Park / Assault on Kejimkujik: Winter's Revenge
26-February 15
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- Comments 16
50.00%(required: 50%)
Poke 70% Liampie 60% inthemanual 55% 5dave 50% Faas 50% Stoksy 50% Corkscrewy 45% Ling 45% posix 45% MCI 40% 50.00% -
This park is based on a true story, and converted into the stunning theme park you see before your very eyes! Located in Eastern Canada, the Kejimkujik National Park inspired this particular theme park, the very location where in back-to-back years, 5 brave cyclists trekked through 27 kilometres of rugged terrain (dirt, rock, gravel, snow, ice, water) to arrive at Mason’s Cabin for two rockin’ awesome weekends. About 90% of the park is based on real events, from the names of rides, the shops & restaurants, the mechanics and even the park mascot, “Savage Beast”. For the full story, please refer here:
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I love this park. I was pissed when you released it though because I thought I had that contest locked up before I saw this. lol
Anyway I love that you stayed with the snow theme. I had no interest at all in doing that but it works so well here. Little details like the hockey rink, the nice entrance area despite the akward placement and that little coaster in the entrance area work really well.
The layout on the invert is a bit awkward but it's nothing too bad. Once you bring your layouts up to the level of everything else you're sure to do some amazing things. I also like that you didn't hack away the entrance huts as it forced you to come up with some really clever ways to hide them.
I voted 60% on this... I think this deserves silver. Great job.
EDIT: And I still think we should build together.
great job man. you certainly created a great atmosphere with this. it's a shame you went up against mineral springs. definitely a large improvement over your previous park. hopefully you'll be able to work on something during h2h7!
Hey cool, it's up. Glad to see it got posted before H2H7, which I'm sure will keep the admins hoppin'. I appreciate the behind the scenes efforts to get this out!
Thanks Bill, glad you enjoyed it. I had to cram to get it finished, probably did it in 12 days or so, but I had a clear picture in mind of what I wanted. So posting it 2-3 weeks early kind of gave the rest of the competition a heads up. I would have rather released closer to the submission date, but Mexico was calling my name!!! But I'm glad to see you won, Mineral Springs was sweet! You had some really nice buildings in there, along with great hacks. I guess that's my next step in RCT. Very well done!
gdb - yeah, I kind of feel this park was better than my other ones too, I definitely am getting a better feel for the game, the construction etc, only one year into playing too, besides the scenarios off and on. Hopefully you'll see some improvement in my next park. It's going to be a doozie!
go reddit, yet again delivering on releases. I thought it was alright, some nice use of colors. felt warm in a good way despite being a winter park.
The hockey rink <3
A lot of "not bad" in this I thought.
The hockey rink was a nice touch, but leaving the supports in was an unfortunate oversight. The architecture served it's purpose well, even if you went a little crazy with the windows on a number of buildings. Landscaping was good for the most part with some nice elevation changes that didn't occur too abruptly.
There were some weird things going on with the rides though. I've never been a fan of the monorail cycles done in a bottleneck [basically going up to a turnaround and then following essentially the same track back] as I think it's a little too forced. The chairlift was just odd to me - the random hill in the middle didn't seem to serve any purpose and ruined the layout. Puddle Jumper served it's purpose well, but your main coaster wasn't the best in my opinion. Especially that final barrel roll, which was taken way too fast. I just felt that there were a lot of drawn out turns and weird hills that ruined the flow of the layout.
Stoksy - Yeah, it was a fun park to build. A lot of the rides may not have been your average park ride, there was specific reasons behind each one from the original event. For example, the bike trip was a return trip on the same road in and out, hence the turnaround. The chairlift was meant to mimic going polar dipping, so of course it wouldn't make sense for a typical park. Just little things like that. It was fun to build anyway, relive a memory
And about the supports on the rink, it kind of slipped my mind. The last park I did that with the monorail track it was NCSO so I couldn't block the supports. I think that's why I neglected it.
man hit that on the head. congrats, you are the official owner of the lowest rated accolade in ne history! now give poke his 100 dollars
Just curious if an admin can tell me if every vote was 50%?
Wow, good to have two accolades under the belt. Though I honestly thought this park was better than my first accolade, but I'm not the judge. Thanks for votes, glad you enjoyed it. I'm aiming higher for my next one, should be a lot better!
Congrats!!!! Well deserved.
Ah, cool, didn't know that. Nifty trick. It's crazy how Poke voted it 70% gold and MCI voted it 40% not worthy of an accolade. Wide variance from the voting squad.
"Well deserved", just under-the-wire, barely made it, won it by a hair, buzzer beater, white knuckler, photo finish, heart stopper, narrow escape, just squeaked in, thriller, close shave, 50.00% bronze!
Thanks cb
It was close but I'm glad you won.
Your biggest hurdle right now is layouts. Once you get the hang of those you're going to be a force to be reckoned with.
That's true, plus I can't hack my way out of a wet paper bag. Need to dig hard into learning some superior hack skills! I've got the ideas without the know how.
I'm surprised how low the votes were. I thought it was amazing.
You had me at "Bacon Bistro."