Park / KnoxVegas
15-October 16
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78.13%(required: 70%)
trav 85% Cocoa 80% Faas 80% G Force 80% Louis! 80% Stoksy 80% bigshootergill 75% Dimi 75% Liampie 75% chorkiel 70% 78.13% -
Welcome to KnoxVegas! The Smokey Mountains premier amusement destination!
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Hey! This park is amazing.
I think that many would look at this map with envy ...
I love original ideas, and these would be seen here a lot!
Regards - this park is truly an art.
ok I'll go around the park area by area.
I really like the whole bit post-ticketing. It feels really relaxed and secluded by still opens up well into the rest of the park. the buildings are generally pretty nice and the landscaping is pretty. the area just before ticketing is slightly awkward architecturally. my favorite bit is the gift shop on the path next to the water, thats really pretty.
main town area:
probably one of my favorite bits. some really nice (if done before) architecture around here, at least in all the bits that have tarmac paths (I guess thats the distinction). I also really enjoyed the layout and interaction of tennessee twister, although it feels crammed into the corner- a layout issue which I feel is a common problem in the park. I also would have loved some more trees and stuff to really make the ride feel like it was going out into the wilderness but I understand if you weren't really going for that. I also really like the layout of firechaser express although the archy/infrastructure around it isn't perfect. I also have the same complaint about feeling a bit bare- would have loved some more foliage!
mining area: also definitely a cool area. loved the water ride and coaster interaction. I'm a bit mixed on the coaster- there's a whole bunch of cool elements and interactions, especially the first half-ish of the ride. actually, I think I like the whole thing. does some really cool stuff with the landscape, although I think the landscape feels a bit too 'perfectly crafted' and loses a bit of the natural feeling. but its still nice.
shotrod area:
I think the area doesn't really work as well. the sort of semi-car/art-deco theme feels a bit loose and generally bit awkward/samey. I think the fact that there isn't really shops/details in buildings hits this area harder than the rest of the park as I'm not really sure what anything is particularly supposed to be. the kiddie area also seems a bit empty and crammed in. the layout of shotrod is really cool though, love seeing a good rmc. nice job there. also- water coming out of nowhere (tsk tsk
castle area:
I'm most confused by this area, in a park that otherwise seems to be very american-themed and dollywood/sdc inspired. the tudor buildings are fine, a bit uninspired perhaps and the couple bits of grey-castle buildings seem out of place. but the thing that throws me the most here is the very american-lodge looking restaurant (which is really pretty btw) and similar for the rapids ride and its infrastructure. medieval theme music isn't quite enough to really sell it IMO
moving along:
I really like the woodie, great layout. all the stuff on the top 'section' of this side of the park is really well done- love fire in the hole, really love the invert- fantastic layout and interaction there. super well done. the boardwalk feels like a little bit of a letdown- I'm not really sure why but it feels a bit empty/boring. could have done some really cool stuff maybe? I'm not sure but it just doesn't really sit so well with me. once again throughout this area the buildings are sort of empty inside/don't have any purpose. even just some signs or racks or literal in-game shops would have helped a lot.
I really liked a lot of the individual parts of the park. I think there were definitely some issues with awkward park layout and placement, and a few bits that felt a little bit 'dud' to me in terms of relative quality to the stuff you've done really well in other parts of the park. coasters were probably a highlight for me, and aimless/samey/uninspired architecture maybe my biggest gripe. (that said, there was a lot of great archy, just not so consistently). I think the problems I have keep it out of realm of spotlight for me, but still a very good park you should be proud of. You clearly have a lot of skill and I think improved a lot over the creation of the park- I'd love to see some tight, well planned and neat designs out of you soon. that seems to be where you most excel.
Great to see this finally released. Congrats Maverix on the great accomplishment this is.
At this point, I think I know the park like the back of my hand, but I'll try and discover all the changes made since the last test. Not sure about how I'll vote yet, kind of on the fringe for me in a couple areas.
Not sure if a video review or written review will happen for this park, depends on my schedule. But I'll for sure try to do one or the other.
Does this work in Vanilla RCT (ie not Open)?, have downloaded to take a closer look.
Amazing park. I love all of it, don't know where to start... It's just so atmospheric. I think what I found most interesting was the park layout, with the entrance in the corner and then the meandering mainstreet-y area with that clump of trees right inside the entrance. It came across as really original to me, a nice change from the more typical centered entrance square and straight mainstreet. I also really liked the area around the log flume and B&M sitdown, it had some old school sense of fun that reminded me of classic mine-themed RCT scenarios I used to love as a kid. Lastly, the invert was simply awesome. I feel this is a park I'll keep coming back to again and again.
The park is compatible with Vanilla RCT
Thanks for all the replies and votes so far everyone! I'll reply to comments more when I have a chance to sit down longer and respond.
This was really solid!
I loved the HFE / Universal inspiration which seems like a weird mix on paper but makes for a really cool park. The biggest strength here was the coaster layouts. The invert was spectacular. It flowed well, the nemesis inspiration was great and the corkscrew near the path has perfect placement. That may have been my favorite thing in the entire park.
The Arrow was great, I loved the interaction with the water ride and the Tennessee Tornado vibe was captured perfectly. The B&M sitdown and the GCI were great too.
Aside from the major coasters I also really enjoyed Firechaser and Fire in the Hole. They were both a lot of fun to watch and I loved the theming / atmosphere surrounding them. The area around the rapids ride was quite nice as well.
I think the biggest thing holding this back was the architecture which doesn't live up to the rest of the park. Some of it is very good (like the restaurant over the rapids ride) but a lot of it was a little bland and that took away from this just a little bit.
That's really my only complaint though, this park has great coaster layouts and a fun atmosphere and is worthy of at least a gold. 75% from me. Great stuff!
The coasters in this were amazing. Probably the best collection of coasters in a park in many years. I did think the theming was the weaker aspect of the park sadly, especially when it came to the architecture. It seemed underdetailed for the most part, and so just didn't hold my attention past watching the coasters.
I voted 85% because it's obviously high quality, but the lack of oomph and spark made me vote no on spotlight.
I struggled to find much different to the last test version I gave you feedback on, which is a shame, because I think if you applied those comments like you did the first time round, it would send this park soaring into the 90's and a definate spotlight.
As it is, it is a struggle to know whether or not it will get spotlight or not.
Layouts are on point though, like I've said to you before.
- ZeFearus is the best thing in the park. Some more theming would've been great but it works as a bare coaster too. Amazing!
- Fire in the Hole: not an amazing ride, but I love interiors and unique rides some people would avoid at all cost in realism parks.
- Triangle canvas awnings everywhere...
- Bloodhound is a very good coaster. Not particularly good looking, but on the other hand it's compactness is part of its charm. It's credible and fun to look at.
- I like the movement that Big Orange Twist adds to the area.
- I didn't like the medieval area. It's very messy and disjointed, and offers little noteworthy content. The rides are rather meh. Nice Trebuchet, sad thing you hid it in a dark corner somewhere, and meanwhile you gave a prominent spot to a basketball court. Not saying the trebuchet should've been there, but the composition is very off here.
- Love the car ride
- I like Shot Rod, great station too, but RMC's usually don't do much for me. It's alright. Wrong surroundings though
- I don't think Crank Shaft is a great coaster, but the theming here is as good as it gets in this park. Lovely interaction with the log flume and landscape. The drop into the second corkscrew, through the tunnel, is awesome. I really like the waterfall there too, beautifully done! The log flume deserved a better station though.
- Firechaser seems a bit slow and awkward, but it's a ton of fun to look at. Don't think pale green is the right colour for the track, but what's done is done.
- I love that every Huss Topple Tower in every RCT park ever is broken down
- Tennessee Twister is the second best coaster in the park. Outstanding layout! I also appreciated the splash boat's presence, although I doubt if the tunnel is credible. Would a park ever dig such a huge tunnel through an actual mountain for a ride like that?
- The blue building in this area has an awesome facade
Overall, I think this park is worth 75% + no. The sheer size of the park, it's a huge sprawl of densely packed rides and other content, tempts me vote higher. But even though the whole feels quite spectacular I've found that on a lower scale level the park definitely leaves a lot to be desired. I know you were hoping for a higher score (I was rooting for you), but maybe you'll find some solace in this: the no-vote is closer to being a yes than the 75% is to being 80%. It hasn't been an NE policy to consider parks under 80% for spotlight for many years now, but personally I still do it. And this park is a much closer case than my score reflects. A girl with only one tit may not win a beauty contest, but the sex may still be stellar!
Congratulations on finshing Mav, it's a great achievement whatever the score will be in the end. One of the nicest parks I've viewed this year! Hopefully there'll be another park by you in the future. Consider teaming up with someone who's not as good with coasters as you, but better with theming.
The Coasters in the park are amazing...
GREAT PARK! That RMC is the best one I've ever seen in RCT2.
congrats on the gold! I think you put together a fantastic park, and I'd love to see more from you.
Bit surprised this didn't break 80%, but I do think its a good score.
I think the score is slightly too low, would've liked to see it hit 80%. But congrats.
Surprised I ended up being the high score
Agreed, though this definitely was going to get an 80 at the minimum.
Still, congrats on the score an accolade, hopefully you aren't too disappointed and are able to produce some more work in the future.
A review is still forthcoming, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I was a bit underwhelmed, but it's still a very nice park. It didn't have the same level of detail as some other >80% parks which held it back I think. I kinda liked that, but I can definitely understand the score.
Excited for your next project.