Park / ots unfinished collection

Park_3676 ots unfinished collection Park_3676 ots unfinished collection


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Why didn't you finish that NCSO park? It looks so close.
  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    Huge fan of Sector 05, really interesting concept imo.


    Also, that NCSO park <33333 Is that open to being finished by someone else? My NCSO architecture might not be there but I reckon I could fix the foliage and get the park finished (obviously long way down the track, I can't even complete my own stuff, but I'd really like a shot at it).

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Wow, these are all great!  Wish you would have finished the NCSO park.  Still really close so maybe we will see a complete map in the future?


    All your layouts are really good, hacking is obviously your main strength, some of the stuff was awesome!


    Probably the most impressive for me was the "Flying Falcon" ride, really would love to put that in a future park of mine!

  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    Sector 05 is so sick, it's a little hard to believe that it is, for all intents and purposes, NCSO.

  • Austin55%s's Photo
    You'd be amazing on an h2h team.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Shut up austin
  • Austin55%s's Photo


  • Otsdarva%s's Photo


    I wanted to finish the park but lost motivation to continue. The last time I built on it was several months ago and I don't think I'll resume any time soon. Also, I wasn't satisfy with my ncso style and it was too frustrating to continue building on it.



    Thanks! I'm glad you like sector 05. The whole concept was actually built around the rotating crates. I thought it was a good way to pack action in a small amount of space given for a survivor entry. I also tried to use the crates to give the map more brighter colors in an otherwise dull industrial setting.


    Anyone is free to finish the ncso park if they want. No one has asked yet so I won't mind if you finish it since your architecture is a lot better than mine. If you do work on it, there's a small problem that you'll encounter. I used the 8cars method to make things invisible and since the bench did not include invisible blockers, I had to use a scenery piece and then I later deleted the floating scenery piece. This caused any new objects placed on that tile to become invisible unless you rearrange the elements with the tile inspector.


    @G Force

    Thank you! I don't think I'll finish the ncso park any time soon. I sorta just gave up.


    I'm glad you like the hacks. It's the only thing I think I'm good at in this game and it's a useless skill unless I can pair it with good park building which I lack.


    That Flying Falcon ride was actually built as practice for a Hersheypark recreation. The final version is a bit better and hopefully that park will be finished one day. When I first built it, OpenRCT has yet to implement the cheat to allow trains with more than 16 cars. Now that that feature is available, it is even easier to build. Let me know when you'd want one and I'll try to make time to build one.



    Thanks man. I must admit everything is too grey.



    I did sign up for h2h7 but never participated. I was just as unproductive then as I am now so it probably wouldn't have made a difference if I was drafted lol. Still I take it as a compliment so thank you.

  • djbrcace1234%s's Photo




    I did sign up for h2h7 but never participated. I was just as unproductive then as I am now so it probably wouldn't have made a difference if I was drafted lol. Still I take it as a compliment so thank you.


    I actually vouched for you to be chosen for the Manual Laborers instead of me. :p

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo


    Wow it is an honour to be vouched! inthemanual did contact me to ask me to become a possible replacement.


    btw, SkyFire's layout is heavily inspired by your hyper coaster in Fellville. I should've given you an mention about that.

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    I'd love to finish up the park thats just layouts, I can't promise it will get finished, but with my limited time, it would be nice to have something that I can just dip in and out of.

  • RCT2day%s's Photo

    Incredible hacks in all of these.  Where did this talent come from?

  • GammaZero%s's Photo

    You're officially the NE hacker. Better step it up Gee :p

  • alex%s's Photo

    That teacups ride is amazing :o

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    We all know that your hacking skills are ridiculous but that NCSO park demonstrates some pretty great parkmaking skills also.


    I really wish you'd finish it. That carousel is beautiful.

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    Thank you for the kind words everyone. I'll definitely finish something next time.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    alright I'm getting around to commenting on all the parks I've been too busy to check out. Love the stuff here that's finished- its all quite high quality. it seems you keep being too ambitious! pick a design (like the yellow intamin) and finish it up, its really good stuff.

  • Description

    Included are several unfinished projects (all maps can be opened in both OpenRCT2 and regular rct2):

    Thrill Spot NCSO
    Originally built for a reddit contest, this is a NCSO park and I decided to expand on it after the contest to turn it into a decent sized park. Includes some hacked rides which are all fully functional. Valdair (Ling) did the majority of the mountain ridge landscape and most of the Schwarzkopf looping coaster layout.

    park 24b
    First attempt at building a full-sized park. Nothing much besides some roller coasters and hacked rides such as: custom teacups, windseeeker, quadruple drop tower, giant jump, custom top spin, and large Ferris wheel. Once had this helicopter ride It was very unstable so it was removed. All the rides are peep-able. For ride stats, select the moving vehicles and not their tracks.

    Sector 05
    A survivor entry with an industrial setting. Named Sector 05 because I was assigned to build on the 5th plot of the map.

    half throttle
    A semi-recreation of Full Throttle at Six Flags Magic Mountain. The name is a parody because of its size compared to the real-life one. Similar to its real-life counterpart, the ride features a short backwards section when it reverses up the dive loop followed with a second launch and a downwards brake run. Despite spending a lot of effort into timing the "shoestring" guide track (hidden underground), the timing is not perfect and the main train will eventually desynchronize and stop working after one in-game year time. Must start with a fully loaded train.

    Euro-Fighter and Skyloop
    A Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter rollercoaster with a launched section and a vertical lift similar to Takabisha at Fuji-Q Highland. Also within the same map, a Maurer-Sohne Skyloop XT 150 model coaster. Like the half throttle hack, the Skyloop will eventually desync and stop working.

    A B&M hyper coaster with a functioning diagonal brake run. Unlike the half throttle and the skyloop hacks, the guide track is timed perfectly with the main track so the ride won't desynchronize. The swinging ride nearby is a made-up ride.

    A recreation of Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars at Hong Kong Disneyland complete with the backwards fall on the lift and a launch section.

    multi waterslide
    A multi waterslide complex using only one entrance and one exit. The hack can be used on any tracked ride to allow a single entry point that serves multiple tracks but a waterslide complex was the best application of the hack.

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