Park / Six Flags Great North


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • G Force%s's Photo

    Some of this is great, some not so great.  Pretty sloppy in some places, I think using the curved path pieces could have helped a lot with that.  I'll definitely do a full video review on this.

  • Steve%s's Photo
    Oh nice, another realistic park that won't get Spotlight!
  • G Force%s's Photo

    Oh nice, another realistic park that won't get Spotlight!


    Shhh, we dont need any more arguments Steve. 

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    This, to me, is perfection.


    Sad to hear it will be your last park, because I think you are the most talented parkmaker at this site.


    You bring an element of realism that is unmatched by anyone else. I look at this park, and think that this could actually be a real park and I don't any creation has even got close to that before (except maybe Thorpe).



  • Scoop%s's Photo

    I have mixed thoughts on this park. On one hand it is really well executed in the style that is being portrayed, however the park as a whole feels very bland. I can tell that you drew heavy inspiration from st. Louis, which is pretty obvious. but everything feels really repetitive and nothing really stands out. To be honest some of it doesn't really look finished either. All that being said the park has some charm to it all be it not much, but I still do like the park on some level. I might do a longer review later once it is voted on by the panel, and start getting into the habit of doing that but for now that's all I have to say. good luck with the judging. :)

  • nin%s's Photo

    Spent a while looking over the park and I really like it. Perfect as aforementioned? No, but there are moments of brilliance. 

    Some of the architecture is great: the "Grand Theater" area by the frisbee, the large building next to the SkyScreamer, the Gotham architecture. Some really solid stuff. For whatever reason I really like the Mr. Freeze station complex, cool to see it mixed in with other buildings. 


    The rides and coasters were "ok". Screamin' Eagle.. hated it. Killer station complex, but all the wonky diagonals kinda killed it for me. Doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing, it is cool how it wraps the back half of the park, but I just didnt care for it (probably more of a RCT graphic thing than your fault). But damn that station is cool.

    The kiddie coaster was neat, I think you finally hit the right scale for those things. Usually people make this super tiny coasters but the one at SFoG is pretty hefty and this fit that really well, its just a terrible layout. Has one turn and its over. Cool to see Mr Freeze, Sasquatch was done really well (tbh its probably my fav S&S tower done recently). 

    Then Invertigo and Nitro, I could've done without. I get that Invertigo is a pretty ugly ride irl but this didn't do anything for me, didn't care for the colors, and Nitro just didn't fit in well with the park at all. The first turn/drop is weird,  the colors are awful. Does B&M put netting on all of their hyper lifts? I thought it was only on those that go over path/areas with people? Could be wrong, but that ust irked me. It's one of those realistic trends people do without thinking of why they're doing it.

    I think that's my biggest issue with the park, it's a Six Flags park without really matching the feel of one. On photos it looks like a SF park, but when you're actually there you can tell it's just not. It doesn't have the spunk the real parks have. As shitty as the real SF parks are, they still have tons of color and atmosphere, and this just felt a bit drab in places. Needed more color, more pop from the rides. I really like how condensed and overlapping everything is, but I partly have to thank SFStl for that since this park draws so much inspiration from it (which is also a bit of a fault, as I'm tired of seeing these sorts of parks that are near mirror clones of existing parks).

    It's still a really good park, but it has its faults and doesn't offer anything fresh or exciting that Spotlight contenders should. Its all done really well but it's just that: a really well-made park.

  • geewhzz%s's Photo
    Nice job on this and liked the SFSTL stuff as that was my home park growing up.
  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    This was nice, I'm apparently missing something given the ratings but I enjoy this for what it is (which I consider to be a low silver).


    Atmosphere-wise the park is bland but I think that's by design since it's obviously based on Six Flags St Louis. Still, I wanted a little more detail in some of the buildings like the Mr. Freeze station, the indoor carousel building and those green buildings by Sky Screamer. Overall this park really could have used some color. There were some things I really liked though like the Sasquatch loading area and the colorful red and white buildings near Screamin" Eagle.


    As far as the coasters I had some mixed opinions. Since you're going for realism, Nitro wasn't believable at all. I don't believe any B&M hyper in existence turns on top of the lift. It also doesn't need a mid course since it can only run 2 trains. I don't get the corssbeam on the supports on the turnaround either, it's really not B&M like. It also only has room for one of it's 2 trains in transfer which is believable for an Arrow but not a B&M (though I think Wild Eagle is an exception).


    Screaming Eagle had a decent layout but the lift hill before the drop after the initial lift hill is driving me crazy. What's the purpose in that?


    Mr. Freeze was way too fast in the first half of the layout, even considering the fact that that it always has to run a little fast to ensure it completes the circuit back.


    Ninja, American Thunder and Batman were very good, though Ninja doesn't need a midcourse since it can only run 2 trains.


    On the subject of transfer tracks, just about all of them have major flaws. On Batman, American Thunder and Nitro the train is longer than the slide table so it's impossible for them to work. On Screaming Eagle you have the right idea but the train would be partially up the lift with an anti rollback before it was in a position to go backwards so it could never work. Ninja is a stretch but believable because... well Arrow.


    Also this is random but why does the flume have a big drop at the beginning and a tiny one as the finale?


    Around the park a few other things baffles me like how Bungeeball didn't even go up as high as the towers but normally would go way above them, the fact that the kids rides are randomly placed and not in a designated area (which is very un-Six Flags) and the fact that Invertigo has queue gates and then flush loads so you walk through them on the same side to exit. Also naming a ride "Kiddieride1" sort of makes the park seem rushed.


    I'm sorry to be so negative, overall I liked the park but I don't understand the rating it has. I am upset to see you're not going to build anymore because you really do have the potential to make something amazing as there are some great things here (including the Ferris Wheel which I'd be gushing about if Liseberg didn't come out first so I give you a lot of credit for that).


    60% from me. Sorry :( Like I said there were some really, really good things here and I wish you'd keep building and expand upon those things but this park for whatever reason didn't blow me away (though it was still very good).

  • Austin55%s's Photo

    That hyper is atrocious. 

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    wow this is some skillful realism. I approached this thinking it was going to be a 'no' on spotlight but I'm not 100% sure. I think there maybe wasn't quite enough there, not quite enough 'life' or brightness to really pull me in, but as I said I need to mull it over with a few more viewings. The architecture and rides etc is really really well done, although it reminds me much less of sfstl than I expected (really, apart from the coaster choices, it doesn't feel similar at all).


    the few main flaws were the hyper (obviously), the name (:p), and the park layout was a bit convoluted and hard to follow. the park also felt a bit... dark? I'm not entirely sure. bits I really liked were the entrance area, screaming eagle, b:tr, mr freeze, most of the american-ish area. I think maybe its main flaw was not using terrain at all, sfstl is situated on the side of hills which adds a lot to the atmosphere and feeling of the whole park.


    anyway, hopefully this doesn't get voted on before I make up my mind, and write a more thorough review. :)

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    The ideaological lens of "transfer tracks are wrong, must be low silver" is saddening. Of course this is far from a perfect release; full review to follow.

  • posix%s's Photo

    Nice park mostly, but totally unoriginal. Hyper-realism is seriously starting to bore me. I think the only somewhat unique aspect you had of it in this were the flat rides, which you incorporated beautifully into the park. Especially the enterprise and the scrambler. Otherwise I thought the layouts were all quite mediocre and non-standout. My favourite spot was the station and landscaping around Screaming Eagle, which had an atmosphere. Overall, not a development to your previous releases.

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    The ideaological lens of "transfer tracks are wrong, must be low silver" is saddening. Of course this is far from a perfect release; full review to follow.

    I gave a lot of reasons why I felt it was a low silver. Coaster layouts, park layout and semi bland architecture played a bigger role than transfer tracks but if you're going for hyper-realism then I'm going to hold you to that. That's why I loved Westwinds. It nailed the realistic details. Same as Thorpe and Starpointe. This park didn't do that and it went far beyond transfer tracks.
  • Chocotopian%s's Photo

    I think this park was well done in terms of technicalities, and there were some moments of beauty and creativity, but on the whole I just didn't find myself drawn to it. I think this is partly my fault, having no familiarity with SF parks and therefore nothing to relate too, but equally I feel that a RCT park should excite me and make me want to explore - neither of which I felt, I'm sorry to say. The lack of definite themes (besides an overarching generic theme) made me feel that one section of the park was much the same as the next, and I almost got lost while viewing, unsure as to if the area I was looking at was new or not.


    My favourite parts of the park were the enterprise, which was elegantly incorporated into the paved area and stylishly decorated, and the rapids which made good use of the larger curves and had a neat station (although the snowy theme seemed both underplayed and... odd?). The train was fun to watch too, weaving past and under a fair majority of the rides.


    As said, I think the buildings were technically good but just a bit void of life. Your detailing is great, but I think it really needs to be applied to a solid theme to highlight the talent you have. With the generic theme here, it's almost as though anything goes.


    Overall, I'd say that this park shows skill and dedication, worthy of at least 70%, but the atmosphere and general engagement I felt was lacking. I am sorry to hear that this is your last park. I hope you can be persuaded otherwise, even if that means just creating a design, as I believe you have the ability to turn your eye for detail towards a specific themed area and create something truly absorbing.

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    You guys are way to critical, and for all the wrong reasons.


    This is a great park, this is both technically and atmospherically great on so many levels, I really don't get what you guys are getting at here. Sure, there's a few flaws to be found (namely the insanely narrow pathways that connect major coasters), but nothing to withhold me from giving this a very nice 85% vote.


    Also I don't like calling people out, but damn Bill a 60%? that's cold.

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    You guys know I'm usually really positive so I feel bad about it but yeah... 60%. Technically it's ridiculously flawed. The park layout is a mess, the queue lines in many cases are a mess (like the drop tower and frisbee lines being way too short), the layouts are a mess, the pathways are a mess, the technical details like transfer tracks, midcourses on rides that shouldn't have them and supports that don't match the ride are a mess, the architecture is bland and the park has no atmosphere to save it which is by design and that's okay.


    If you're going for no atmosphere and technical realism because it's based on Six Flags St. Louis then okay cool but you had better NAIL the technical realism. This park doesn't do that at all and since we're big theme park fans I really noticed these things.


    Details like unnamed kids rides and nobody riding Mr. Freeze because you never let it get ratings don't help either.


    And again I feel bad, and now it looks like I'm piling on which I don't want to do but I sort of have to to defend my vote. Obviously I do think it's worthy of a silver so it's a damn good park but I don't agree with the consensus and I don't feel that's "cold" at all.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    @bill, typically, nailing the gritty technical realistic things only accounts for about 5% of my vote, if that. There's a lot more to a submission than just that. You're not being cold, just overvaluing a weaker part of the park.

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo
    Fair enough for things like unnecessary mid courses and messed up transfer tracks but I think things like coaster layouts, park layout and architecture are much more important than 5% and I wasn't a fan of any of them. I don't want anyone to think my main issue with the park was mid courses and transfer tracks. Lol

    But I really don't want to take away from the comments on this park so I'll stop harping on it, I just want to defend my position a bit.
  • Faas%s's Photo

    I thought I had a glitch in my game where all the window objects were not showing and then I looked at the overview and had a hard time finding windows aswell. 

    Some of this is pretty cool. Other stuff I feel like I've seen a hundred times before. The hyper and white woodie layout weren't good as well as the junior coaster which was way too high for it's short length. 

    I did like the area around the other woodie and the woodie itself, as well as the natural elements, like foliage and the paths that sometimes seemed to flow really naturally around it. 

    65% for me. 

  • 75.00%(required: 70%)  Gold
    Percentage of vote: 75%
    Louis! 95%
    Austin55 80%
    geewhzz 80%
    Cocoa 75%
    Liampie 75%
    nin 75%
    posix 75%
    Chocotopian 70%
    Stoksy 70%
    Poke 55%
  • Description

    Finally I achieved to finish my second and also my last park.

    I've got no idea for how long I've been building on this park. As I haven't been to the US or any Six flags parks I created the full park by looking at pictures of several rides and by the use of google maps.

    You will notice that not every ride is popular under the guests, I tried different ways to get more peeps into the attractions but didn't succeed.

    (Watch out the brakes at Mr. Freeze might fail after a while, Close and reopen the ride after it's been repaired.)

    As it says realism it doesn't mean I worked out every detail but tried to make it as "RCT2" real as possible.

    The park includes several custom rides:

    Peepable: BungeeBall, TheJoker (swinging ship), Frisbee.

    Not peepable: Giant Ferris wheel, Small kiddie ride, Turbo Bungee, SkyScreamer.

    The park counts a list of 8 rollercoasters, 2 water attractions and one dark ride.

    Six Flags Great North (North Carolina)

    Surrounded by forest the park includes some Iconic classics as the Batman coaster and Mr. Freeze.

    Wonder trough the park and shop along the small stands and watch the beautiful flower gardens.

    Get a great view by taking a spin in the Giant Ferris wheel, for those who aren't scared for dazeling hights, swing above the park in SkyScreamer.

    But most of all Enjoy Six Flags!

    Hope you like it !

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