Park / Secrets of Venice
- 18-June 03
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65.00%(required: none) Silver
Liampie 70% RWE 70% 5dave 65% G Force 65% Jaguar 65% Ling 65% saxman1089 65% ][ntamin22 65% Cocoa 60% Scoop 60% 65.00% -
I tried my best to stay out of this project (as well as just about every other RCTU project....... I am basicly just the club mascot ) but somehow Gymkid locked me down and managed to get me involved in this thing. I did the entire entrance (there should be no question where this is, as my architecture style should stick out quite vividly from the rest of the park), The Roman Collesium, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, and most of the themeing around Trojan. This may sound like a lot, but it is really only a fraction of the park. Themeparkmaster, Mortician, Kiddo, rctfreak2000, gymkid dude, Coaster Wizard, Generation X, and adamrct all contributed majorly to the park as well (Hope I didnt miss anyone).
- Ablaze on his parkmaker page - No fans of this park
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Marshy Offline
Physco Offline
kRuCmTbCa had a very nice park, especially alien and zombie sections, the only section I didn't like was the explosion area or something.
Secrets of Venice is a kick ass park with some great rides and theming, same goes for Disney extreme, the only problem with that park was the large parking lot.
Overall these were very nice parks and expect to see more great work from these parkmakers here at NE.
CoasterWizard Offline
We didn't keep Micool's entrance because it did not fit with what we were trying to design in the park. It would have looked terribly out of place, and the entrance by Butta' worked out alot better.
mantis Offline
Anyway, GoD is in my personal top 10 parks for sure, perhaps first 5. I obviously see something in it that I don't see in Arnos Springs, because I was vouching for GoD in this very close spotlight fight. The buildings are pretty astonishing, the coaster line-up is fascinating and the themes are very, very original. I feel quite bad to be vandalising such a masterpiece.
Secrets of Venice is definitely better than Mystilogica and is one of the better group parks released in recent times. I'm a fan of the entrance area, particularly, and Mort's steel coaster. I think kiddo's woodie layout is pretty cool too. I'm not so keen on the Trojan area, nor the Hydromancy island....the former seems too flustered and the latter looks too bare. Aside from a few small errors (unraised water etc) this park was very well done and some of the scenery tricks were very impressive.
I haven't looked at the rct2 parks yet, but I have a long weekend ahead of me so once i've finished Order of the Phoenix i'll be sure to load them up. They sound quite cool.
Tech Artist Offline
natelox Offline
mantis Offline
D:X took me by surprise. The architecture is really excellent - big buildings that are far from blocky...balconies, overhangs and all different styles of supports made them really interesting to look at. The ideas like the Skate Church and 'surf' theme, were cool. I wasn't keen on the very bright blue, but the rest of the park was well planned out with textures etc. Great park. Indeed, one of the best things i've seen in rct2.
Dimensions....I have mixed feelings. There were plenty of great ideas, but the islands gave it a...disjointed feel, and some parts were very flat and boring. However, the crop circles were cool, as was the mud theme. Good ideas, but there didn't seem to be....enough. Good Job, though.
Well Done both of these runner-ups, and the other two, on great efforts.
RCT2 really is developing, but I still find the rct ones more interesting...
sircursealot Offline
Ablaze Offline
Butterfinger Offline
I MADE THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA!!!!! That wicked being that we call Iris must have "forgot" to give me credit for that
That wasnt my section that it is in though. I came up with the idea while playing around with the stack scenery function, and just happened to notice that rather empty area near the woodie........
MightyMouse Offline