Park / Secrets of Venice

Park_336 Secrets of Venice


This park shares comments with 2 other parks(View Parks)
  • iris%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    Glyphindel Oasis Dunes by Evil WME
    Secrets of Venice by The RCTU Members
    Destination: Xtreme by BchillerR
    Dimensions by kRuCmTbCa

    Great job to all those who won Runner-Ups, especially after such a tough spotlight choice between Arnos Springs Resort and Glyphindel Oasis Dunes. Once again, we feature both RCT1 & RCT2 runner-ups. GOD & Secrets of Venice use Loopy Landscapes, and the other two use RCT2. I was especially impressed by BchillerR's "Destination: Xtreme" RCT2 park, he's looking like a nice parkmaker prospect! Once again, congrats to Evil WME, BchillerR, the other Kumba, and all the RCTU Members who participated in the park.
    Enjoy your 15 minutes!
  • sircursealot%s's Photo
    Great round, and special congratulations to Kumba and chiller. You guys got lots of potential. :yup:

    Reviews later. Props to iris for such a fast posting of these parks. :)
  • Titan%s's Photo
    ^ Agreed.

    Great parks this round too. I have a feeling that Dimensions could of won if it was only bigger...
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Well first i would like too thanx ......LOL J/K i knew this park had a good chance to win something but something this big suprised me.

    Now about the park i picked the dimensions theme (lol) so you guys could not say it was untrue to any theme i mean who has been to "The realm od Ditto" or a "Morbid Sector" (well at least wall not High lol ) so any ways please add a reveiw or some comments hope you all like the park :D

    I will add my reviews of all the winners soon

    the "Other" (very different) Kumba
  • Prince%s's Photo
    I think the spotlight was well chosen, GOD was close but like Iris said, all of the wow was given away still a great park though, and though I'm not sure what was being smoked while making Trojan, great job RCTU! Also, congrats to BchillerR and kRuCmTbCa, I just dont feel like loading RCT2 right now.

    ~Prince Ashitaka~ 8@
  • thorpedo%s's Photo
    NO!!!! I LOVE YOU GOD!!! However, Arnos was very creatively deserving. Anyhow...

    I'll post a full review tomorrow (I'll probably edit my post) but I'm frankly surprised at the quality of these runnerups. SoV was easily secondbest in this group behind GOD...a great entrance by Butta. Go fellow RCTUers! Um...BchillerR surprised me with the swiftness of completing this park. He is definetly worthy of this position...and worked very hard to get there. Awesome park, great archy, he has improved a lot. Dimensions surprised me also. Wow. Lots of different themes to look at here..and that's alot of creativity. Props to Kumba.

    Congrats to all, I'll post a full review tomorrow.
  • Evil WME%s's Photo
    well, then...

    i looked at god again, obviously, i liked it.

    then i opened up secrets of venice, and i saw somethings i liked, and somethings i hated. the two things that i really liked were "umbria" and the tower of pizza. actually enough to look up who made it (*glances at kiddo). so i guess i´d like to know who the hell made that tower of pizza. Overall it had it´s moments, but i hate the style of architecture/landscaping it was in.

    the rct2 parks will be opened up by Evil WME later..
  • Ablaze%s's Photo
    To be honest I dunno why he let me do the theming for his woodie, it was nice anyway. The runner ups look good but I cannot view them until I get home. Ill get some feedback when I look at them later.
  • jhoffa%s's Photo

    Secrets of Venice by Themeparkmaster, Mortician, kiddo, rctfreak2000, gymkid dude, Coaster Wizard, Generation X, adamrct, and Butterfinger (RCTU)

    Strength in numbers, eh? Eh? Eh?

    Well, yeah, I don't know why I let Mort theme it either, he's shit.
    Naw, he did a fine job with it.

    Haven't looked at the others, and won't look at the RCT2 stuff.
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    *delete post*

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image

    *edit* -- just forget it.
  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    SoV got runner-up, nice.
  • Scarface%s's Photo
    sov -good job guys, i think we Had the second best runner up here.

    God - amazing, lots of detail and personally it should have won arnos although i liked arnos..

    DDX - nice, but many buildings were repetative, nevertheless some creative ideas in their.

    dimensions - Not my favourite park and needed a lot of work. The darker areas let it down IMO
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Damn, and I just finished Xanfia this morning.

    AH well.

    GOD - Awesome park. I loved all of it, but I still think that Roomie had the better of the two for some reason. But please, this park is very worthy of spotlight as well. GJ WME.

    SoV - My worst adventure ride.... ever. I'm really sorry to say I built that, I really wish I had more time to have built one, but school was being a bitch at the time.

    BchillerR is cool.

    Other Kumba is annoying, but a halfway decent parkmaker :lol:
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    ok here my reviews

    G.O.D. - Very nice i liked APE the best it was just crazy one of the best hacked coasters i have ever seen but could have used a bit more scenery, Delver was a grate looking B&M i liked that themeing too on that one. Now as for witch is better G.o.d. or Arnos im gona need to go with arnos i loved that resort best ever in my book.

    SoV - this was good, trojen look well odd but still fun to watch all the hacks, Also nice touch with the canoes on the rapids ride thats a must in a venice park.

    DDX - this looked like a big version of adams toon town, the colers in this park were very strong a bit to strong for me and the buildings are to repetative. the landscaping was nice and the skate park was awsome.

    Dimensions - adam had a good piont about this park it did look like it needed work and thats coz i sent it in to early since then i added a very funny read me and also shop names you can get that copy Here. Also i do think i used to much water and utopia was not what i hoped it would be. the fire theme was the last i did and the best IMO i wish more people would use the custom supports coz im sick of the skiny ones the game gives us.

    BTW sorry about all them peeps but i just forgot to kick em out and thats not mud its Bile or a river of shit LOL
  • Hevydevy%s's Photo
    Here we go.

    In order by my favoritism....

    GOD- All around nice park. Much better than Lost Era Resort, IMO.

    Dimensions- Very creative. Good themeing especially in the alien section. I really liked the crop circles near the alien coaster, nice touch. I loved all the custom supports.

    SoV- Very nice. Great entrance. Trojan sucked, but oh well. I liked the leaning tower of Pisa. Good idea.

    DD:X- Turned out better than I expected. The coasters were nice, but then there were a few that sucked. It was a little too cluttered with all the buildings everywhere, but nothings perfect. I liked the hotel.

    There you go,
    Hevydevy B)
  • Caddie Gone Mad%s's Photo

    Anyways, I've looked at the RCT1 parks, and they were amazing.

    Why'd you guys scrap micools entrance? You should of atleast used it as some cool not-entrance-type thing...
  • BchillerR%s's Photo
    Everybody it's D:X....

    S.o.V - Awsome park, high quality, solid work, ahh... just awsome job.

    G.O.D - Holy Crap, just wow.... Iris is right best runner up [ever], anyways the coaster "APE" your crazy for trying that, and it came out awsome, simply amazing.

    D:X - Cool park, cool park maker, your awsome

    Dimensions - Didn't look at the park sorry man, but from the screens nice work...

  • AustinPowers%s's Photo
    I cant d/l the RCT1 parks...cuz my CD is messed up...but the screens looked good

    I got to see both of the other ones...

    D:X....excellent idea for park..really liked the names of everything...some coasters were good...others not...I thought the bldgs were good but too much brown and then the blue was a little much...the one thing I thought was weird was there were no shops at all...just restrooms...I guess skaters dont get hungry or thirsty... :lol:

    Dimensions - when I opened that one up...I knew that was some of Kumba's best work...I didn't think I would like the red fiery area at all from the screens but that was the best part of the park...the wooden duelers were awesome...

    Good stuff.....
  • sircursealot%s's Photo

    GOD: At first glance, I said, "there's no way this could be #10 on the list!". Then after a long period of looking, I changed my mind. This park was amazing. The landscaping style was great, and APE was the best coaster I've seen in a while. This is the spotlight, right here.
    SoV: This really impressed me. The style was very good and stuff. Good job guys!
  • Roomie%s's Photo
    Unfortunatly i can only look at the RCT 2 parks at the moment
    D:X was very good. some nice ideas and some really nice coasters.
    But the star for me was Dimensions... i really really like the alien area... and i mean alot. its possibly one of my fave areas ever lol. and i have no idea why.... maybe because its unique but the crop circles were a great idea and... i like greenness :p well done
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  • Description

    I tried my best to stay out of this project (as well as just about every other RCTU project....... I am basicly just the club mascot ) but somehow Gymkid locked me down and managed to get me involved in this thing. I did the entire entrance (there should be no question where this is, as my architecture style should stick out quite vividly from the rest of the park), The Roman Collesium, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, and most of the themeing around Trojan. This may sound like a lot, but it is really only a fraction of the park. Themeparkmaster, Mortician, Kiddo, rctfreak2000, gymkid dude, Coaster Wizard, Generation X, and adamrct all contributed majorly to the park as well (Hope I didnt miss anyone).
    - Ablaze on his parkmaker page

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