Park / Spooky Island
05-October 14
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- Comments 14

I recently watch the first live action Scooby-Doo Movie. After I finished watching it, I was inspired to make the theme park that was in the movie. Although I got lazy and only made like four things that you seen in the movie. The other rides and attractions I made up. Also no ride names was mention in the movie other then the Spooky Castle ride, so the ride names I had to come up with. Oh and my park is super unrealistic and it has nothing to do with Scoody-Doo. Although I did put two songs from the Scooby-Doo Movie soundtrack in the park though. Now. Anyway I hope you enjoy my park!
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Well fucking done
I actually do like this, it has a good atmosphere and liveliness, even if it is a bit clunky in places. I would possibly consider giving it a bronze. Not bad at all.
Not bad at all. Really creative!
If you intended for the custom music to go with the park, you needed to include the music files with the appropriate names with the park download in a .zip.
Other than the terrifying pacing of most of the coasters, this was kind of interesting. There was some decent architecture and the peeps added a lot. The foliage wasn't great, especially around the woodie but overall not bad at all.
6ca Offline
This was a ton of fun to look through in-game. Was this Botany Breakers to start with?
That stand-up whipping by at murderous speeds gave the park a feeling of insanity that I really liked. Your custom music didn't load, but for some reason my custom music was Misirlou by Dick Dale and the Del-Tones, which while not your intended music, added to the insanity.
It had music from the Scooby Doo soundtrack, haha. I didn't know how to include it. The songs were Bump In The Night by Allstars and Land of Million Drums by Outkast.
If you plan to include custom music, submit the park file as a .zip containing the saved park file, the music, and whatever other materials you wish to include (logo, readme, photoshopped park map)
Well, am I allowed to do that. Or could I somehow put the link to the custom music on here or something?
just upload the park as a zipfile and include the .wav file in it.
Well I know it has been a while since I uploaded my park, but could I still re-upload the park with music? Also can someone help me, I thought I was doing it right when I was uploading it. Although I guess I didn't.
New Element needs more parks like this. Sure the coasters are absolute death machines that are way too fast but whatever, the peeps seem to be enjoying them and this entire park is a ton of fun and that's what's really important here.
Please build more parks like this one. Seriously...
Since my last necrobump was a success, here's another one
But in all seriousness, I loved looking around this park. I have both of the first two live action movies on DVD and I've watched them so many times. Good job on recreating Spooky Island, it looks almost exactly like in the movie, from the hotel to Spooky Castle to the final fight area! Thanks for bringing me back to this excellent movie