Park / Kimmeragh Glen
- 25-March 03
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iris Offline
Mystilogica by OZONE, Aviator, and Coasterct Nick
Two new Runner-Ups for Lost Era Resort.
One is RCT1, the other is RCT2.
Aeroglobe Offline
The RCT1 park looks quite nice, but I haven't looked at it quite yet, so I can't make any assumptions on whether or not my choice of spotlight would have ended up in Twisted's hands, but I just wouldn't have handed it to Lost Era Resort.
My two cents, and if you don't want them, give me them back.
gymkid dude Offline
thorpedo Offline
On the spotlight round as a whole.........
*No comment.*
VegasCoaster Offline
Brent Offline
Evil WME Offline
-Twisted´s Kimmeragh Glen.. Nice, RCT2, had a while to look at it and found out that there is a way to use jagged rocks more then i ever thought possible =P not that i didn´t like the park, it looked ok, but the contrast of the white buildings with the dark theming didn´t work out the way it probably did for Twisted himself (afterall, he filled an entire map with it) the coasters weren´t my favorites, with some strange layouts. Definitely deserving the runner up position tho, and i´ll be looking forward to the next park from you
-Mystilogica.. Again a VERY nice park, AWESOME theming. I love the area with the black the most, but i had a few gripes.. the coasters, again, had slow spots, the coasters were sometimes (sometimes it was good but) needlessly hacked. and the turn lift on the woody was ugly. The draw bridge was awesome, haven´t quite been able to do that so that really impressed me. The whole hacked coaster thing is beginning to get a bit old, we really need someone to do something original with it again.. i have a lil´ idea for myself again =D.. overall another very deserving runner up.
I won´t judge on whether one should´ve won spot..
Ablaze Offline
Scarface Offline
I think the rct1 era just gave lost era spotlight....
I think an rct2 park has got to get one soon
Themeparkmaster Offline
Twisted's park I wont download and look at because I don't like RCT2 and wont waste my time changing the disks between 1 and 2. It looks very nice from the screens though. Good job.
Ablaze Offline
YetiGKM Offline
I had the same exact problem that TPM had. All I got was the read-me. I then asked someone to send it to me through AIM and I still only got the Read-me. So its definately not just TPM, its me as well.
Ablaze Offline
Coaster Ed Offline
Aeroglobe Offline
Aviator Offline
Evil WME Offline
Ablaze Offline
Mike Robbins Offline
Aviator Offline