Park / Walton Park
18-February 17
- Views 1,121
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- Comments 4

This was a test for me to get a little more comfortable with different design styles, mainly in small tight parks.
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This was a pretty decent park. It had a lot of ideas and I liked the idea of building it around a highway. I liked the part around the go karts especially. The main issue with the park was many of the buildings seemed large and blocky.
It's obvious you had fun building this park. Dragon Fire has some crazy inversions going on!
You've utilized some different landscape texture, used various foliage styles, and mixed up the ride selection.
This park is a wonderful starting point for you as a solo project. With 2 parks under your belt, if you work on trying to refine your style, learn some building techniques from other NE members I think you'll do some really nice work in rct!
Interesting park for sure; something that killed it a bit for me is that I knew this was a scenario park. Other than that, some of the buildings were a bit blocky, as Rattler said. Promising start though!
I liked this, if you spend some more time on your next park (I'm impressed this was done in 4 game years) you could win an accolade for sure.
Small tip: Not every coaster needs a pre drop. B&M only did that on hypers until about 2001, and wood coasters and Arrows never had them.