Park / Puysegur Point Themepark
14-May 07
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Puysegur Point Themepark by Six Frags
Seeing as there has yet to be a post in the news forum topic and that should be getting busy anyways please kindly post your feedback here.
This is amazing! and how can you do it.....spitting out so many parks of great quality and winning so many things one after another in such a short time?? (Dutch mode: ben je "voorjaarsschoonmaak" aan't houden?)
No, have not downloaded/viewed it yet (you'll know why, still trying to catch up after many months with RCT as well as RL), so for sure my comments on the contents will come later.
But it looks soooo inviting again......
when I've got some time I will try to look at it ingame
btw shouldn't this be pinned ?
Anyway, this park was kind of a 'test' park and side project next to my main solo, as I wanted to try out some new things, such as the detailed dark rides (3 in this park) and to make it all peep-friendly while still having large squares.. As Kumba explained in the write-up it's a combination of custom path tiles and invisible pathing, and it quite works
I kept it this small simply because I wanted to see it all run, and just have some fun..
I hope you'll enjoy it, and looking forward to your comments
btw; what's up with the logo Kumba, it's quite pixelerated and distorted/blurred... Could you upload it in higher quality or do I have to send the original one?
Thanks for the write-up..
But the best thing about this park was definitely that ingenious method of combining custom scenery paths with invisible real paths. That was just brilliant. It makes the park look realistic (ie. having large areas of paving), but keeps the park peep friendly. I think this method of path building will really catch on. Loved it.
Egypt- First off, that Temple-esque structure was absolutely horrid. I mean, you didnt even bother zero-clearencing the Egyptian walls below the drop. It lacked any sort of detail or purpose... I noticed you had some nice landblock work and the drop area was neat too; but the majority of the structure itself seemed thrown together. The pros for this area were that it was by far the strongest (not including the temple/pyramid structure), featuring some solid archiecture accompanied by some nice theming that actually had some incentive to its given area.
Next, I also noticed you have a habit of situating your coasters in the corners of your park (most noticably this one, considering three or four major coasters were generally located near the four corners of the map). This shows rather poor coaster-placement. This was quite evident on "Lucky Luke", in which it was pretty much 2 or 3 square units from the map's edge. Not only this, but the coaster suffered an awkward turn about 3/4 way up the chainlift. This is by no means aesthetically appealing or logical to design a realistic coaster in this fashion.
POTC- This area showcased some decent execution of the POTC series, with some nice details here and there. That being said, I found the colors to be drab and somewhat monotous and unappealing on such a large scale (for the adventure ride). The main body of the structure was quite uninviting and sloppy, and the middle of the structure didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. The entrance section adjacent to the adventure ride was mediacore at best. The architecture was too overloaded in vines (although it is apparent you were going for the worn-down look) but the 2x2 buildings didn't serve much purpose and the whole setup of that section seemed awkwardly proportioned. On a brighter note, Cannonball may have been the best coaster of them all (despite its size) featuring some nice support work and some good foilage and theming.
Futuristic area- I couldn't even tell this was intended to be a futuristically-themed area before I noticed the sign(s). The only thing I enjoyed in this area was the go-karts, although it was a bit too simple for my liking. This area had arguably some of the worst color combinations I've seen, with that color scheme and the terrible path selection. That whole area was so drenched in this that it was hard to focus on anything and appreciate it. This area had that same, monotous white color-scheme for every single building, similar to that area in Mystique. It just didn't appeal to me at all... any trace of futuristic atmosphere that could be obtained just completely suffered from this. The airport thing certainly had some neat details and hacks, but didn't make much sense at all. Nothing really flowed and the ideas seemed too inspired from Xcoaster's DisneyAir. Comet was a very unorthodox layout (as I've noticed with a decent amount of your coasters) but was somewhat interesting. This area was by far the weakest and didn't even seem nowhere near Runner-Up quality.
Western-esque area- Most likely one of the better areas that contained some pleasant archiecture (my main gripe probably being too brown in some spots) and theming. However, similar to some of the other areas, the coaster had a very unorthodox and quirky layout (especially the beginning) which didn't work out too well. The log-flume was average, but it did have a nice long drop.
In conclusion, I'm not even quite sure if I would have given this park a Runner-Up slot... as previously stated it seemed to be a fair decline in terms of quality in comparison to Mystique. The coasters in this park were rather unorthodox to say the least and it seemed they appeared to be "too" forced in an attempt to design quaint, realistic coasters. Although I'm rather certain you will most likely rip this review apart (considering you have never been that open to any constructive criticisms, or any comments for that matter that I have adressed towards your parks) I realize that it is fairly reasonable to give any fully-completed park, especially one that has earned RU status, to earn a thorough review.
Edited by Jazz, 14 May 2007 - 06:53 PM.
though i think this park deserved RU status i wouldn't give it any higher. while it had some great ideas there were parts that were sloppy and looked unfinished. first i didnt like any of the coasters. all of the layouts either seemed very short or had lots of unsmooth tunrs. thought the colors and suports looked great the coasters itself just didnt help. the atmosphere was great and the peeps really helped make it a good park. when you mentioned a new scenery piece to help with peepability i thought of exactly what you made. path peices. really brought the park together. thought limited now i can see its being a big thing. as for archy i wasnt wowed. thought some parts had nice arches and 1/4th buildings alot of the buildings had somewhat blocky frames. i felt the buildings had lots of room for inprovement in detail. the future city was great in the aspect but other places fell apart. i loved the building that were left open so we could see inside!! their were a few places though that i felt you just left. the top of the splash boat kraken was just sitiing on wooden frames. i understand someone saying they look realistic but they were just so tall and bare and the ground beneath was so bare and dead it just looked boring. its was a nice little park but just lacked in some areas!! congrats again
Some things really seemed to be unfinnished in my eyes.
The foliage wasn't that great at all to and it could have been much better in the western area.
The things I most dislike are Lucky Luke and Comet.
I think both of them could have got a better layout.
At all this was a nice park but it didn't deserve the RU status in my eyes.
Though go on wioth making parks and I think EPWS will be much better.
At least I have one final question:
How is it possible to let the entertainers look like knights if you haven't chosen the medieval theme??
Not really.. alright, a little bit then
Look who's talking
I checked the previous 2 RU's (CP6's and Chapelz), not one comment from you...
I agree though, that maybe I shouldn't have send it in, and just release it for what it is; 'A-mess-around-park', a.k.a. 'test park' as I call it.. Oh well, at least I got some things figured out with it.. The coasters aren't really up to the standard I usually build them; Longer, more exciting, more theming, with brake runs and transfer track to the end, catwalks etc.. Some parts are rushed I agree (future area), but overall I really liked what the game did with my park: Just looking at the peeps spending a day in the park is a lot of fun... That's the reason I wanted to share this with you guys..
I'm hoping some people appreciate this little park, so looking forward to more comments or anything about it
James - rctnw
I've never really enjoyed the "Six Frags" style so to speak, but you've started to even out the odds and now your archetecture, landscaping, and sometimes even theming and atmosphere are working towards a whole. Here things work rather well as a park. There's lots of good ideas, like the theming around the rapids ride, the cars, and "Pirates", the landscaping in the western area, etc. The theming here was refreshing because it didn't push the limits without the knowledge of how to do so. It was clean and efficiant throughout and the peeps just make it all bust to life. Unfortunently you still haven't mastered the art of rides yet. Pirates had pacing issues as all the boat piled up at the first lift because they were dispatched at too soon an interval and Cannonball was the only truely acceptable "coaster" of the group (the water coaster made a fine water ride though).
Overall I'm more interested that before and in a way more excited. The simplified architecture and clean theming really take me back to when I first joined; it was the way to build really good stuff without the seemingly immessurable talent of people like SA or X-Sector. Now we've all moved on and I really wish a few had stuck to it, becuase though who did, like Slob, Turtle and Artist, have all sorta detailed up or given up.
Anyway it was a nice park that very easily could've been made into a SRU or even spotlight level one with some intellegent changes and careful detailing all around.
First and foremost dude, "wrath and hatred?" Talk about exaggeration. Had you actually read my post, I even gave you some compliments, such as: "The pros for this area were that it was by far the strongest (not including the temple/pyramid structure), featuring some solid archiecture accompanied by some nice theming that actually had some incentive to its given area." as well as: "Most likely one of the better areas that contained some pleasant architecture (my main gripe probably being too brown in some spots) and theming."
Contrary to what you believe, something that I've learned throughout my career is that you're not always going to get "extremely positive" comments for your parks. You seem to get very defensive whenever any criticisms, or even constructive criticisms, come your way. And if you're not open to them and accept them for what they are, then you're never going to improve as a parkmaker.
Not to mention I wasn't the only one who responded that disliked this park in some ways, but you only indivually had to verbally attack me. Seriously dude, lay off. Does my status at have any relevance to my comments about this park? It seems like the only way you can support your opinions is by finding "trash" on me that occured far in the past ... and that's seems a bit "unsportsmanlike" to me. Do I sense hypocrisy here?
Anyways, I took the time to write a thorough review of your park and looked through each area in its entirety, and you can't even appreciate a review for what it is, even though I'm not too keen on your style. Before you start bashing me again, perhaps you should consider learning how to properly support your opinions.
Anyway. SF, it was not my favorite park and just thought it was okay. Only reason I like it though because your more of my favorite park makers and your Sparkly Paradise park influenced me for some reason. Another plus is that it was peep friendly and thats all ways fun to play with. And dont worry about people thinking if it should of got run or not, beacuse many people did not like my ru that much either so its okay (hey a ru is a run, right?)...
Cant see what comes next from you SF, conrats on the ru spot.
But why did you write this long review? You said you did it because you thought all RU's deserved it, yet I can't find a review of yours that's this long (and with this much negativity in it..) That's just what gets me thinking; It almost looks like to me as if you want to get back on me, and put me down as much as you can.. Then again, if your intentions were honoust, I appreciate it, although I didn't like what you wrote in that last paragraph (the criticism part)..
I'm open to all sorts of criticism, cause I know some people like your work and some people don't (look at some Spotlight topics for example, there are always people who don't like the park)... Also look at the last paragraph I wrote, explaining/admitting I probably shouldn't have send it to Spotlight/RU, as it was just a 'mess-around-park'..
Well, to me you built a certain reputation of what you are seeking over at this site (and others), that's maybe why I overreacted a little bit too much.. It's because of that reputation and the things you wrote in your last paragraph (not your review- which I appreciate) that got me pissed..
'Dude', I appreciate the review (if it was honoust), and if you could consider to learn how to read, you would notice how I supported my opinions.. (btw, I also invested time into building this park)
Anyway, let's talk about the park again
-JDP; Thanks man, nice to hear SP inspired you! I think that's my first released work.. The peepfriendlyness is the main reason why I wanted it to share with you guys, so glad you appreciate the work that went into it..
-egghead; I actually used the 'edit staff' option in the 8cars trainer.. But I guess it comes down to the same..
-RCTNW; Thanks James, you exactly get the point I was trying to make with this park!!
-Ride6; Yeah, I get what you're saying, although it depends on the theme I'm building.. For example some themes in epws have more necessary detailing than others.. Glad you like it
-OLE; I also thought about that lately; When I joined there was a park released like every week or so... I also wished more people just build, had fun and eventually share their 'things' with others..
-FK; I agree it lacked in some areas.. The Kraken was indeed sitting on a pretty bare rock.. I probably could've done a bit more with it.. Glad you think it's a nice little park..
-Fisch; Yes, epws will be much better (already is I think).. I'm not to do decide on RU, so you have to blame Kumba
-eye; I hope more people will use this way of invisible paths and path blocks in their park! It would make viewing parks a lot more fun imo.. Imagine people riding Eversio Lemuria
The pyramid was meant to look that way and missing a few walls; That imo made it more ancient and damaged by the 'Fury of the Mummy'.. I also like coasters the way you mentioned, these were kinda rushed, so look out for them in my new solo
-Kumba/Tom; Thanks!
Thanks again for everyones comments (yes, even jazz'