Park / Tropical Ramble
06-August 17
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- Comments 8

53.21%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Dr_Dude 70% Jaguar 65% G Force 60% Louis! 60% bigshootergill 55% CoasterCreator9 55% posix 55% RWE 55% Cocoa 50% geewhzz 50% Liampie 50% Scoop 50% ][ntamin22 50% csw 45% Iron Rattler 45% Poke 35% 53.21% -
Some people suggested me to upload this track in NE, so I did it.
This was the track I did for one of my Youtube series, which can be found there:
As you can see, I built it in the Blackpool Pleasure Beach scenario, which I downloaded flattened and emptied of everything in it. The reason why I used it is because I wanted everyone to have access to it without having to use a patch to open it. Also because I didn't have LL during this time.
It's also the first time I share a track and not a park in NE. -
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Hope we see more LL from you in the future, you have quite a nack for the game in multiple styles.
this was cool. also super weird. I liked the coaster and atmosphere and stuff but it was so weird stuck in the middle of the english seaside. the foliage was also quirky, as was the barrage of scenery buildings along the beach. the buildings were so big and fat and colorful! I quite liked the red circle structure with the wooden stuff on the roof. not sure how to think of this!
225 Game Years, a creative design and 2 comments in 2 weeks? WTF?
I liked this a lot, the layout was a little akward but I think it flowed well enough that I don't really mind it. The lift supports are weird, but aside from that this is really clean and overall very pleasing to the eye.
The supporting areas were nice also, and while everything was a little sloppier than we normally see in LL it had a certain charming, fun atmosphere that really made up for that. It's a nice break from the typical NE LL style. It actually reminds me a little bit of Thoughts. I also like the spamming of jungle flowers. It's a mess, but it's a pretty mess. lol
This one is borderline for me, it looks like I may be voting it a little higher than most people but I'm going with 65% on this. It has it's flaws, but it was incredibly enjoyable to view and I think the pros outweigh the cons.
Forgot to comment on this before, but better late than never:
This is a pretty awesome design! Very unusual, but this is what makes it stand out. The buildings are massive, but they kinda work here, and the colors help with the atmosphere a lot. The coaster layout is great, and the foliage - especially the flowers - pulled the whole thing together. My only complaint would be about the coaster supports and footers (the raised land); I think this would benefit from the game's normal supports.
Also, genius move using Blackpool as a "workbench", the surroundings actually make the design even cooler IMO.
First of all, good to see peeps in LL parks! Love that, it brings an extra level of enjoyment. Looks like you had fun putting this design together. My favorite section was around the entrance with all the flat rides, buildings, playground etc... lots of little details to find. The coaster layout was pretty decent, but to me the setting was odd with the town around it but a jungle-type atmosphere inside. And the placement of the foliage could have used some more planning, making pockets of more condensed trees & shrubs, with a few more open areas too. 55% from me.
Not sure when I've last seen multiple entrances on a map. This definitely still had the scenario vibe to it. Clever.
Nice coaster, otherwise almost emulating pre-NE style. Reminiscent of Danimation spotlights. Also incomplete object set in the workbench (gates are missing in fence list). So lots of nostalgia.
We just had a spotlight with multiple entrances!