Park / Unfinished - Jim City Amusement Park

Park_3525 Unfinished - Jim City Amusement Park


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Faas%s's Photo

    This looked really cool but I understand why you let go of this park. I especially like your architecture, you're good at that.

    It's a shame this is not finished. Or to say it in Dutch:

    Ik b6yd0k.png

  • G Force%s's Photo

    The resemblance in the front half of the park to Starpointe is almost funny.  You're architecture and coaster layouts are great, sad to see this go unfinished.  Hope we can see something from you in the future though!

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    I honestly wish I didn't open this, the fact that it won't be finished actually makes me sad. it's that good.

  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    This is really good. So unfortunate that it will go unfinished :/

  • Otsdarva%s's Photo

    Besides the animated objects not being animated, I don't see any other glitches like the black holes or land spikes you mentioned. This is so close to finish and I really would like to see this finished.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Nononononononono!!!! Don't let this go unfinished! This was one of my most anticipated parks... I think this could've easily won a very high gold, with a big chance of Spotlight.  

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    The front half of the park way more similar to Starpointe than Westwinds or chemist's screen... Well done. :p The park is less like Starpointe than Westwinds on some other aspects, you've got actual theming in some areas. Presumably built after you got your inspiration back. The jungle area looked good! You couldn't salvage anything here for a quick design?
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    yeah there's a lot of very good, finished stuff here. Its definitely derivative of starpoint and others but you've got a lot of talent, hope to see some more finished work from you someday. you definitely showed a lot of promise in h2h

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    Well liam, I'd like to point out that the similarity between westwinds and starpointe comes from the fact that they are both Cedar Fair, so of course there will be parallels.  (full review coming)

  • trav%s's Photo

    Only just seen this, real shame that it's unfinished. Parts of this were fantastic, namely the original areas - the jungle, Scandinavia and Daisytown were all fantastic. These areas went above typical realism creations as they had character that I just didn't get from parks like Westwinds or Starpointe. 

  • bigshootergill%s's Photo

    Yeah, I peeked around this park a few months back, but just opened it again.


    There's some really good stuff here. I had it run on OpenRCT for about 30 minutes, didn't have any issues with it closing the program. Mind you I didn't try building on it, but maybe that could help you finish it. Or as Liam mentioned above, could you release a design or two from this? It's too good not to have something officially released!

  • Description

    Alright... I can't pull myself together and get back into the game right now. i've been working on this park for more than two years, I've changed so many things over the years and sadly I'm kinda fed up with this park. Not the layouts or buildings in particular, but I can't stand to look at it. Consecutevly I've been working on this park for 700+ years and now the savegame is in such a corrupted state, that anytime I tab out to fix a black hole, a new landspike occurs....

    Nevertheless I had some fun, I've learned a lot and I hope you guys enjoy and appreciate this park nevertheless ( Eventhough I won't win a spotlight:-().

    Mainstreet USA - Pretty self explaining. Nice buildings, some gentle rides, lots of restaurants and stalls. Kinda turned out too starpointy...

    Scandinavia - I took this idea from the Europapark and. I tried to build a little authentic village, a thrilling river rapids, a viking ship and of course a big Dive Coaster (which is actually finished)

    Thrill City - Incorporates the most thrilling rides of the park, I neat b&m winged coaster, bumper cars, a frisbee ride and an arcade.

    Daisytown - A thriving city in the Wild West with a ton of stalls, a saloon, a log fume and a lovely spinning coaster for the little ones.

    Buffalo Jims Adventure playground - An extension to Daisy Town where kids can spend their remaining energy in a playground.

    TBA Jungle Area - This area was developed alongside the big b&m flying coaster which quickliy became the most interesting attraction in the park. The area also features a gentle boat ride and a top spin.

    TBA - Kids Ride Area - This connection area between scandinavia and the jungle area became a kids area. It kinda feels to cramped in there, but the main attraction of course is Fred Flintstones Dino Ride. Some of the kids rides are actally peepable.

    Jim City Barracuda Bay - I planned to round the whole park experience with the addition of a lovely waterpark. All rides are fully functioning.

    Misc. - I planned to create a custom Swinger in front of the entrance of the water park. The observation tower should be a lot higher but I purposely did not build it yet since it occluded to much area.

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