Park / Zanzibar Shores
12-January 03
- Views 17,582
- Downloads 592
- Fans 2
- Comments 33

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Liampie 75% Cocoa 70% Faas 65% saxman1089 65% Scoop 65% G Force 60% Jaguar 60% RWE 60% 5dave 55% posix 55% 62.50% -
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Don't worry, there will be plenty of updates to keep you guys happy.
Mysterious Realms by The Judge
Pike Creek by Roberto Roboparks
Legends of the Loch by Micool
Everquest: Reign of Terror by Prince Ashitaka
Zanzibar Shores by CoasterMM
I've downloaded both, as I'm pretty sure most others at the forums have, so why can you *punish* us for that?
There is no where near 277 people hanging out here.
Well, I think people could have guessed I prefer this to MF. Genius.
2.Mysterious Realms
I took a look at it the other day and I really like it. I'm not too keen on some of the theming (the white rails and tree selection in particular), but the invert is great.
3. Everquest: Reign of Terror
I love the log flume area and the central volcano. Not sure about some of the architecture - it strikes me as laborious, and slightly awkward, in places. Nevertheless a nice, quaint park.
4.Zanzibar Shores
Yay. Single Paths. It's good, but not awe-inspiring.
5. Pike Creek
Don't really like this at all :S Struck me as boring. Oh well.
Well Done all the runner-ups!
Fatha' Offline
Yes, but all others have 400 downloads I believe.
Plus, its not punishment, youll have lots of updates. In fact, a shitload of Album reviews are coming to the Rant, this time more than just rap.
But the spotlights haven't been downloaded that much, and I'm just going to wait a bit o them.
I don't consider it punishing you guys, it's just taking a small break. Parks can still be submitted of course, just hold off on releasing them and don't be impatient.
In the meantime, you guys will have Head2Head2 starting back up, NE Designs, Walkthroughs, The Rant being updated more often, Parkmaker Pages coming back, the release of new NE Group Parks, and much more.
Speaking of upcoming things. What is this you speak of? And how long will I have to wait to find out?
And to keep this on topic, I like Reign of Terror and Zanzibar Shores the best out of this round. Prince's deulers were cool and I really liked the two woodies in Zanzibar.
Mysterious Realms- mmm.. the coasters were slow.. a bit too slow for my liking, and the white railings were a bit too bright.. and the tree choice/theming wasnt my favorite.. kinda grinchy tho.. the rapids was awesome.. and basically the architecture.. overall, i liked it very much
Reign of Terror- what a name
Legends of the Loch- brilliance mixed in with ugly noncreative shitty stuff.. lift hill on caterpillar and Journey to the Sea were brilliant.. Skylark and the Monster were shit.. and the dragon was a nice idea but coulda been executed better (mind if i try
Zanzibar Shores- i remember an old park with a lot of coasters and awesome scenery.. and this one is downright amazing! Copperhead is one of my favorite woodies evar.. Bronco was nice too.. overall i thought the theming was amazing.. and @mantis- single wide?
my overall views about the runners up- Corks park barely deserved to be spot.. but i think each one of these parks is slightly worse.. IMO Zanzibar Shores was close but i dont know if everyone shares my opinion on this park as its in such a different style.. oh well..
bout the other discussion... WANT ME TO RAISE THE DOWNLOAD COUNT??? its stupid to focus urself on a # of how many stupid peeps click a button. oh well.. if we wait the spotlight ll be more worth our while
and THE revolution? muhahahhahahahahhahaha... finally.
dunno about the others...
I was surprised to see the pretendedly canceled Loch as a Runner Up.
nice in some places, horrible in others....
Zanzibar Shores had a good Woody but that's it.
I didn't view the RCT2 parks yet as they are RCT2...
sry there, I'm a bit fastidious, I know...
It means that those of us that prefer it don't get a look in.
On topic, I'll tell you what I think of all the parks together later, as I still have to look at the rct2 parks but I'll have to restart my pc to do that so I'll do that later today hopefully.
And, my name is Roberto, not Roboerto
LotL : I remember seeing this back when it had the woodie by the entrance, 'The Crown' and a coaster by RCTFreak 2000 (later demolished). Back then I was still a shitty n00b and thought it was spectacular. I still find some parts very nice but it doesn't have the same effect on me.
You tried some new things and some looked great but others didn't, which is what let the park down in my opinion. I really liked the log flume and the weird supports on 'Caterpilla', they were the high lights of the park for me. The inverted wild mouse with mine trains for cars was ok but the mine cars looked kinda shitty on that track. I also liked the sculpture of the lochness monster although it could have been better.
But there were a few really crappy coasters (Monster and the woodie near the entrance) and the theming was incredibly poor in some sections. Overall though it was unique and very interesting to look at but didn't have what it takes to win Spotlight I feel.
Zanzibar Shores : I wasn't expecting much when I opend the park but was instantly impressed by the supports on the woodies, so I studied them closer, I then fell in love with Copperheads layout, it is so nice and smooth. It reminded me of Roar @ Six Flags Marine World alot, I just really like it. The rest of the park was pretty good, the launched steel looper looks alot better then it did when you showed screens of it and I liked the water falls.
Overall I think this park shows a bright future for you and had some very nice coasters but it wasn't quite as good as Lotl.
Reign Of Terror - Dissapointed could some up how I felt when I looked over the park. I was expecting better but the screens obviously made the park seem better then it in fact was. The inverted vertical was probably the best coaster, despite its shortness and the fact it spends most of its time underground, the theming impressed me. The duelers came close to being my favourite but I found them to be very secluded in the corner of the park and didn't paticularly stand out and grab my attention. Eruption as Evil WME said, is lame, simple and boring. The explosions at the begining didn't impress me much either but I did like the small dragon sculpture.
Overall, from my review it may not seem to be, but it was my favourite of the bunch. As I was expecting better it didn't get a paticularly good review. I hope your next park in the chain, Mystic Realms, impresses me more.
As far as the RCT1 issue goes, I wish people who gave up on it in favour for RCT1 would still play the original. They are two entirely different games so why install the first because of the second. If you had been playing Age Of Mythology for months and then you bought another RTS game, like Stronghold Crusader, you wouldn't ditch would play both. So why not do the same with RCT and 2 ?
And's funny....the architecture in the City Dwellers section is actually my new way of building, simply because I'm lazy. Personally, I consider it shit. Architecture is so easy to do in this game, you should spend some damn time on it.
And TPM....I know...I thought I was God back then too.
reign of terror was good, i liked the ground zero section.
Zanzibar Shores wasnt bad, i liked the woodie.
my rct2 has been messing up so i havnt seen the rct2 parks yet
ill write more later maybe, after i dl the rct2 parks
Moonlight Magic most influenced this park.
So if you are going to use sarcasm, make sure it's funny.
in case peeplz were wondering, thats y i said that. and i dont agree about u copying Schussler though, it definitly looks lie aero, just my opinion.
They all rocked, sorta.
Robo, you seem to build the same over and over again. Your 1 theme style totally turns me off.
You don't want me turned off.
I am sexy.
But only for da ladies
Anyways, yeah. Prince's park definitly earned him a parkmaker spot for a reason.