Park / city heights

Park_3276 city heights


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Ling%s's Photo

    Why does this have an RCTLL and an RCT2WWTT tag?

  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Because amblerk fucked up when he uploaded the park city. :p

    Amblerk, I thought this park city was pretty cool. Like you say, it has a lot of different areas and features. I thought the theme park areas were horribly out of place however, and the WWTT objects were an eyesore.

    Would be cool if you did another urban map sometime, I enjoy these a lot.
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    urgh hire some mechanics, bleep bloop hasn't been fixed shut up


    nice city, I guess. a lot of really bare areas. a few bits were nice. funny how people always put multiple theme parks into their cities :p

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    I did indeed fuck up Liampie lol Thanks for the feedback though, yeah these TT/WW have been the bain of my NE career up to press haha I quite enjoyed building it yes, however I don't know if I would have the mental capa"city" for another full size one lol So many hours went in to it. I think from now on I will take on more smaller parks as there is the odd bare patch as Cocoa has said. Yeah the theme parks dont really fit all that well I just wanted to throw a couple in as it is RCT after all, had just always wanted to build a huge scale city.

    Yeah Cocoa I had to play it on mute bleep this bleep that lol

    The bare areas were just a culmination of a lack of fresh ideas with it really. Obviously being so big the city has everything, and ran out of fresh objects after reaching the limit which also contributed to that! It even has 3 theme parks which no city would have of course but wanted to enjoy putting them in any way, wouldn't be right not to! I built the Chinese gardens in Darling harbour if you have every been there Cocoa, I know its a big country, spent a year over your way.

    Yeah thanks for the feedback anyway fella's.

    Any one else for a bit of feedback, I guess not many people can open it unfortunately :( 

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    Also, has there been any cities of this scale made before, or indeed of any scale that I could take a look at. I did try and find some but couldn't really stumble across any?


    I did really like Virginia key resort and casino actually. So nicely done and wish I knew how to do those hacks, they are amazing.

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    Attached Image: SCR11.jpg

    For Cocoa, my re-incarnation of the Chinese gardens, Darling Harbour. Nice little place that, looked over it from my apartment across the road, Harbour Garden towers, I built that whole little area with the Comm bank etc... Travelled all over Australia actually, even managed to play RCT2 a bit while I was there the odd time haha Looking back the screen isn't that great to be fair but ah well a bit of nostalgia for me at the very least!


  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    sorry I didn't even get the reference :p


    the chinese gardens are very pretty though IRL, i'm not sure you quite nailed the vibe of them haha

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    Haha no worries, they are indeed very ornate and delicate. And no I'm not quite sure I nailed it either lol

  • Description

    This is a city a friend and I created. Its the full size 256x256 so as you can imagine to fill it to the extent that we have has taken some time! It has its own working industry, a bustling CBD, major transports links, services, commerce, different classes of social areas, suburbs, airport, stadia, recreational services, and of course a few theme parks dotted around. It is not 100% complete and there is the odd little area that needs the finishing touches, but i would estimate around 85 - 90 percent complete. Only extra scenery mods have been used. I would welcome some feedback be it positive or negative. Many Thanks,


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