Park / Thoughts Before The Falls
04-April 17
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- Comments 14
60.00%(required: 60%)
Kumba 70% Cocoa 65% bigshootergill 60% Coasterbill 60% CoasterCreator9 60% Faas 60% G Force 60% Jaguar 60% Fisch 55% Stoksy 40% 60.00% -
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This uses expansions, which is a shame. The park had some really nice things in it, architecture and color choice especially. Some bits however were a bit sloppy and the rides weren't anything notable saddly. You definitely have some skill though, but remember to not use those expansions next time!
This gets a 60% from me, hope to see more in the future.
Can't open it. Why do people still use the expansions!? SUCH a tragedy.
Yeah, the park looks pretty cool from the overview, but can't open it.
Sorry about that I didn't know that was an issue, figured everyone had them by now. It's around 4 objects (buoy, feast table, neon dinner sign, & a witches brew shop). If you can, I could replace the save file with a new one without those 4 things. Though I admit the buoys are very appealing in the water due to them being an animated object.
I'd you want to to replace the objects and send me that version I can add it to the download so more people can vote.
Non-expansion version has been added.
Everyone please check this out and get your scores in!
This park was really weird. Nothing really made sense. It was like a city with coasters spread throughout?
Still had fun looking at it though, solid effort! Just make sure to bundle your ideas into something that makes sense next time.
60% for me.
I think I really liked this. its also super weird. like its full of some awesome details and has a great pacific northwest-y atmosphere. I especially like the wild mouse/building and the bit around the wacky worm on the tunnel. but then I also have questions like, why is the wacky worm on top of a tunnel that goes nowhere? there's a lot of nice, detailed and interesting structures and environment but also a bunch of blocky, weird shit. anyway, I do really like it all. I'll happily take one weird and unique release over 10 standard, boring old realism or 2005 era dutch parks anyday
Three more votes needed!
This seemed an absolute mess of ideas to me. Which, if executed better, probably wouldn't have been too much of a problem. The use of texture was an eyesore, with waaaay too much brick on buildings and then really flat and untextured pathing taking up too much space.
Water tower was cool, infrastructural ideas were cool, cinema facade wasn't bad, layouts weren't great, architecture needed to be a combination of textures and not one single type for the entire building.
Fair release overall. 40%
Wow, sorry. I totally missed the fact that a non expansion version was released.
I liked this. It's definitely weird, but it's fun. The macro scale is honestly refreshing since you rarely see it on NE (though the scale is a bit inconsistent).
As far as park layout, none of this makes sense. Why is there a road in the middle of the park that just ends under that red bridge? Why is there a tunnel that goes nowhere? Why is there a Log Flume thing that has water flowing through it but logs just stuck and piled up at the end? WTF am I looking at? Honestly, it doesn't seem like this park was built by one person. It seems like it was built by 5 different people who couldn't agree on scale (look at the buildings near the road compared to the Sunburst station) park layout or even a general theme.
All of that being said though... I still like this. It's fun, it's unique and it's cool. There are also some things here that are REALLY good, and much better than the rest of the park.
The roadways in general are really cool, the road by the bridge (including all the details along the road and nearby buildings) is great and better than the rest of the park by far, the water tower is cool, the subway entrance is cool, did you build this stuff last? I feel like it's a major jump up from the rest of the park.
Finally, I really like a few of the coasters. Sunburst is the star of the park. I like the macro station, the layout is nice and the foliage and pathways around it are really charming (this almost feels faas-like) and for the most part it flows well.
Great Oak and Wild Cherry are fun to watch and I also love the area around those.
The other coasters really didn't do much for me (except POP which is adorable but small) but those made up for the other layouts.
Honestly, despite it's flaws I like this a lot. 60% from me. I can't wait to see more from you, you can see how much you've improved just in the process of building this park.
I think I may be the reason you got an accolade
nice job.
Symmetrical voting is oddly satisfying to see.