Park / Roman Epic
17-December 04
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AP - A park of Epic size for sure, lol. I liked it, mainly the boats and the track made colusium, that was really outstanding. I was a bit disapointed by your parimads, I think I could have fixed that white glitch for you, also I think you need to work on the coasters layouts a bit, some were great in parts but then just did something weird. I hope this is not the last park from you AP.
ride6 - Pretty good stuff, but Corky was right not all the areas were that strong. I liked the lost kingdom snake one the best, great themeing, but alot of stuff was kind strange, like your hacked flat-ride made of full tile badly colored base blocks, alsi the WW2 area was creative but almost as out of place as my PT army area
Anyway I'll post my opinion on Jkay's Universal Hawaii and Austin Power's Roman Epic on Monday. I'm sick of waiting forever while my dial up connection slowly drags in the 5 megs of file and I'll have cable internet installed (which it is now) and working (which it is not now) monday.
On the International Odyssey let me say that now with the park done with I only like two areas of it; the enterence and Pagoda Point (which is Japanese, not chinese!). The Northern Gate ('western area'), Neptunes Isle ('greek area') and the one castle were okayish. Personally I can't stand to even look at most of Lost Kingdom South or the Boardwalk California. Basically I really enjoyed building Pagoda Point and the enterence area. I was really inspired and I was listening to either Pink Floyd or Led Zepplin for the constuction of the areas, feeling great. But more than anything I was having the time of my life building them where the other area's seemed like 'work' in comparison. Sorry I couldn't deliver a park good enough for the following I seem to have gained from it.
AP - When I saw this park during development, and built the duelers, the thing that most impressed me was the scale of the project, and your attention to historical accuracy. People really should read the whole readme carefully, becuase then the park becomes twice as impressive. Some of the areas may get a little repetitive, but it's all well thought out, and historically accurate, I suppose.
ride6 - I had mixed feelings about this park. Some areas I really liked, such as "The Northern Gate" and the entrance, while others lacked a little something. I also liked the area with the sunken ship. Other areas, such as the WW2 area, and the boardwalk area seemed a bit redundant. I get the feeling that you're still refining your style, and I'm looking forward to your next park.
Well done all of you, a good round of runner ups.
International Odyssey - Pretty nice park ride6. I thought the atmosphere of the Japanese area was wonderful and done very well. I liked some of the other areas, but some I did not. The sinking ship was very cool. Good job.
Roman Epic - I really liked this one. First off, the Roman Colosseum was very well done. Great job on that. Although the archy was repetitive in places, I think it was still very impressive. I thought the coasters were nice too. Good job.
Congrats on the runner ups guys. Well deserved.
Corkscrewed Offline
I'll look at Austin Powers' and Ride6's stuff soon.
kind of a late I've been very busy here at the University of Cincinnati
Roman Epic, 12 years later:
The size of this map is still very impressive, but sadly much of the park hasn't aged particularly well. The architecture has bright spots where the monumental scale of the Pharos lighthouse or the Colosseum make even full-tile scenery work well, but the smaller buildings are forgettable. Coasters are hit or miss; the Suspended is still pretty good, and the Arrow duelers with double-interlocked corkscrews and back-to-back cobra rolls are actually fantastic. Otherwise the layouts largely suffer from good first halves that then struggle to find a decent way to finish, like the B&M at the entrance or the wooden in the Oasis area.
The real highlight of Roman Epic is unquestionably the scenery and statue bits of recognizable myth elements. It's a blast scrolling around and realizing - hey, that's the Trojan Horse, the Brazen Bull, the Temple of Hatsepshut, etc. Worth a look for the fun of identifying all those, if nothing else.