Park / Infernal Views

Park_3883 Infernal Views


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Fisch%s's Photo

    Always good to see a park that uses lava as water! I think one of the things that makes it a bit hard on the viewer though is that because of the mix of colors between the lava and the autumn trees, the path is very hard to find. It's obviously possible to see where the path is, but the park layout is not directly readable from scrolling around the map. I think path colors that stick out a bit to make the park more readable would've helped. I liked the castle walls you places against that hill with the stairs leading up to the flatride. That was a pretty cool section and idea. Overall for your next park you should concentrate on making certain things the focal points of your areas. Just like the path can make the park easier to read, having focal attractions, plazas, or scenery is always a good thing. The viewer will instantly be drawn in and know what he definitely has to explore.


    Keep it up, and as always enjoy playing. This seems like a park that was a lot of fun to build.

  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Fisch- I agree about the paths/ path layout not really being readable enough. That was actually one of the biggest problems I encountered building this park- initially, I used only the brown paving, but it just didn't stick out enough. I then tried using entirely crazy paving, but I just felt it was too stark against the warmer colors I was trying to use. I eventually arrived on the path style you see here, mainly brown with a stripe of crazy paving. I don't think it's a perfect solution but I felt that it worked the best out of what I experimented with.

    Another thing that I think really killed the readability of the path layout was my (over)reliance on tunnels. There were no tunnels in the original path layout, but the above ground paths I replaced felt awkward and unnatural, especially the ones that traveled beneath the twin coasters- I felt it just looked too busy. Hopefully, whenever I get another project off the ground, I'll do a better job with preplanning to make sure I don't have these awkward little bits of layout.

    I'm also (pleasantly) surprised that you liked the fort section. Believe it or not, that area (well, that entire side of the park, kinda) was actually the one I was least satisfied with. I heavily considered trying to completely re-do it before finishing it- I'm glad that I didn't.

    Thanks for your feedback, and hopefully I'll be able to address those issues in my future projects. And yes, it was immensely satisfying to finally finish something substantial to a (hopefully) respectable level.

    To everyone else gracious enough to download and view my park- I'd be heavily obliged if you could leave your vote and/or thoughts about the park. I'll be pretty satisfied if this stays around a 40% rating, but I'm eager to hear from the rest of the community where this stands and what I can look to improve on next time.


  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    yeah I think its maybe not the most aesthetic park ever. I liked the decision to have lava water though. the layouts were sort of cool, especially the mine train and woodie. much of the archy and scenery felt cluttered and difficult to read and unsatisfying thematically, but I quite liked the splash boats. that was probably the thematic highlight of the park.

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    I enjoyed this quite a bit. It's cluttered and almost feels like scenario play but there's something about it that makes it a lot of fun to explore. It's not quite accolade worthy, but I still really enjoyed it.


    Thanks for sharing this!

  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Pleasant surprise to see this park get a little more attention. Appreciate the comments, and I'm pretty happy with a solid 45% for this. I have a handful of projects bubbling around right now during the free time I can spare, some of which I've posted a screenshot or two of and some of which I haven't. None of them are particularly inspiring yet, but hopefully I'll get something going again.

  • Skylander Katfish%s's Photo

    wow nice work!

  • 43.50%(required: 50%)  Spotlight Submission
    Percentage of vote: 43.5%
    geewhzz 50%
    Jaguar 50%
    RWE 50%
    bigshootergill 45%
    CoasterCreator9 45%
    Cocoa 45%
    CedarPoint6 40%
    G Force 40%
    Liampie 40%
    posix 40%
    saxman1089 40%
    Scoop 40%
  • Description

    My personal love letter to the Corrugated Steel Wall.

    Please (please) read the readme, there's important info about the park and a park description I hope you'll enjoy.

    I'm excited to see how this does. Thanks!

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