Park / Magnum XL-200
28-June 15
Magnum XL-200
- Views 12,744
- Downloads 964
- Fans 7
- Comments 36
63.13%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
Kumba 85% chorkiel 70% 5dave 65% FredD 65% Ling 65% Poke 65% Faas 60% RCT2day 60% inthemanual 55% Liampie 55% 63.13% -
"For coaster enthusiasts around the world, the Magnum XL-200 is the ultimate ride. Situated right on the Lake Erie shore, Magnum was the first coaster ever to top 200 feet – you can see Canada on a clear day. Accelerating down its incredible first hill, Magnum reaches a top speed of 72 MPH, while rocketing you over multiple hills, 3 tunnels, and a signature “pretzel” turnaround." -Cedar Point
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Please, if you can, use the custom music supplied in the DL, it adds to the atmosphere and attempts to recreate the 80s music that is played in the station and queue IRL.
Thanks to all that download and I hope you enjoy Magnum XL-200.
Love it love it love it. You did a great job recreating this. Layout is about as accurate as you can get within the limits of the game and the surroundings are fantastic as well. Felt very much like Cedar Point and I hope to see you keep building off of this and can't wait to see what you do going forward.
Really enjoyed the first look through this. I'll be able to give a more in-depth review tomorrow. The support work looks really nice
looks shit, start over
Solid. Keep building and listen to feedback and you'll have a nice way ahead of you.
Solid recreation, good job!
One thing I don't understand though, out of all the cool roller coaster in the world you could have recreated, why recreate one that is situated in such a flat, gray, concrete environment? Don't get me wrong, you did a very good job in recreating it, but why not recreate a roller coaster in a cool colourful environment so that there is more to see?
I appreciate the efforts you made to make it look lively though, like making every part peepable, the cars on the parking lot, the huge queue, and the music.
Though I don't think this is design quality, you've improved a lot since your first screens so I guess your next creation will be far superior to this.
The greatest analogy ever to grace NE
I applaud you making such a strict recreation, and finishing it in the midst of H2H.
You really seemed to improve a lot during this, but I still think you could learn a lot from criticisms of others.
Two things really stood out negatively to me in this: the scale, and the linearity. Everything seemed to be straight lines and 90 degree angles and that made everything chunky and really ruined a lot of the flow. It especially stood out with things like the path shading, which were a good attempt at breaking up the path types, but could have used a lot more refinement. The scale also stood out negatively, with fences feeling way too tall, and a lot of structures feeling way too short.
Raptor showed that sterility in a generic park like this can be conquered, and you're well on your way there. There were a lot of good attempts at bringing life to things, but ultimately a few areas still felt very flat.
A good attempt, a great improvement, but ultimately, I don't think it's design worthy.
Thanks guys, glad you all enjoyed it.
I guess the fact that I recreated Magnum is somewhat controversial, to be honest, I just though it was cool and hadn't been done. Guess I know why its never been done now that people are telling me its a boring ride/surrounding. Most of the colors are either exact to real life or actually enhanced to increase the livelihood, but I guess I should of done more in that department.
Yea, I see what you mean about the queue now that I look back on it. Kind of just something I was experimenting with in the moment and never really refined. As for the fences, they are all pretty exact to the fencing IRL, which is why there are so many. I feel that real parks dont rely on similar fencing for cohesion like RCT does, which is why the areas look kind of fragmented. Thanks for you comments throughout the project though, definitely will try and use your suggestions in the future.
This is probably my biggest issue looking back on this, scale was something I never really considered early in the process (after not playing RCT ever at a respectable level or RCT at all for like 4 years). I think I slowly improved latter in the project, the Soak City section is definitely more consistent than the area around the station and Witches Wheel. I will definitely focus more on cohesion and scale in the future, hopefully this will be reflected in my future work.
Darn dude, you should have voted earlier...
Again, would like to thank mods for getting this released during H2H. Kind of bummed that the community score is much higher than the Accolade Score, but I think this project definitely displayed my improvement over the past 4 months more than anything, which in the long run will be much more beneficial.
Thanks as well for getting this through voting so quickly, although I kind of wish that more than 10 Accolade votes were required for accolade, maybe 12-13 votes would be better, just gives more people a chance to see the works and give their input. Kind of seems unfair to some AP members to not get the chance to vote on a project because 10 members vote on it so quickly, I think a lot of people would rather have slower accolade processing if it gave more AP members a chance to score the work. Just a suggestion, but something that has been on my mind for a while now, esp with the accolade overload during H2H.
Hope you all enjoy, definitely excited to show my next project sometime soon.
I thought that it was 15 votes for RCT2 work...
Regardless, I liked it. Would have voted 70% I think a lot of the critique outlined above is valid but I still think that this was more than worthy of a design. Really solid release!
Will definitely try to have another look at this at a later date, hopefully by next week I'll have been able to get review ups for everything that I've missed over the last month or so.
It got cut to 10 because a lot of parks weren't getting enough votes, weeks, sometimes even months after release. LL parks, and anything that wasn't hyped up at all, or by an unknown member would take ages before. A lot of LL parks still get through really slowly.
*cough* redditLLand *cough* It's been 2 years! I don't even care about the accolade at this point, I just want to see the scores.
Pretty much all of the H2H LL parks are still waiting for accolades too. Wild West is the only one to have even reached accolade voting yet, and it's still a few votes short.
I think it would have made it if you'd waited longer and refined it a bit more. It was good, it just felt rushed, which brought it down more than any (real or not) H2H deprication would have. There's a final level, a last iteration that this needed really.
^I completely understand the reasoning regarding LL parks, but I just thought that RCT2 parks retained the higher number of vote requirements before it went to accolade voting.
Rushed?!? I assure you there was nothing of the sort here, I literally redid/edited almost everything except for maybe the station and one other building. Heck I spent over 150 (probably a lot more) hours in game on this, I would hardly call it rushed. H2H had nothing to do with me finishing this when I did. I kind of just wanted to be done with it, after spending so much time on it, seemed like my time would be better spend on something else rather than re building the same thing over and over again. Sorry it came off that way to you, because I assure you that its not the case.
As far as voting goes, I feel like LL and RCT2 need to be separate, its obvious that not enough people have LL to support it like the past. Or at least, those who have it dont vote on parks, which would probably be more likely.
Possibly decreasing the votes required for LL parks to maybe 8, and increasing those for RCT2 parks to 12. There is no reason why LL parks shouldn't be voted on by at least 10 people though, it seems odd that all these people praise LL yet no one seems to care about those parks when it comes to accolades.
Otsdarva Offline
Here's a better map.
This is actually a full-sized map overview but the original file size is over 10MB so this is a compressed version. Can I send the full map to an admin?
my wife and I were riding this coaster back in 2012 when we were just engaged. after the first turn she screamed "something in my neck snapped". as you can imagine, I could not enjoy the rest of the ride.
luckily, nothing serious happened. just a tendon or cartilage snapped really loudly and we could move on to millenium force, which was her favourite after 3 rides...