Park / La Pantera
14-January 17
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- Comments 13
63.75%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Kumba 80% trav 70% bigshootergill 65% G Force 65% Jaguar 65% Liampie 65% Louis! 65% Coasterbill 60% Cocoa 55% Stoksy 40% 63.75% -
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Nice! I really like this. Wish there was more!
Really cool micro, I really like the dark atmosphere!
Love the ruins and landscaping. Layout is also well done for the space you worked with.
Wonderful work here.
The layout and pacing were just about perfect, considering how tough it is to build natural layouts in such small spaces this is a great accomplishment. Not to mention the wonderful theming and ruin work, just top tier stuff.
Only part I wasn't a fan of was the dark trees, for me anything other than the default tree colors just doesn't work for me. Very minor point though.
I don't have time to write a review, but this is wonderful. Just wanted you to know.
Great little coaster and great pacing. Thumbs up from me.
nifty little park. nice layout, foliage is dense but not too overwhelming, and the ruins work is well done. nothing to complain about, other than that I wish it were bigger and full of more things to look at! I'm struggling to give it design as its smallness makes it a bit... forgettable, maybe. but definitely skilled work nonetheless
For it's size, it packs a great punch! Great coaster! I really enjoyed the atmosphere. I wasn't overly bothered with the dark brown tree trunks, but I tried switching half of them to light brown to give it more of a mix and I thought it'd looked a bit better.
Hopefully we see more work from you!
Wow, absolutely shocked this didn't win... seems you kind of got screwed by the voting system as well. Hope to see more from you though, a slightly bigger map and this definitely would have won!
Looks like you got the ol' Australian Shaft from Stoksy & Cocoa!
Great work though, looking forward to your next release!
I never thought this was bad by any means, but the notion a park this small could be even considered a design just seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Quality was acceptable design standard, but I needed to see the quantity to back it up. I guess 40% seems low, but even if I was more generous I still would have been the low vote. Sorry voidnights, as G Force said: "bigger map and this definitely would have won".