Park / Mineral Springs


  • FredD%s's Photo

    I also wasn't very enthousiastic about this than most of the rest. The overload of 1K ruins made the park look very messy and it was disturbing. I think you could do the archy better, I've seen some better archy from you. Coaster layouts weren't that good, not bad but nothing special. 


    Though it has some atmosphere. I really like how you've build those bridges btw. Overall I think this was more a bronze than a silver.

  • RWE%s's Photo

    This overuse of 1k ruins ruins it for me! architecture could be a little bit better too.


    Otherwise i really like the interactions and ideas in this little park. Not something special, but still good work!


    60% imo

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    Well this is certainly a wide range of feedback. lol


    First of all thank you everyone for checking out the park. Even if you didn't like it I still really appreciate you taking the time to look at it and write up your feedback. For those that did like it, I'm really glad to hear it.


    It's funny that there are some people who love it and think it's gold quality and it's better than Sunset Vista, a park that took over 2 years to build and then people that think it deserves a 40% vote. 


    I'm not too surprised at the range here because I took a risk with this park. I knew when I was building it that some people would hate the ruins and some people would probably like them, and I knew that it was a little brown but I was just building for fun (maybe more than I did with Sunset Vista) and didn't care. 


    The bench was a little limiting (because I didn't go with the snow theme that it was designed for) and I would have liked to vary up the rocks a bit more and I would have killed for path blocks and custom B&M supports but I still had a ton of fun with this.


    When building a large scale project I love to get feedback from the community, improve things, tweak things and share the park with people for detailed feedback along the way but with Reddit contest parks like this it's sometimes fun to just commit to an idea, say "screw it I'm having fun and building this for me" and then submit a park out of nowhere with no clue how people will react to it. That's basically what this park was.


    Thanks again for checking it out everyone! I love reading your feedback, both positive and negative.




    Oh and thanks to Robbie for his detailed review on Twitch. He was nice enough to archive it for me so here's the link if anyone's interested.

  • CoasterForce%s's Photo

    Bill I think you have so much talent, and personally I love this.  Between this and Sunset Vista, it's clear that you have a talent for making things art that can be difficult to achieve with the emphasis on detail and the variety of objects now available.  You are especially adept at ride entrances, queues, and the way you incorporate transport rides (trains, chair lifts) around paths and rides.  It's all too easy to simply stick a train on the outskirts of a park, looping around the map without getting in the thick of the park, but you definitely resisted that temptation and it paid off.  The use of signs, too--when not tactfully done, can be an eyesore, but you really incorporate the RCT signs in very nicely. And of course, your parks are so peep friendly, which is another quality that I feel adds so much life to the park.


    I would've liked to see more length to the coasters, but this seems to be a trend these days.  


    Overall, I gotta say your work reminds me of the kind of early semi-realism style that permeated NE some ten years ago when I first joined. 

  • Airtime%s's Photo

    This was good. The dive machine was decent and I loved the mine train. That was brillaint. Clever idea with the splash down, good timeing though the splash should be behind the train technically. Shame about those 1k rocks but oh well.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    i am a pretty big coasterbill fan. nice work again, the 1k ruins weren't quite as bad as I thought too, it worked in some places. still overkilled though :p

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    Bill I think you have so much talent, and personally I love this.  Between this and Sunset Vista, it's clear that you have a talent for making things art that can be difficult to achieve with the emphasis on detail and the variety of objects now available


    Thanks for all the compliments. I'm really glad you liked it.


    This was good. The dive machine was decent and I loved the mine train. That was brillaint. Clever idea with the splash down, good timeing though the splash should be behind the train technically. Shame about those 1k rocks but oh well.


    Glad you enjoyed it!


    i am a pretty big coasterbill fan.


    Coming from someone with as much talent as you that means a lot. Thanks!

  • Faas%s's Photo

    I liked this. It was really ballsy with some cool ideas and while your balssy-ness didn't always pay (a bit too many rocks) I do enjoy your presence here since it is a breath of fresh air. Keep playing!

  • 65.00%(required: 60%)  Silver
    Percentage of vote: 65%
    robbie92 75%
    Xeccah 75%
    inthemanual 70%
    Liampie 70%
    5dave 65%
    geewhzz 65%
    Ling 60%
    ][ntamin22 60%
    FredD 55%
    posix 40%
  • Description

    Mineral Springs is a small western themed family park located in a natural quarry.

    The focal point of the park is the antique steam train which circles the park and offers tours of the trains and rail yard much to the delight of kids and railroad enthusiasts.

    In addition to the train and family friendly rides and attractions the park features 2 highly themed coasters for thrill seekers. Mineral Mine takes guests on a high speed tour of the natural quarry through twists, turns and tunnels while nearly missing nearby rocks and waterfalls.

    Diamond Diver takes guests up a mine shaft and then plunges them down a terrifying 108 foot vertical drop into a tunnel. The thrills aren't over yet as riders are then treated to a series of high flying loops before finally careening through a thrilling splashdown finale.

    From thrill rides to family rides to great tours and scenery, Mineral Springs has something for everyone!

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