Park / Keystone Glen

Park_3356 Keystone Glen


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    Big thank you to whoever released this.

  • RCT2day%s's Photo

    Not bad, but still lots of room to improve.  Your biggest strength is your coaster design so that's an important skill to have.  Architecture, as you said, was lacking but you have the general idea down.  You need to take risks with NCSO and experiment.  Foliage was mediocre and the path layout seems poorly planned.  Keep at it and you'll do better.  You have potential it seems.


    25% from me

  • Faas%s's Photo

    I like how you point out all the issues with this park yourself, saves me some time, haha.

    All in all a pretty little park, I like the cobra roll on kelpie with the other part of track going through and the stalls underneath. If you refine stuff like this more, for example by building actual buildings around the stalls and putting in a nice seating area, you will become better. 

    Foliage wise, put some bushes under your trees, vary in height of foliage, and try to create 'islands' of foliage. 

    Also, the log flume looks lethal. I always have a rule of adding a bend or track piece upwards after the splash is done. 

    Keep on building! 

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    This was a fun little park. I echo everyone's feedback but you're off to a great start on NE. Keep building!

  • MCI%s's Photo

    Not as bad as I first thought.

    You had some good Ideas imo (the cobraroll interaction on Kelpie for example). Try different types of terrain"color" under your path and trees. It doesn´t look good, if there is grass everywhere ;) And as Faas said, make sure to give the logflume enough space to brake down to normal speed, before going up the next hill/around a bend.

    We included your park in our video, your park starts at 7:38min

  • savoytruffle98%s's Photo

    I'm really happy with the response this dinky little park has gotten. I know how demanding this site is (not a bad thing) and I think 28% is a great start. Thanks to all who took the time to download and critique my park.


    RCT2day: Criticism noted, looking at the paths now it is a pretty bad design. The foliage being mediocre is actually a great sign to me because the foliage in this park was done fairly quickly because I was losing interest. I think I can do better on that front with more time. Thanks for your comment!


    Faas: I like to think my next park has more coaster interaction, so hopefully your comment helped me improve there. Foliage has always been a hard one for me so I will definitely rely on your advice when it's tree-layin' time again. And yeah, I tried not to have hard turns on the log flume but there definitely were some. Thanks for the advice!


    Coasterbill: Thanks!


    MCI: Wow, really cool that my tiny little park got so much time on your video, thanks! Since you took a lot of time on my park, I'll try to answer some of your comments as best as I can.


    My username: Good guess on the meaning but not quite right :)


    Entrance and exit huts: I actually was planning on hacking them out but my virus protection software won't let 8cars open. Maybe I'll disable the software to hack on my next project, but I just didn't want to risk it on such a small project like this, so this park is vanilla, hackless RCT2, just as Chris Sawyer intended.


    Launch on Kelpie: Honestly, it's not there to add speed as much as it is to create more of a "rolling" effect on the lifthill. I tried to create it in such a way that the train seemingly coasted up the hill by itself and then speeded up a little at the top, although the launch itself was probably too long.


    Roll after the station on Kelpie: It's actually based on Hydra at Dorney Park, which actually has an ultraslow heartline roll right out of the station:


    Kelpie's name:


    "Pirates Say 'Argh!'": Hmm, maybe this is why you thought I was young... Haha, I actually found and opened one of my ancient save games from waay back in the day and that was the name of the pirate ship. It's included in the park mostly as a chuckle at myself. It's not the WORST name, at least it's on topic, and I can assure you that pirates do indeed say "argh".


    Train name of Cannonball: Based on the Cedar Creek Cannonball train also at Dorney Park.


    Haha, I realize now that almost all of my ride names are probably very confusing for the outside viewer. As for everything else, I really appreciate you guys taking the time in the video for my park and I hope my next park will address some of the issues you raised. Thanks!

  • Description

    Hiya, first thing posted here on NE.

    Right, context. So anyway, I have been working on a 120x120 park steadily for months with the goal of releasing it for my first competitive park here. I finished about half of it but realized that it was waaay too spaced out and I just wasn't using space interestingly or efficiently. So, I made a quick 60x60 NCSO map and began dabbling to make a much more compact park. Inspiration struck, 3/4 of the park was built quickly, and then the next 12 (in-game!) years were spent figuring out what to do about that pesky space below Loggerhead. I had a woodie I was planning on sticking there, but it just didn't fit well so that design will be moved to the 120x120. The Cannonball was built (I'm not entirely happy with it, but I think it fits well enough) and foliage added quickly, because at that point I was just chomping at the bit to get back to the original project. I did feel this would make as good as an introduction to NE as anything, though, so here it is. I think there's some good stuff here and I hope you'll agree.

    P.S. I promise, 120x120 park will have a lot more architecture, better foliage and won't be built so close to the edge of the map...

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