Park / Bosrijk
31-May 16
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63.75%(required: 60%)
Kumba 75% Louis! 75% Cocoa 70% csw 65% Liampie 65% Chocotopian 60% geewhzz 60% inthemanual 60% Stoksy 55% Sulakke 55% 63.75% -
Bosrijk is a small park, loosely based on the dutch theme park 'Efteling'. Old school RCT-Guide park making, Bacchus style!
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First of all: welcome back to the magnificent world of RCT! And what a nice way to come back as well.
I do have to say I'm a bit disappointed it's this small. It also feels a bit rushed. Some food counters could've used a bit more decorations, or would've benefited from just being replaced with an invisible version. And also a tip: name your stalls. Sounds a bit stupid but it does help with the atmosphere. It shows you've made an effort and that you care.
The architecture is a bit sparse, but what's there is very good. And it captures the Efteling atmosphere nicely. As I've said in the comments on your screen, those pointy weird rooves are a typical Efteling thing and you've recreated perfect in the game. Somehow it reminds me of Faas. Maybe that's the small scale or the objects used but you two have the same style a bit!
Although there's lots of brown, it isn't overpowering and there are plenty of other colours used in a subtle way to overcome the brown and balance it out.
The coasters are great. Pegasus is a classic, and those duelling steel coasters are a nice reminder of one of the all time best coaster layouts ever from one of the most memorable scenarios from the original game.
This was a nice little park and although it could've used some extra little touches to make it great, it's nice as it is. Good work, and I hope your comebacj doesn't limit to this!
That playground is sooo sexy!
Love the atmosphere in this park, great job bacchus.
To me this is the perfect Bronze. Well made, but overall lacking in scope, scale and content. Coasters were nice, but other than that the park didn't really have much.
Its not the quality though, its quantity and scale. If a park of this quality was on a 100x100 map with slightly more detail outside of the rides and archy, it could be a solid 75-80.
I would be cool for you to employ some of your architecture in a Fantasyland like small park, it seems like an almost perfect match to me.
Very pleasant. I liked the general layout of the park with the scenic train circling the whole area in a way that wasn't too rigid - it had a nice rambling flow to it. The foliage worked well too, with there being enough of it to look like a forest, but with enough open/less dense areas that it didn't feel too crowded or "lost in the woods". Lovely little buildings with an excellent amount of detail and character, and you kept everything suitably modest, such as the train stations and the entrance. The duellers were cool and reminiscent of Diamond Heights, which was nice.
A charming little park, but I only wished there was more of it. I'm afraid my score is limited only by the quantity, as the quality was undoubtedly high. Nice work, Bacchus, and I hope you continue to display this talent in your future (and hopefully larger) endeavours.
This was nice. Foliage was great, and I absolutely loved the duelers. I think that a larger element or two, and perhaps a bit higher density, could have helped this a lot, but I felt like it was actually pretty nice for it's small size.
yeah this was a lovely little return to ne. some nice, (but sparse) archy, good foliage, a nice european atmosphere. I really like the duelers, they reminded me (intentionally?) of agoraphobia and claustrophobia, or whatever they're called. there wasn't a massive amount here but it was all pretty nice and crispy so good job all around, excited for a serious comeback from you!
Thanks for the reviews people!
About the size of the park, my main goal with this was to actually finish something small to get back into the game. I deliberatly chose for a small map even though the rather minimalistic approach probably works best for bigger maps. I know there's not an awful lot there and some parts may even seem a little rushed, but I'm still pretty happy with the way this turned out.
Also, I'm definately planning to keep playing this game every now and then so i too hope this won't be my last release.
Glad to here you're planning to build more! I'm looking forward to it.
75% is a bit high, don't you think guys?
I can understand 75% votes. I loved the dueling coasters enough to give those something like 85%, but the rest of the submission was a bit more bronze-silver work. Balanced out to mid-silver for me.
Congratulations on the silver!
Yes, absolutely excessive. 10% off!!!!
I loved this. You managed to catch the Efteling atmosphere very well. Overall this little park is very cute and nice to watch. You got the archy right as well as the foliage. It all fits together very well.
The Bokkenrijders are awesome, great interaction. Pegasus was small but very believable. One thing I didn't get so much was the entrance. This park really didn't need an own small entrance, it would look more believable as a part of a bigger park. Another problem I have with the entrance it doesn't stand out compared to the other buildings in the park.
Congrats with the silver. Overall the quality of the work is gold for me, but the size of the park makes a silver more appropriate. Looking forward to see more new work from you!
Absolutely not. Loved this. One of the best releases I've seen this year.
So glad you're back Bacchus. Never leave.
first off, this should've been a gold!!!
second, don't leave us ever again because your work is so good
and third, just keep building like this man
The building by the playground is awesome, really love that. I think this is bronze worthy overall, but fun park.
Very cool little park, those coasters are beautiful. As has been mentioned, much like Diamond Heights, both in the color, and in the fact that one is in and out of tunnels, while the other has more time over the water. The rest of the park is quaint, great little buildings and atmosphere. This could have qualified as a design submission too I guess, but I think the overall score is pretty good, I would have given it 60-65% due to it's size.
Of course it would be great to see a larger park from you Bacchus, but if you only have time to build smaller spots like this, it'd be great to keep seeing your work from time to time!