Park / Sunburst Shores
16-December 03
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Sunburst Shores by ride6
Klamath Lake Amusement Park by RCTNW and KaiBueno
Mountain Frost Amusements by Six Frags and sloB
The Northern Territories by Aviator
It's been a rough time here at New Element. Four of the best parkmakers in the world have departed the site. For me, the most devastating is Bokti aka Harakiri who created three of my top twenty parks of all time. Then there's the absolutely legendary sacoasterfreak who leaves us after only returning for one park, the absolutely incredible Rivers of Babylon. One of the most promising upcomers at NE, OZONE leaves us as well, out of nowhere. Meretrix, who seemed to leave and come back already...leaves once again unfortunately. Thanks to all four parkmakers for your contributions. Now that leaves the floor open for new comers to step in and make a quick impact. We have runner-ups from some very capable candidates...including ride6, RCTNW, KaiBueno, Six Frags, sloB, and Aviator, all of which have a real shot.
Great job, and good round of BONUS runner-ups.
Wow. Shiver was perfect- it doesn't get much better than that. I think it was probably a bit of a challenge for Aviator to build an entire park themed to snow, but he pulled it off. I think its safe to say he'll be a parkmaker some day.
Klamath Lake
This is what RCT2 is all about, this is it. It has an unparalleled sense of realism, great job to both of you guys.
I'd like to make it VERY clear that his park is terribly out of date. I started this one with Six Frags during the summer, when I was still in RCTI. I did my small section of the park first and lost interest with High Rollers and SDI, but Six Frags was having an "RCT-Epiphany"
I want to make it clear that this is the worst of my work, but I guess its my fault that you guys don't know what I am truly capable of. I'll just have to get off my lazy ass and put out some screens. Expect new work soon from me!
I've only looked at some of the pics of the other ones but I must say, Ride6's looks good off the bat...
I'll edit this later.
Kevin Offline
I don't have time to look at them right now, but when I do, I will post my opinions. Its nice to see the work of what will probably be the newest line of parkmakers here at NE. Congrats to all of you for making runner up.
Are you listening?
What ever happened to this park
As for the runner-up winners, I'll be checking these out shortly.
Klamath Lake
the good - the archy has large and in charge, i love RCTNWs hotels and these were some of his best. im not sure if this is good or bad but the whole park was brown, but as an avid user of brown myself i liked it. i liked the wooden coasters alot too, very nice layouts and i cant forget the water rides, very nicely done.
the bad - the steel coasters were not good at all IMO, just to strange if you and ask me and layouts were poor. thats all, i look foward to more parks from you guys steel coasters aside i loved this park.
Mt. Frost
the good - the archy was very nice, i loved both sloBs and Six Fragz buildings, sloB may have just done 2x2 in most spots but with all the color he adds it makes it look like alot more the just 2x2, kinda like something scarface could pull off. six fragz also had some kind of a nice Mountain logde look going on that was very nice. sloBs woodie was cool, good layout and flow.
the bad - again like in klamath i did not like the steel coasters much, just to inventive i think, but then i really perfer realistic so maybe thats way? also i think more detail should have gone into the finish of this park. no shops were added so i had a hard time figureing out the reason for most of the buildings, also other then the main rides you guys did not name anything? you should really take the time to do that, it does not take that long and is always nice to see the effort. still an awsome park tho, i cant wait for more work from both of you guys.
Sunburst Shores
the good - i like the parking lot for some reason, maybe it was the land veriasion? some of the landscapeing was nice, and you did get some nice realistic touchs mixed into an odd kinda ramdom park.
the bad - im not gona lie i was not to crazy about this park. just to random and i did not see much skill in it, the rides were all a bit odd, i dont know maybe this park will grow on me, but im not to wild about it right now. still good job on getting a runner up, thats something to be proud of.
Dammit ride6. I have been trying to make a double-out-and-back racing/dueling coaster almost exactly like that for so long now...
We started/finished it a few months ago, and I can tell you both SloB's and my skills have improved a lot....
Also, it's very hard to tell who build what, because first SloB maded the workbench & the entrance plaza, and next I builded a bit on the right side of the park.
When I was halfway, I sent it back to SloB, but I don't remember why (maybe because you were going on vacation, to Australia and New Zealand, skiing or something?), to finish his part.
Then SloB builded some (on the left side) and sent it back because he was going on vacation.
Next I finished my part and sent it to SloB so he could finish this, but he's a perfectionist
I still like this park though, but our skills have improved ever since...
Congrats to the other runner-ups, I'll go check 'em out now,
As for the other runner up parks, all three of the RCT2 parks bring a completely different style to the table.
Sunburst Shores is a RCT2 park with a RCT1 feel to it and at first glance, I thought it was. To be honest, I was never a real big fan of this style but this park does have some great ideas executed well. One of my fav’s was “Ocean Thunderâ€. A great pair of woodies that I would love to ride in real life.
Congrats ride6. Nice job
Mountain Frost Amusements is one of the first winter themed parks that I really enjoyed. RCT2, I don’t think, really lends itself to complex winter themes but this park shows what can be done. The only think I’m disappointed with was the pacing of the rides. Most, but no all, seemed too slow for me. I’m not sure what you guys could have done differently to help this though based on the landscaping. One coaster I did like though was “Avalanche†which was by far my fav in this park.
Great job sloB and Six Frags.
Again congrats to the other runner-ups.
this was definatly a very well executed entry, but for some reason, it didnt quite grow on me. the architexture was random, and the hotel didnt look all that hotel-ish imo...but the landscaping was nice...
klamath lake
another entry i didnt enjoy as much. it was defiantly nice, and the buildings owned, but the paths that they had were no good imo...they were almost all bridges and seemed kinda wrong...and a few coasters didnt really..."work for me." but still, another nice entry, and the stuff outside the park was just pure awesome-ness.
mount frost
my favorite entry for this round. 2 of my fave parkmakers together really made me happy, and this park aimed to please. i loved the architeture, even if its not they're best. and the colors were incredible. and if sloB and six frags are better now like they say, they should be park makers in nothing flat...
congrats guys, nice solid entries, and they were all quite good! sloB for radar blip!
p.s. poor marshy...
The Northern Territories - I felt this park was missing something. It was good, sure, but only good. Hm.
I liked the "Time Freezer" area best, nice use of the rapids track and good colour scheme. Good coaster too, I like the path interaction.
One thing I really enjoyed was the cacti, because it just didn't fit in, the light ones blended with the snow and the whole contrasting mix just made me confused. Cool.
Overall, good park but a bit dull. Some nice ideas though.
Mount Frost Amusements - This park actually feels dated. But it was still pretty nice. I love the snow theming, because it's not done very often, especially not in RCT2 and absolutely not this good. Aviator's park kinda killed some of the originality though:)
Six Frags' stuff was okay. Some of the architecture was nothing but blocky and uninteresting, but that wasn't the case of every building.
I sometimes felt that the buildings was looking a bit lonely, because some of them was surrounded only by low rocks, a few trees and bushes plus a piece of path or two.
Although I'm usually not a big fan of small architecture such as 2x2, 2x3 and so on, I really liked sloB's area. The deep colours was very nice. I liked the way the architecture flowed, something I thought was a bit missing in SF's parts of the park.
I think the contrast between SF's large and sloB's 2x2 architecture was a bit too much at some points.
As RCTNW said, most of the coasters were a bit slow.
Sunburst Shores - I honestly didn't like this park very much.
It totally lacked atmosphere, the theming and architecture looked really random at some places and the landscaping was mediocre.
The coasters was just not my style. Good thing to see some nice colours though.
Just my opinion though, good job on getting runner-up.
Klamath Lake Amusements Park - Definatively the most complete park. Cool realism, nice architecture, good landscaping and good, realistic coasters make this park my favourite.
The dull colours kinda bored me though. The trees were decent, but I can see you going for realism rather than just esthetics.
The hotel was cool. And gigantic.
I really enjoyed the double carousel and that virginia reel too.
Firstly I have to say I've never been a big fan of the snow theme so this park was never going to appeal to me but I really found it boring. Everything looked too similar apart from the area the park opens up on, which looks like a poorer version of Lumbini Point after a snowstorm.
Nothing here really stood out to me as that new or creative. The rapids used as windows were novel but I don't think it will really catch on. You're definitely a better coaster builder then OZONE, but who isn't? (Sorry, OZONE
I think you have pulled the snow theme off quite well and the landscaping was very impressive but a park featuring different themes and just one snow themed area would have made it look much more impressive. As it stands I found it hard to get a bearing of where I was in the park as it all looked so similar. I wasn't too keen on the architecture either. I have seen much better buildings from you before, I am sure. Maybe it was rushed but none of them have very consistent shapes or colour schemes. I don't like the over use of a variety of different fences either. Another thing that bugged me was the vast amount of water.
I realise I am sounding very negative but iris hasn't done you any favours in the review of the park, you have a lot to live up to if you are going to fill OZONE's boots. I think you need to find your own style to be honest, if I had stumbled across this park on my hard drive I would have wrote it off as an old OZONE park before he became anything special. This park definitely shows you have skill and I don't doubt you could one day be parkmaker material if you advance it and apply it correctly.
Have'nt looked at any other parks yet, will do tomorow, im *yawn* tired at the moment.
d4rkj4nu5- I have no idea what you mean by "no atmosphere". In my opinion that was the only thing I got right in this park.
The problem here was that during the park my style shifted many times because I wanted to try new things without having to start other projects just to try out ideas. I thought Ocean Thunder may just be the parks "signiture" coaster. I originally planned to have a (slightly) industrial-ish area in the middle of the park with a hacked flying coaster. Unfortunently that ate the dust because I forgot some nessisary rides types for such a thing. The fishook idea came in about 1/2 way through the park and hit me like a brick. It just seemed too perfect.
On the others: I'm downloading now, comment later.
Now, before this, I really hated ride6's work. It was ugly, it made no sense, and it was n00bish. But the park really surprised me! Now, it's nothing exceptional, but it is pretty good. The giant wood dueler/racers are good... especially at the end; the train I was following unexpectedly won!
The mine area was good, as was the Italian area. The hotel wasn't very hotel-ish, and I still think some of your building style is just too random for my tastes. Way too random. But that's just me.
Good job; your style would probably fit well in RCT1.
I liked Slob and Six Frags park....I loved the colors and the architecture and I like snow parks unlike most people I guess...I also thought you could have thrown some shops into some of those buildings though...
Aviators park was very nice indeed for RCT1....again a snowy park but I like them
Sunburst Shores...hmm...well....I guess maybe I dont see what everyone else sees...I see someone who trys to build in RCT2 by building like RCT1...and I never like parks like that....