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"Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that I'll never have the time to finish this. I firmly believe that this is my best work to date. The goal was to create a highly detailed park; so detailed that no one would ever be able to notice all the details. For instance, trees are sunken into the ground to achieve the desired height, paths lead into stairs and then there is Granville Island, a themed area. Granville Island, as you may or may not notice is actually not an island, nor is it in real life. There is a story behind it (which I won't get into), and it's just a little detail that I believe brings authenticity and history to the park.
Thank you to everyone who helped, including, not exhaustively, Mantis, Posix, Adix and everyone else who tried to help get Opsal Steel Works working.
Hope you enjoy it!" -
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It was about time this park got added to the database. Original release date July 31st 2006.
Previous thread here:
that area with the bay/lighthouse and coaster supported with big iron girders is really fantastic. one of the best examples of the pseudo-industrial/victorian-ish vibe I've seen. just such atmosphere. I love the idea of the coaster being the real centerpiece to the park with its unique supports
This right here; I love this area.
The most mindblowing thing I found on this was the barbeque, with functioning smoke. And I'm sure there's more
It's not even complete and it's still my favourite LL park of all time.
Quoting what I wrote in the discord yesterday to incite a better discussion as it got glossed over:
"Sometimes I feel like old school LL that everyone adores is just using textures in an area and following a pattern, this occurs in some new stuff too (some of Alex's work for example) but I feel that if an Jnestablished LL player, or someone people don't jack off to (sorry Alex) builds like that people go batshit crazy and hate it, or don't think it's half as good and it wouldn't ever win spotlight.
It just dawned on me when I looked over ouest again, for the 100th time. It's just a systematic pattern, it's very good and I love it, but I feel like if someone started building In a similar way people wouldn't think it is godlike, unless it was something that liam or Alex built.
Is that a fair comment to make?"
Tldr; So basically what I'm trying to say is that this style of LL is fantastic, I love it, but if anyone built it now and submitted it, it wouldn't get spotlight, unless it had a name like Alex or Liam attached to it, which frustrates me.
^ I don't think thats true.
It's not as though when I released my parks I was already a "name".
I would also argue that if anything, Liam is underrated when it comes to LL - his name hardly ever comes up in discussion of modern greats compared to Loopy or Pierrot.
Anyway, in terms of this style and would it be succesful if someone built like this now? I've no idea, I think it's an aesthetic which is so uniquely natelox. I certainly don't think people would go 'batshit crazy and hate it' if someone un-established built it - when has that ever happened? So few people build LL that I think the community would only welcome it.
I actually agree completely with Louis here, but I don't think it's limited to just LL.
I was looking at a screen by Adix the other day which I thought got rated a little high, then I looked through the comments;
It's not rated ridiculously high, it's at a 70% score. But look at the screen...is that really gold quality work? To put it into perspective, the closest gold quality LL release to this was Roomie's Constantopia, which scored 75%.
Now, I don't want this to seem harsh towards Adix or like I'm singling anyone out, this was just something I picked up on the other day and Louis' comment has made me wanna bring it up, but to me I can see a huuuuge difference in quality between Adix' screen and Roomie's park. The comments in that screen are all people claiming that this is true 'Old school Rct' and that it's the best LL screen of that year...in a year where Loopy was releasing beautiful, absolutely gorgeous screens.
I think the names of that era carry a lot of weight and I think it's kind of a shame that we still treat these names as such, simply because it means we're creating idols that we'll never match when in reality, most work produced now is close to that level of quality, if not surpasses it.
Ok, so if you're talking generally about older (more 'primitive' lets say) works being fetishized and overrated I would agree.
With Ouest it's different.. I think the quality still stands up today and if someone today built like this it would unquestionably be received well.
on a slightly different semi-related note, sorry to buff liam's ego but his LL parks are still some of my favorite in the game ever. if any parks deserve more time in the limelight its absolutely them (well at least in my opinion).
on the topic at hand, i think that something about natelox is different. I don't really know, i get a sort of aesthetic/nostalgic feeling when I look at his parks, even his older ones, that I just don't get from other old LL, even with the same styles and building techniques. its a sort of natural yet calculated flow that's hard to describe. and I really don't feel like we're just stroking his retired dick, I genuinely felt that the first time I downloaded a nate park and didn't know any of the history (I think you can find an old comment of mine somewhere in his discovery island parks in this vain... haha)
You are an exception because you came on the scene instantly, with an instant hit that everybody loved, and then you developed further, its rare that that happens. What I mean is that if someone like trav, for instance, or myself, I don't think people would go half as crazy for it.
Also, to me, Nate's work sits between somebody like Posix and then Fatha. He is the middle ground between the pure old school classic and the BGSS crazy style of 'classic' LL. I don't think that his style is unique, I just think he hits a mid ground between that few people work in.
I love Nate btw, and have always loved Ouest.
I honestly don't think this park is particularly impressive. All I see is just masses of incomprehensible architecture throughout.
DFK and The Aegean are far, far superior imo.
I really like this. This is the style of LL I hope to one day emulate. The architecture seems fairly simple but each section is really unique and creative.