Park / Capricorn Coast


  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    The biggest takeaway for me here was that everything was seamless. No harsh area transitions, and a lot of care taken to make natural shifts in terrain, foliage, and architecture. Very professional.
  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Please teach me your LL ways. This is just lovely.

  • posix%s's Photo

    csw, it's great that you've experienced the issue of a change in style preference over the course of building a full scale park like this. It's a problem that almost anyone who's ever built a park to this scale has run into, with more than half of people cancelling the project to start something new and better, which then never got finished either. You certainly stand out positively here.


    This is why I think the most healthy projects, from a builder's mental perspective, are those you can finish quickly. As in, where you don't want to break with what's already built. So building pace comes with practice and routine, which I'm sure you'll have gained a lot after finishing this project. Try to build on it as much as you can to further speed up your building process.