Park / Ville des Fleuves
08-August 05
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Corkscrewed Offline
Remember back in the day when the vast majority of parks were made in LL? Remember back when parks were peepable, using single-wide paths to create scenario-istic fantasy worlds rather than multi-wide paths to simulate realistic parks? Yeah, most people probably don't these days, but here's a park that harkens back to the First Golden Age of RCT. From a golden parkmaker of RCT, Gutterflower, comes Ville des Fleuves, a crazy park that's not the best looker but definitely a fun little viewer.
Discuss this unique park here.
The coasters were a bit too tangled and crazy to my likings, but there sure were some nice ideas (Magnum-style turnaround on a beemer, Zamperla Disk'O and the double Kingda Ka-ish loading station Vertical Insanity has).
Nice job though and congrats ; )
It seems you have thought a lot about peep accesability and the maintenance of running the park, which is rare these days- especially in RCT2. The wild, tangled conglomeration of twisted track in the park is also something you don't see much of. Being so many rollercoasters, i spent ages looking at the park, and in my opinion, if the viewer looks at the park for a long time- you have accomplished a good park. Great stuff Gutterflower- inspires me to try LL... again...
inVersed Offline
The style was very unique compared to all the other parks today, and that what made me enjoy it, it was different. I really liked Vertical Insanity. It was a very twisted cool layout.
Though there is not as much detail in this park as others, I think this is a very well deserved Runner-Up. Well done, Roomie!
Downloading right now...
Congrats Gutter.
BTW Cork, I think you should post the park page link on the front page, it would be alot easier.
But then I saw that Corkscrewed posted it.
Corkscrewed Offline
It's been forever since I posted a regular Runner Up.
Nice win Roomie. Don't know when I'll get a chance to see the park in-game (downloads & LL are rarities these days
It seems I have to look hard at most of the coasters to find what's so terrific about them, because they're mostly a mess, honestly. I like the fact that it's LL, peep-accessible, not incredibly realistic, and it somewhat looks like a park i'd want to make yet its not great for what it is. Its even a personal step down, probably, though i've never loved any of your parks since Arnos. Bleh, i wish someone'd come out and make a peep-accessible fantasy park that looks a little more groundbreaking and well thought out than this. Wait...
Corkscrewed Offline
Don't worry... it's Blitz's fault Anti's taken longer than WDE, right?
On a related note, I heard on the radio this morning that paleontologists in Lebanon have uncovered new evidence which dates the early beginnings of WDE to 12,000 BC. This is quite a change from the earlier date of 3500 BC, but most experts in the field admitted that the news didn't come as much of a shock.
Oh and um, yeah... Haven't looked at the park yet...
EDIT: Well Roomie I think it's great that you can theme really pretty now and the atmosphere in this park is on par or even better than Arnos Springs. However I'm a bit dissapointed in the coasters. The hyper (which you're a legend at) was excellent, as were the two under track coaster (the invert and the suspended), but the rest were overbraked and overlengthed. I guess I've just some to like my coasters fast, like Mala fast or faster... And if they're not up to that pace they sure has hell better be pulling off some sweet moves, and I didn't see that a lot here. However I think this park showcases the best architecture and theming that you (RR) have ever created and the landscaping was actually smooth and less dated. Some of the details, like the giant waterfall and the little pier really stick out as something that keeps the park from becoming part of a massive blob of bore. Oh and three of the 5 areas were beautiful (the enterence, the one with the suspended and the one with the hyper, sorry I'm bad with names). Basically loose the breaks, shorten the rides and maybe give the lift hill another 3-4 units and keep up everything else and you might have yourself a (Spot) winner.
Corkscrewed Offline