Park / John Williams: Through The Ages


This park shares comments with 4 other parks(View Parks)
  • Metropole%s's Photo
    Thanks to everyone who commented on JW. Especially Coaster Ed.

    Your insight has been really useful for me. Yes, there are many thing in the park that I would change if I could, Landscaping being one of them. In my later parks my landscaping has evolved greatly. And I totally agree with you that Landscaping was the downpoint of the park.

    Anyway, thank you for the great comments. I'll keep them in mind for the future.

    Metro B)
  • Benni%s's Photo
    Some things I want to ask:

    Stole the show imo.

    Um, I don't think it was stolen. It was build completely on my own ideas. If someone else built something like this before I really have to say sorry =/

    and the area in itself had a rushed look as if there wasn't much effort put into it

    It was the first Area of the park i've built. I came home from Disneyland Paris and loved BTM, so I began to build a ride which was really similar to BTM :)

    I do wish Benni would take time to name the individual rides though, even if it was in German

    Mhh... I knew there's an attraction-limit in RCT, when I began the park, I knew that I want to make effects (like the volcano) and because of this I've used the same "Theming-Rides" all through the park. For example the Wooden tracks, once I've used it for the "Lucky Nugget Mine-Station" and another time for the Steamboat, just not to get into trouble with the maximun of rides. When the park was done and i had to rename the Rides, i can't do so because how should I name the wooden Coaster? "Lucky Nugget Mine-Station" or "Steamboat"? Do you see my problem about that? =//

    To all who replyed: Thank you VERY much!! It just motivates to build something new.

  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    Um, I don't think it was stolen. It was build completely on my own ideas. If someone else built something like this before I really have to say sorry =/

    Benni, that's a figure of speech in English. What he means is that he thought your park was the best out of all the ones posted. It's a compliment, not an insult :)
  • Benni%s's Photo
    uhm... yes... :angel: :@

  • x-sector%s's Photo
    Coral Creek
    Beautiful. I loved it. The negative first the only bit I didn't like was the area with the mine train in it. 'Flight of Stardust' was awesome and had a lovely layout. The theming around it was great as well; I loved the hacks and the little details/effects like the car driving around. The water ride was awesome and again great use of hacks and details.
    Awesome park benni and I can't wait to see what you do next. You keep getting better and better.

    The Happy place
    Micool you are a genius. The park was fun, bright, crazy and awesome. The colours you used where great and the ideas where crazy. This style of park making was great and such a refreshing look as well. I loved candy land that was my fav area. Great Idea for a park and the themes were very creative.

    I'll look at the rest later, off to eat now :)
  • Aeroglobe%s's Photo
    Well, I haven't really looked at any of the parks yet...

    Except for Burning Secret. That was one of the most brilliantly hacked parks I've ever seen. The rides are incredible. Those duelers were insane, and MA's coaster is simply amazing. I've seen and heard about bits and pieces of the ride, but I couldn't have been so awed by simply hearing about the stuff. I had to see it. That ride fits in so perfectly with the park, it's just incredible.

    Nice job, Freak, MA, and TPM.

    I'll comment on the others once I look at them.

    Aérôglòbe Posted Image
  • BigFoot%s's Photo

    Benni, that's a figure of speech in English.  What he means is that he thought your park was the best out of all the ones posted.  It's a compliment, not an insult :)

    Lol, thanks for clearing that up Freak.
  • mantis%s's Photo
  • Ride6%s's Photo

    Maybe this will help you LL Installation Guide. I have XP on my computer and LL runs fine. So does the Beast trainer. I do remember having some trouble when I first installed it though. It's just a matter of getting the right patches and installing them in the correct order.

    Um, it would help if i could get the patch. I've tried the links posted there, didn't work. Then i tried the Atari (aka Infogrames) website, got all the way to the download spot clicked okay and it sat there for 5 minutes frozen. Then up came a "gateway timeout" message. I hope you understand what i said there.

    On John Williams: I've looked it over again and I'm less impressed than before, esspeccaily after looking at some previus RCT2 Runner-Ups.

    The Architecture was too big in most areas. And there wasn't enought land variation (in most areas). Some of the coasters were disapointing and there was too many movies located in one park, it seemed too Jammed-Packed with themes. That doesn't work for me since most didn't have "Umprella" themes to fit under (other than Star Wars and Indiana Jones).

    6.5/10 Hey, thats passing. I just feel like the ideas here were great, the attempt was by all means worthy. Somehow the final result didn't work. Know how people say somethings are greater than the sums of all its parts? This was just the opposite, i don't know why. It just was.

    Good try anyway, i just couldn't get the nessisary "vibes" from this the way i did from Nirvana or Fantastic Wonders.

  • Themeparkmaster%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments so far (to those that have bothered).

    All the LL parks this round were great, I found something I liked in every one of them.

    Chronicles was a little boring for my liking but there were some great coaster layouts and it was full of atmosphere.

    The Happy Place isn't really my cup of tea as far as parkmaking style goes but I found my self looking at it longer then any of the others! There is so much to see and although I don't like all of it I admire Micool for making such a vibrant, entertaining park.

    Benni's park was my favourite this round, I think the coasters (minus 'Flight of Stardust') could use some work but the detail was awseome and I loved the volcanoe, it's one of my single favourite things in RCT ever.

    Overall this was a great round and really desevres more attention then it is getting. I can understand the topic is getting bogged under by the Pro Tour (which is roayaly pissing me off) but seriously we all put alot of effot into these parks and are repaid with only a handfull of replys. Times like these makes me wonder what's the point. There is well over 200 RCT years of parkmaking here and it's just not being appreciated. Plenty of people have downloaded the parks and must have had some thoughts when viewing them so what's so hard about posting them here?

    Thanks for the great write up Mantis, I appreciate it. :yup:
  • Twisted%s's Photo
    You've got more replies than the last lot of Runner Ups, which you didn't post in ;)

    Anyway, this was indeed a great round for LL parks.

    My favourite park was Coral Creek Adventure World. The Centauri area was definetly my favourite, and has most probably inspired to try a new kind of space them again.

    The Burning Secret wasn't as good as i had originally hoped but it certainly wasn't bad. This could be the age reason as other people have mentioned. The coasters all were great.

    The Happy Place and Chronicles both wern't really my type of park, but there are still lots of thing i like in both.

    Well done everyone.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    As I don't have LL on my computer, I will have to take everyones word on the LL parks. They sound like they all were fantastic.

    As for JW - Great job guys and congrats on the runner-up. I havn't had a chance yet to really look around yet but the one thing that really didn't make sense to me was the pod racer. It was missing 2 key elements for me.
    1 - It really needed to be a "racer" type coaster. Adding a second track would really help this out.
    2 - It needed deeper canyons in some parts to really capture the feel of the race course.

    All-in-all, you both did a fantastic job just completing such a large project.

  • Dantheman%s's Photo
    TPM Park very nice with some great hacks the satan coaster was insane so much to look at as the coaster was in montion. Like said before the park had a problem of some of the area looked old.

    Coral Creek Adventure World awesome park not much else to say but the hacked coaster in space area was great if that was real I dont think I would ride it as it looked to scary.

    Andrews park was good kudos for the city area.

    Happy Place out of all of the park is my fav. The thing I like about the park is how you have tryed new fresh things and left the standad form of parkmaking. Really you have broke all the rules making this park. If Laurence Liewelyn-Bowen played rct and made a park it would look something like this.
  • mantis%s's Photo

    If Laurence Liewelyn-Bowen played rct and made a park it would look something like this.

    LMAO! Too right :D
  • gymkid dude%s's Photo
    just looked at all of em.

    Reviews coming.

    Micool, I just looked at the happy place. Last time i checked, that was a banable offense. Your lucky im not iris or ur arse would be BANNED!. That park was unnaceptable (sp?).

    If you think your so hot, baby, show me what you got. ???
  • Ozone%s's Photo
    Coral Creek - This was flowing with innumerable ideas, which I greatly enjoyed. The volcano was increadble, I loved the perfect timing and the new innovative idea. Some things about the park did annoy me though. I didn't like the fact that the "#effects" kept going off when I wasn't there looking at them. They would have been great if i had been there though. I also thought that you could have named the things better, better than "deco*". I really enjoyed looking over the park, great job.

    The Burning Secret - The coasters were increadible, the themeing.. not as increadible. It was ok, but not quite what I had expected after seeing Odiom (sp?). I loved the architecture in Odiom. good job, i'll be looking forward to more. More that looks like odiom, and not rctU so much. ;)

    Chronicles - A nice park to look over. I like kirii's entrance better, the chinese looked very rushed. I found it amusing that kirri was a "jizz-mopper" (I am refering to the handyman named harakirii), and Andrew was the "head bikini inspector". Made me wonder whose jizz kirii was supposedly mopping up.

    The happy place - Well, I left this review last... because.. I didn't really like it. I hate to be negative, and to bring you down, but I can't really find anything about it I like. The first mountain, waterfall, cliff thing was completely hideous and it didn't seem to get much better after that. People say you broke every rule.. but to me rules are there for a reason. That reason would be to make it look good. The bring colors were scary, and the coasters i didn't care for (geo-zoom-whatevever had two lifts, the water wave coaster one... please, we have seen that done all the way back in nevis' time, and the little mini coaster, infinite somthing, looked like it was a mistake that you were too lazy to redo). I'm glad that someone tried to do new things, I guess they just put me off, sorry.
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo
    Ok, Ozone, you're my friend and all, but this RCTU crap is pissing me off, from not only you but everyone (meaning the others who say this kinda stuff).

    I hate being told our styles are all similar. Let's compare everyone's styles. Gymkid and Turtle for instance. Gymkid goes a lot crazier with his stuff than what we've seen from Turtle, so does that mean they build the same?

    Compare myself to CoasterWizard. Since we are in the same club and build with RCT, does that mean our styles are similar?

    Compare Thorpedo and TPM, are their styles remotely similar?

    NO! So why am I always reading comments that I build like everyone else in the same club as me? Compare screens from myself and Thorpedo. I don't recognize that much of a similarity. Any similarity there is going to be found no matter what two people, in or outside of the club, you compare. I mean, I know these comparasines aren't Blitzsama and Posix, but lets be honest here.

  • mantis%s's Photo
    Way to get a sense of humour, freak!

    The 'rctu-style' that gets baited every now and then is a gross stereotype from when SoV, LT and parks like that were in production...and they did all look similar. But that was a LONG time ago, so when people talk about it I assume it's being jokey, not meant maliciously...
  • Micool%s's Photo
    And I thought OZONE used to be the champion of RCTU-style :angel:

    No really though, the mountain was supposed to be hideous. Silly. :8leg:
  • rctfreak2000%s's Photo

    Way to get a sense of humour, freak!

    The 'rctu-style' that gets baited every now and then is a gross stereotype from when SoV, LT and parks like that were in production...and they did all look similar. But that was a LONG time ago, so when people talk about it I assume it's being jokey, not meant maliciously...

    Sarcasm doesn't travel well over the internet. I realize Ozone was being facetious, but others usually aren't and complain about it, and that is what makes me angry.