Park / Marlboro Adventures

Park_3740 Marlboro Adventures


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    Is anyone else getting a saved game failed on this park?

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    Yeah. I am too.

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    Looking into it.

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Try this:


    Attached File  SFFIXDB2.DAT (2.42KB)
    downloads: 236


    It's in the database and a pretty common object too.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    wow this thing is huge, I spent most of the time zoomed out :p. there's some nice stuff here- good landscaping and vibes. coaster layouts are a bit forgettable and colors in general seem to blend too much, would love some more variety. but I think you actually handled the ww/tt pieces pretty well, you don't really see them used much so that was refreshing. the areas certainly felt grand and imposing which I assume is what you were going for. I quite liked how each city felt like its own world, although I'm not really sure how any of it really makes sense from a theme park perspective :p

  • SupraTheHedgehog%s's Photo

    I think you could just have used "ncso" and "no hacks" tags instead of creating new ones like "no custom scenery" and "no zero clearance", but that's up to you.


    This is an interesting park, to be honest. I know it was finished a while ago and you didn't have the same skills as today, but it has interesting details which bring an unique atmosphere to each section of the park. Some coaster are confusing, but that's mostly because you wanted to go very big. Also, WW and TT objects are used pretty well, in ways I didn't think about.


    I'm excited to see more from you! :D

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    Still unable to open the file; I had the object that G Force suggested.

  • G Force%s's Photo
    What error are you getting?

    Also, could you open the park in ParkDat and make sure you have all the objects?
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo
    Appears to be a missing object, but the game isn't telling me which one.
  • Sephiroth%s's Photo
    Getting the same error, haven't had time to look into it yet.
  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    I finally managed to get this to load!

    It's very impressive; but I think what's more impressive is how much you upped your game since this - it's amazing that this is only three years old.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    So there were a lot of Danimaion spotlights that were up for voting in recent weeks/months, and I just voted on them. This is one of the first RCT2 parks I opened next, and the semblance is a bit uncanny. The shape of the buildings, the single wide paths broken up by tons of planters, the massive coasters, it's not so different from an ancient early sacoasterfreak park.


    It's decent. The one thing that it does well is the landscaping, the cliffs and waterfalls are really pretty on this map.