Park / Tourmaline
- 12-September 15
- Tourmaline
- Views 2,449
- Downloads 601
- Fans 4
- Comments 9
A little design showcasing a few of my H2H7 ideas, fleshed out a little more.
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geewhzz Offline
Louis! Offline
gorgeous. really is. love it
pierrot Offline
Except repetitive 2x2 structure, this is a remarkable LL work.
][ntamin22 Offline
I love the landscaping - neat trick with the cliff texture- and it is pretty enjoyable to watch, but the architecture and the color choices still feel just a touch too amateur. Gonna be a very close call for me on the Design vote.
Cocoa Offline
I totally agree with ][. the landscaping and layout are awesome. the colors would be great too, but it gets way too repetitive with the architecture in the same teal/red combo. the architecture is good in a few places (eg the station and go karts, which was also well-done), but was mostly a bit empty-feeling and samey, and most importantly sterile, which brought it done for me. I would have loved this with a bit more haphazard mediterannean-y island-y buildings, possibly.
anyway, good overall. 60 from me I think.
nin Fan Offline
Wow just saw this. Loving everything about it.
Poke Offline
Shame I can't see this in game. That's a pretty overview.
csw Offline
This was not submitted competitively, by the way. Just for fun.
Otsdarva Offline
The use of the suspended monorail trains is brilliant.