some work to really give me the "Wow" feeling I wanted to have.
There are the points I liked and disliked about it:
+ Coasters: El Diablo, Renegade, White Lightning;
+ The areas around those coasters as well as the one you called "l'quarter" on one of your screenshots and the entrance area really captivated me with very interesting architecture;
+ Support work on every coaster is very clean, I hope I could do them as well as you. Also, the use of observation towers for supports is very genious, but they might need some tweaks to remove the clipping with them;
- Clipping a bit everywhere in the park;
- Some use of objects and trackchitecture feel off and unnatural, they don't integrate the buildings very well at times.
- Some buildings looks rushed and less refined;
- Not a fan of that heavy use of cheats and trackchitecture, it looks forced at times.
I would give a 70% because I didn't find that park that impressive and felt a bit disappointed by it, but for the skill level you showed, 75% would be more appropriate.
Everything I said above is my own opinion, and I try to be as fair as possible to help you do better next time.
You can hopefully see a split between the stuff i made pre-open and the stuff i made post-open, especially in trackitecture use. I used it a lot heavier back in 2014 than i did finishing it up, and the newer stuff generally has the cleaner track usage. I really think I've hit about the limit of what you can do with NCSO, and regardless of what it gets in the end that is what my goal was. Some people i know will think that goal is stupid, mainly due to the normative idea of how most people on this site criticize things (sometimes to the point of not being able to appreciate a majority or plurality of the content on New Element) , but that's for another forum topic of its own.
wow, I think this park is amazing, and a definite spotlight in my eyes.
I'll start with the NCSO, which I'll get out of the way and say is fantastic. extremely creative object use, and so much of it. I reckon I could find awesome and novel uses of objects every time I open this park that I didn't see the last time. What is most impressive is that everything comes off feeling clean, and not "ncso-ey", which often has a bit of a vibe about it that I'm not too keen on. I think its really impressive that the structures, landscaping, bridges, etc. don't suffer at all from being NCSO- they're all perfectly realized in their own right, with appropriate levels of detail, purpose, etc. I'm not sure I'd go so far as saying they're 'better' for having been NCSO, but it does feel like the cutting edge of clean, realistic, and pretty NCSO work.
but what really impresses me is that fully independently of the NCSO skill, the park itself is great. awesome coasters, awesome archy, felt atmospheric and well composed. felt real and like it had a proper history that wasn't just plonked down in one too-clean go by an rct builder. also, the themed areas in the back were great. my favorite bits were when the landscape changed a bit, near the rapids and with the part of white lightning (which is yellow??), and near "not-el-toro". Goes to show that an interesting landscape environment multiplies the appeal and beauty of any park. Also, the bridges were great.
(My only qualm is that the ending to the rapids doesn't make sense from a water-flow perspective, with the boats turning back to the waterfall? felt out of place in such a realistic park!)
anyway, the park is great. there's literally hundreds of amazing small pieces (like those trampolines) that astound me, and it doesn't feel like the usual shogo-glitchfest I somewhat expected (although I did immediately remove peeps, which were slowing me down a bunch). I'm sure I could find more- the invert station was a cool structure, the rapids (esp the station), the log flume station, etc etc.
Considering you used custom path, I don't get why you didn't just use full tile path objects instead of doing the sloppy layering.
Also, an important tip. Build with path and peeps from the beginning, don't wait till the end. Otherwise you end up with messes like this that can take away from the viewing experience.
I'll give my full thoughts later, but to me this is a pretty solid spotlight contender.
To be honest, I was doubtful we'd ever see this park released, but I'm so glad you did. Reading through the previous comments, I'm surprised to see the lower votes on this park. Shogo you've managed to put together an amazing array of buildings, facades, coasters, coaster supports, custom rides, pathways, seating areas, fences, awnings, and foliage that look far beyond ncso, and to a certain degree, far beyond what cso could ever accomplish! This is an art form I would say is somewhat comparable to what alex has done with LL parks. If there was ever going to be a ncso spotlight park, this is it hands down! I too removed the peeps when I opened the park, and there is very minimal glitching, which is pretty good with all the trackitecture you managed to put in. I was going to list the buildings that I loved the most, but they'd basically all be on the list so there ya go.
I'm going to keep soaking this up, thank you very much for finishing this masterpiece and treating the community to another mind-blowing park!!!
EDIT: This could be a rare park where the Panel votes higher than the community as they have a greater appreciation for the complexity of what Shotguns has accomplished with this park. I guess we'll see...
I think this is one of the best releases of the past few years.
I didn't get much in the way of glitches throughout, and I thought the composition of most areas was nigh on perfect. No peeps is a little bit of a bummer, but I also know that peeps would bring out the glitchiness in full force, so not a huge loss for me.
The coasters were all fantastic, the only one that was a little lower in quality was the floorless imo.
I think people are being far too harsh, as posix said. I wonder how people would be reacting to the park if it had a different name attached to it.
I voted 90% Yes, but was very much considering a 95% vote.
I like it!