Park / Tomb Raider - The Ride


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Bubbsy41%s's Photo

    AHHHHH Your're killing me.  It's great from the one angle you built at.  Borderline gold quality work from that one angle.  However this isn't finished.  You flip the camera and stuff isn't lined up, the backsides of buildings aren't done and so on.  It especially makes me disappointed because the drop is a main focus of the ride and when you turn to see it there's nothing there.  However I want to say great job for the angle you did complete.  It really looks great.  Especially love the area next to the custom pirate ship.  You've got a lot of talent that's for sure.  Id love to see you do something from all angles just once because I know it'd be amazing.

  • SupraTheHedgehog%s's Photo

    Good that you didn't upload that as an accolade, because the other angles are totally neglected. It was a good opportunity to get a high rating on a park for once, even a Gold!  However, it might get a Bronze at max, and I know many of us will vote lower than 50% because of that.


    I'm afraid that making parks on only one angle will gives you a bad reputation on NE, because you're kinda always uploading unfinished projects and that's not what we want to see. We would find that exceptional when you will upload a park with all angles finished.


    Voting 40 %, because it's far from being enjoyable for me in the overall.

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    You know how I feel about this, and you know how a lot of people are going to respond about it. :p


    I do hope that you try to dedicate yourself to a more complete product one of these days, as what's been done in one angle is very nice (though it's apparent even from the one angle in some spots that you only build in that angle).

  • Julow%s's Photo

    It's nicman fault he only made the Lara Croft statue in one angle so I had to adapt ! Haha

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    Just from the overview, this is awesome. I almost don't want to download it to see the other angles, but from this angle it looks complete. :( I hope you finish this, perhaps another 10 hours could bring it all together.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    You have got to be the most stubborn person to ever grace this site. I just really dont understand.

    Yes its good from this angle. Nice atmosphere, archy is possibly a bit blocky/uninspired in the town but the ride is themed well. Great airplane.
  • alex%s's Photo

    Tomb raider statue looks good from 0 angles.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    That airplane is amazing. 

  • FredD%s's Photo

    This looks fantastic. You've got a great vibe going on, you definitely can build nice in theme. I like the foliage and landscaping too, but don't overuse those LOTR rocks. Throw some landblocks and 1K ruins in there too. 


    The plane was just amazing, just as some other little details who do a lot to make the atmosphere like the little wooden bridges etc. Loved the hanging peep on the bridge. 


    One thing I don't get is the wooden coaster under the water ride. It adds nothing and it glitches, it irritates me. Nothing wrong with just keeping the normal splash boat track in my opinion. Also, I don't like that Lara Croft statue, sorry Nicman. It just doesn't feel rct-ish to me.


    But for sure a great work. Would give it easily a silver or design. 







    Finish the other angles too dude! Merde :)  You've got great work from one angle, but viewing from other angles and seeing all that unfinished work just kills is... Shame, you are a good builder but only working from one angle will never get you an accolade. Or not the accolade it should deserve...

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo
    Also, shouldn't the ride go through some ruins or tombs, since that's a major part of the games and movies? The entire ride is basically in the open air. To go contrary to Fred, I loved the amount you used of the LOTR rocks, it worked great here. I thought they served a great purpose in creating the landscape and atmosphere of the design.
  • posix%s's Photo

    I don't think the angle problem is that severe. More importantly, you show amazing talent for theming and foliage. Again. And you have that certain effortlessness a lot of players don't. Hardly anything looks forced, other than that terrible Lara Croft statue. Really looking forward to your upcoming projects.

  • pierrot%s's Photo

    Reminds me of Turtle's work. you're really talented at placing foliages. it's blended with scenaries perfectly.

  • Julow%s's Photo

    Wow, thanks to everybody for the comments. If we forget about the angle problem and the Tomb Raider statue, I wasn't expecting these reactions at all. In all honesty, I wasn't thinking that people would appreciate the foliage and the rock work since it's very dense.


    @FredD: It's not a peep hanging under the bridge, it's a monkey.. lol


    @bigshootergill: It's a good question and you're right, in some movies and games there are a lot of caverns, ruins etc. But for this ride the main inspiration was from the "South Pacific" levels in TR3 (includes the plane crash, the coastal village, and other details in the map). 


    @Everyone: Thanks and thanks again, so great to see that people enjoyed it. I'm working on another project in 4 angles now. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I can't open it. Why did you use the expansions? I want to look at this from the other angles and I'm not even joking!

  • Julow%s's Photo

    @Liampie I had to use an expansion object for the plane reactors :/

  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    Some of the angle turns were pretty fun in an optical illusion perspective. It was interesting to see stuff that looked great from the main view just floating through the air haha. But in all seriousness between your talent and productivity the sky is the limit on what you can accomplish with a little more refinement.

  • Description

    Welcome to the Tomb Raider area of my park. It opened in 1998 and features rides for the whole family.

    You can join the area by feet or with the Resort Tram Tour to experiment unique point of views.

    Tomb Raider - The Ride is the main attraction of the area and it will bring you in the heart of the South Pacific jungle. This adventurous boat trip hides a few surprises and secrets along the way...

    You can also embark on the Madubu's Crusader to experiment a unique and crazy journey. For the little ones, join Lara Croft and show your adventurer capacities with our climbing wall.

    Enjoy your day and prepare for the biggest adventure in your life!


    Thanks to nicman for creating the Lara Croft statue ♥

    The structure of the pirate boat was heavily inspired by the one in Mirage Islands.

    Now, I know I'm going to have bad ratings because I only build in one angle (that's why I didn't submit this as a design or spotlight) but I'm fine with it and I assume it.

    I would still love to know your opinion about what I built in this angle and what should be improved or what is already good.

    And don't forget to use the custom music file :)! Hope I will have some feedback, thanks for downloading!

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