Park / Diagonal Design
25-December 14
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Though I had great fun building this hack and making it work nearly perfectly, ultimately I lost interest in the layout and concept when I finished the hack. I've tried going back to it several times but I never make any progress, so I figured I would release unfinished.
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Okay seriously how has no one commented on this? Despite being unfinished, this has to be one of the most impressive hacks I've ever seen. I still don't quite know how you changed the speed of the shoestrung car underground, but wow. Brilliant execution.
Between the diagonal brake section that actually works and the diagonal station this is very impressive. I really wish I understood shoestrings.
Great work... too bad you didn't finish this.
There's so much potential with this hack. If you can do the hack again, produce a great design with an impressive layout, and finish it, you'll make history.
nav, most people probably saw it from the screens and either thought it was gimmicky, didn't care about intricate hacks, or already knew how to do this. Unlike some projects that have been released finished, with groundbreaking hacks that nobody else knew how to do (Phatage, Roomie, Gee, and probably some others before my time), this hack is known, and the project is unfinished. It is a very tedious hack though, and what I remember hearing is that everyone who tried got frustrated and decided it wasn't worth it to finish. (I think Phatage even wanted Kumba to do it on Kumba for more realism??) I had a lot of fun doing it myself (it's like solving a puzzle), but it took so long that I lost all inspiration for the coaster/theme.
Coasterbill, thanks. They're not terribly difficult to figure out once you try it out and play with them, check out Roomie's tutorial and give it a shot! Save excessively.
RCT2day, I agree. This was only my first layout attempt... bad idea in retrospect. I should have done several more before starting the hack. I'd like to try again soon, but realistically I can't spend time on a whole project with everything going on in my life. But I'd gladly do/attempt the hack on someone else's layout!
Is there any way to make the functioning diagonal brake run work in only specific areas, or does the station have to be diagonal as well? It would be more useful I think if the aesthetic of the non-diagonal station could be combined with, say, a functioning diagonal MCBR.
I've always wanted to try making a shoestrung ride but it looks so complicated
Nah, you could have diagonal brakes and a normal station if you wanted.
After looking at it in-game I think I might be able to pull it off. That is if shoestringing in LL and RCT2 are the same.
I think shoestrings are a bit easier in LL. I could be wrong. But you also have more options with track boosters
Stoksy, that should definitely be possible. However, it might be better to use a regular straight track piece rather than the actual station track piece (which would be more realistic anyways). I see why some people don't like the diagonal stations but I tend to think that natural diagonals (stations or otherwise) add a lot of atmosphere. That said, I'm not sure that it would be worth it to do this hack for only a diagonal brake run.
To explain the tediousness: you have to make the dummy track the EXACT same length as the running track. Otherwise, the train will stop in a different place every time it goes around the circuit. So most of the time you spend on making the hack work is fiddling with the length of track by replacing a mid-sized curve with a small curve and a straight piece, or adding a little dip into the track, or changing from banked to unbanked, all of which can adjust the total track length by minute measures.
Getting the hack to work is easy/medium difficulty, getting the train to stop in the same place every time, is nearly impossible. (Even this version isn't perfect, leave the game running for half an hour and you'll see what I mean)
Csw, I believe they are exactly the same, barring any programming differences between train behavior. Don't have LL, but I followed Roomie's tutorials which are in LL.
itm, not sure about the difficulty but you're right, track boosters are quite useful for most shoestrings.
Yeah, Phatage did want me to try a diagonal station on Kumba, but I think it would have been less realistic. I had the spacing on everything just right and his version had a huge gap between where the loop and corkscrews should be. Not to mention, a shoestring hack would have taken off the trademark nose of the B&M sitdown train.
I recall making a working diagonal station without a shoestring hack or winhack, but can't quite remember how and it might have just been a launched coaster. If someone could get the train to load peeps at a diagonal angle that would be something, but I have not seen that yet.
Really great hacking Hepta, tho it's a shame you didn't finish this. It's a great layout and I love the perfectly placed roll over the lift.
Ah right, I remember that discussion now. And yeah it definitely would not have been worth it to lose the front car, despite the spacing.
Hmm, that would be interesting. I don't think there are any animations in the game for the trains to open their restraints on a diagonal. Not sure if it would be possible to add them in via ride editor, but would be cool.
Thanks though, maybe I'll give this hack another shot in the future!