Park / Daimyo

Park_3722 Daimyo


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Thanks once again to those that released this.

  • Iron Rattler%s's Photo

    The fortress was pretty cool but the rock wall just seemed a bit overpowering. Adding peeps would have helped make it seem more lively. I liked the landscaping a lot though.

  • Recurious%s's Photo

    This pretty cool. Overall there are some good ideas in there but I agree with Iron Rattler about the rock walls. I also felt like you could have done more with the area below the coasters drop out of the station. This was completely empty. Maybe you could have made a small village here with a couple flat rides.

  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Thanks for your comments!

    I agree entirely with the rock walls, I didn't like them much but I tried just about every other NCSO texture I could think of and couldn't find a better alternative.

    The park originally had peeps, but they didn't work very well. The park only attracted a little over 100 peeps and most of them didn't even make it into the castle after a year or two, much less all the way to the station. I decided that I liked it better without peeps, as it was more tranquil that way.

    I left the area below the front of the castle empty because a realistic castle/fort/whatever would have a clearing in front of the walls so that the defenders would have a clear view and shot at any attackers. The hedge maze before the entrance is also a practical design choice, because anybody trying to breach the main gates would have to navigate a maze in full view of the defensive positions on the walls.

  • Description

    Well, here it is, my second release here. I'm fairly proud of it, and I think experimenting with this kind of landscaping and coaster design has helped me a lot. Tempted to try and start another terrain-focused coaster design, but I'm terrible at starting things so who knows. Let me know what you think and especially where I can improve (architecture, I'm sure).


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