Park / French Quarter
10-April 17
French Quarter
- Views 2,067
- Downloads 571
- Fans 1
- Comments 5
53.13%(required: 50%)
Kumba 70% trav 60% G Force 55% Liampie 55% ][ntamin22 55% alex 50% Coasterbill 50% Jaguar 50% posix 50% Cocoa 45% 53.13% -
This is my first LL park I release in NE. It's also my first Spotlight release ever.
This is a small 29 x 29 RCTLL park inspired from New Orleans architecture as much as Shotguns?'s New Orleans area in his NCSO project. This park includes a small plaza with a carrousel in the center, a few rides behind the buildings and a wooden coaster surrounding the entire area.
I have nothing more to say about it. I only hope you like it! :D -
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I really like this park. It's good that you made it small, so you would finish it. I might try something like this in LL, because I can't seem to finish anything.
Really, this park would be 75+ if it was a full sized park with this much detail.
I voted 60 for this which is probably one of the high votes, but this park is really good and I especially appreciate the codex hacks.
I love everything about this. It's definitely not a traditional LL style but it's lovely work. The Carousel is amazing, Woodbaker works very well and really ties everything together, my only critique is really the size.
50% from me, but the rating is really due to the size and not the quality of the content. A larger park with this style could easily achieve gold or even Spotlight.
i feel like... it doesn't really look or even particularly 'feel' like the french quarter. its vibrant and all but also a little bit sloppy and of course small. not really sure what i feel about it but I'm not sure there's a whooole lot to comment on. also, just a silly pet peeve of mine but I never liked when woodies are tan/brown with black on the track
Congrats on Bronze, dude!
Good start! I don't think it's "gold or even spotlight" level, but there is a promising start. I'm curious to see what you can do with a heavier theme.
Also, don't limit yourself to small maps! One of the things I love about LL parks is hunting for the details, and with this one I was done looking at it in about 40 seconds.