Park / The Black Lagoon
25-December 06
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CederPoint6 or CP6 as he is sometimes known has been raising some eyebrows at NE lately, mainly in H2H4 where he collaborated with another hotshot parkmaker Geewhzz to make Kayte Ridge that toppled the porn packed, virus infested madness that was Internet City. Now CP6 shows up with a strong little park in The Black Lagoon that shows that he really does have some skills of his own.
Please post any comments you have.
now this is a lovely little park
CP6 has been on my list of people to watch out for for years. And although small and certainly not his best work this park has some lovely features. The main 2 coasters are both well designed and i think would work well in real life. The rapids ride is also a lovely little ride.
The park however is rather small. And like blitz im still waiting for you to turn out an awesome full scale park
But i can wait...
Here's a few things about the park that might be worth noting.
It was started around October 1st of 2005 with that little flat ride in the second plaze area from the entrance. I wanted a flat surrounded by path, so that's what gave this park its start. I'm very proud of the wooden coaster as I think that layout turned out very nicely and offered a great place for the rapids to sit. I wish I could have thrown some more walking areas back there, but unfortunately it was just too cut off and I didn't want to ruin the harbor with a bridge or some huge tunnel. The Schwarzkopf was originally intended to have a loop, but after building and re-building, I finallly got a layout I liked... just without a loop. So it stayed. The Vekoma was at one time enclosed up until where it currently drops out to the cutback. I wanted an underground coaster that would theoretically be themed and stuff. But throughout testing, Tom DJ (I think it was) mentioned that that was awfully boring. By then I couldn't change the layout so I had to work out how to land black that area to make it look sort of natural. The layouts pretty awful, imo, but it fits the land with maximum trackage. The water play structure was one of those last minute things (last thing I made) to increase the amount of time people would look at the park. As it was earlier, that area was just a solid coast. But I figured it needed a bit more. I still have some reservations about how the architecture and theme were developed, but I've rambled for far too long now.
Thanks for the comments! Hope to hear some more.
Both water rides were good, with the chute-the-chutes being absolutely top notch in terms of layout. It all builds up to that drop, I love that.
Somehow with this release you've still got the cloke of the Dark Horse thing going on too, which I think is great because now you can come back and suprise us again.
Best of luck.