Park / Puysegur Point Themepark
14-May 07
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I think that the fact that you keep releasing stuff is pretty cool and hope you keep doing that (Like I told you in the PM).
So anyway…
The architecture: apart from the Egyptian area (considering that theme doesn’t require a very complex and detailed archy), I think that the buildings could have been a little bit more detailed, I mean, they looked kinda rushed, and there was like a feel of “uncompletion” (sorry, I don’t know how to say it lol, you must get what I mean). The colors were ok, the futuristic area was too white though, maybe some gray or blue would’ve helped a little bit. Also, and this is a general suggestion: I’m not saying that the archy looked bad, but if I were you, I’d try to use ¼ - 1/8 building blocks more often, specially the first ones, because they lacked in this park, and I think that they really help so heh. Also, art-deco stuff is very useful, you should use more of it…that’s personal taste though.
The coasters: yeah, they were good. My favourite was “Cannonball”…I liked its layout, it flowed well and you did a good job at supporting. Comet was also ok, although it looked a little bit compact, and I guess that B&Ms aren’t compact coaster, but whatever, it flowed well too. The Mummy’s Fury…hmm, sorry but I don’t have anything special to say about it…I can just say that the drops looked very exciting heh. Finally it’s Lucky Luke, which was my least favourite one, since the layout didn’t really catch me and its pacing wasn’t as good as the rest of the coasters…the speed was too high.
The foliage: trees, bushes, flowers…you included everything, so I guess there’s not much to point out. Maybe, in some parts, it looked kinda boring and it wasn’t very appealing. Overall, you made a good job though.
Anyhow, although this park wasn’t as good as some of your previows releases, I think that it was RU-worthy, not scratching, but not close to SRU either…it’s in the middle
The atmosphere was pleasant and you made a good job at taking up enough terrain and not letting empty spaces; you created a good layout for the park, and I guess that this helped you warming up for the BIG ONE…where I’m going to be for making things harder to each one of the contestants who will aspire for the title hahaha………I hope so lol…(sorry, sleepiness really makes somebody say stupid things huh?)
Hope to see more work from you and good luck with your next projects
So I may have people agree with me and I may get flamed badly, but I dont think I would mind seeing Jazz Vs. Six Frags!
Let's settle this once and for all, bitch.
Oh don't want to? Well there's the problem...
If you re-read his last line in his first reply ('Although I'm rather certain you will most likely rip this review apart (considering you have never been that open to any constructive criticisms, or any comments for that matter that I have adressed towards your parks) I realize that it is fairly reasonable to give any fully-completed park, especially one that has earned RU status, to earn a thorough review.'), and take into account he didn't wrote a review of this length and this much negativity in it to recent RU's, my only conclusion is he wanted to put me down as a parkmaker and this park.. I'm not the only one btw that thinks jazz is very immature and selfish.. Anyway, let's not talk about jazz in this topic please..
-RCFanB&M: Thanks for your review Juan.. I agree the architecture looks rushed (in fact, in was rushed, lol).. I'll try to use the 1/4 and 1/8 more, I also think it helps to add detail to the architecture..
Glad you like Canonball and comet.. Lucky Luke was very rushed.. I wanted to make it longer, but it would require more time and space, which I didn't have.. Because of that I couldn't handle the speed correctly..
This park is also the first park where I payed extra attention to empty spaces, as that was a personal gripe about my work; When I'm going back to my previous parks, there are always these blank spots/empty spaces next to some pathing.. With this park I tried to reduce that as much as I could, by just filling everything up next to the paths.. I think it worked quite well, and created a 'busier park'..
Thanks again for your reply, and I hope you'll enjoy epws too
If your serious, I am game... whats good?
Name the coaster and theme...
Alright, I'm not going to take anymore of your crap SF. I honestly don't care if I'm hijacking your topic anymore, because you're just as responsible for keeping this arguement alive as I am...
First. Here's a little fact for you SF, I took a large portion of MY time to write a through review of your park. Now, you can't even appreciate that. I took a long time looking through this park, and I fully respected it for what it is. I even gave you some compliments in my review; but you can't even accept those.
In case you haven't noticed SF, I'm not the only one that has found faults in this park. The majority of the people in this topic DID NOT LIKE YOUR PARK. I was never trying to start an arguement here Frags, you were the one who initiated it. You were the one who had to bring up trash on me for no apparent reason, just to get others to agree with your point (and frankly that isn't very "SPORTSMANLIKE", a characteristic which you seem to think you have).
It's called an OPINION. You cannot change it just because you don't necessarily agree with it. As I previously stated, you seem to be reacting fine (or just ignoring them because you seem to only target me, which is most likely the incentive) to others who disliked this park.
And while we're on topic, you want to say how badly I was in H2H4?
Well, lets state some facts. How many parks did you participate in? 1.
How many parks did I participate in? 2.
I already got you in that category buddy.
Next off, you say I'm so "selfish and immature" but obviously this isn't the case when the facts are right there. I obviously put more work and effort into anything you did Frags... not to mention you barely did anything in Mt. Saint Michel... sure, you did the coaster and some scarce theming and archy, but I realize that Emergo deserves the majority of the credit.
On Campi Vinobacci, I'd say it's fair to state that I did a good 75% or so (maybe 80%) of that park. I worked my ass off on that thing buddy, and if you want to say that I didn't, bring it on. I stayed up through several nights working on that, and I don't think that is selfish at all. I'm not saying that you didn't work hard (although I think it's quite evident that I did more work than you this H2H season) but the statistics are leaning in my favor.
For Volkahros Castle, I had a much more responsible partner, Breakaway, in which I said we both did about 50/50 on that park (maybe a slight edge for Breakaway). That also took me a lot of work. Now, I know I wasn't the only one in that competition that put forth this amount of effort, but my point is that you saying how badly I performed is complete trash, especially considering that the evidence is RIGHT THERE that I did more work than you.
And if you want to complain about my attitude, then so be it. But frankly I was pissed at fools like you that made my experience all the worse while trying to complete a park that was almost entirely built by me. I never gave you any crap during your construction of Mt. St. Michel, infact, I encouraged your work on the park. It was a truly great park and contained some of the best architecture I've seen.
Lastly, why did you have to publicly state my status at Did you ever see me bringing up anything at that level directed to you? I'll answer it for you, NO. Not only that, but you had to make a public link to my actual profile? You seriously have no class dude. Not to mention it didn't have any relevance to this arguement in the first place ...
You guys want to flame each other non-stop? Well, I see no reason to deny the people of NE a front row seat.
Whoever ends up with the longest post wins, I want a clean bout without excessive cursing or emoticons and no hitting below the keyboard *rings bell*
You ruined it. There's no point now.
Yeah, right.. This will be the last thing I have to say about it, cause it's not really worth it and I've got better things do to.. (just use PM otherwise)
Thanks man!
I don't care about a majority, if only one persons likes it, that's enough for me.. You got me pissed because of your last paragraph + reputation..
Your last paragraph + reputation got me pissed (last time I say it).. I'm not pissed at the other ones who didn't like, because they didn't insult me personally..
I really don't want to go down this low, but I just can't resist.. I participated in 2 H2H4 parks, my Finals 1 park with mama bear is already finished for a while, only some naming to do.. In fact, thanks for reminding me, cause this park is sitting on my (or mama bear's?) computer for some months now..
Anyway, MSM was one of the best parks last season.. CV was unfinished, and VC lost (both had good spots though).. In H2H3 I also built one park with Kumba, called Parkmakerz, one of the most fun parks that season and won with the highest margin during regular season.. In fact MSM also won with the highest margin this season.. So I got 2 wins, you one.. I got you 'buddy'..
Not to speak of my accolades: 1 NE SRU, 2x NE RU, VP winner 5x, RR winner 2x..
Haha, you're funny.. I did a lot more than you think on MSM (emergo can tell you about it)... I put a lot of time and effort in it, and I would say in the end we both got MSM on the level it was..
Nah, like I said I worked on the finals 1 park a lot too, and that's finished since like the season ended for us, it was ready to be released as our finals 1 park..
No, I didn't say you performed bad.. I was saying a couple of Bandits didn't like your attitude.. You know where to find proof..
So you're calling your former team members fools? I gave you constructive criticism (meaning, points I think lacked in the park and what you could do to improve it) I even build you some vines to help you out on them, remember..
To 'support my opinion' of your unsportmanship (you know why you've been warned several times up to 80%)..
I must say the way you're replying is pretty good: The paragraphing makes replying for me easier, lol
Like I said, I'm not going to put more time into this, because I've got better things to do and said what I had to say.. If you find it necessary to further demolish this topic, I would appreciate it if you could consider to use PM instead..
Edited by Jazz, 19 May 2007 - 07:00 AM.