Park / Kidron Park
24-June 14
Kidron Park
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- Comments 36
78.13%(required: 70%)
Poke 90% csw 85% Fizzix 85% Faas 80% Liampie 80% Xeccah 80% 5dave 75% Louis! 70% Maverix 70% MCI 70% 78.13% -
My pride and joy! Kidron Park took me two years to build and I really hope it shows. The park itself is made up of 8 themed areas, with 11 roller coasters and countless rides spanning across those sections. Each area boasts one of the major themes of NCSO. For example, there is an Egyptian area, Medieval area, etc. I wanted to try my hand at expanding on these themes while adding my own style to it.
Sorry about no peeps; I had a hacking error that risked a black hole if I tried fixing it.
Special thanks Kumba for his hacking help, and to Corkscrewy for his input and suggestions all along Kidron's completion. -
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It appears we have another spotlight contender here! I had high expectations for this park, and those expectations were met for sure! We've seen some good NCSO in this community, especially in the last couple of years (by JDP, nin, Insanity and X250 to name a few), but this is in my opinion the best NCSO work on the site yet, at least from this era. This park got everything!
The rides are all great. Great layouts, great looks. The look overall are really good in this park. It may look disjointed and/or generic from the overview, but zoomed in it's really really refined, atmospheric and well composed. The castle area is my favourite, but I also love the look of the mine train. Good buildings, ornaments or whatever are all over the park. Cool, ingenious tricks everywhere you look. There are so much ideas in this park, and all of them work: chairlift, cogwheels for fans, mazes for queues, using iglo walls with glass to create a new brick texture, petrol stations for lockers, whirlpools near the beach, restroom stalls on roofs as trackitecture, I could go on with this list for hours.
I do have a few minor gripes with this park: as I said the park looks disjointed from the overview. This feeling disappears when zoomed in, but still the areas lack a literal direction. The park is essentially architecture, rides and landscaping framed by paths rather than the other way around. This is slightly disorienting. For the right example, I once again point to Rivers of Babylon. While I found all the buildings and tricks to be very original, the park as a whole wasn't. The park lacks macro ideas. Lastly peeps would've made this better, but I forgive you that since the park is already full of stuff to see.
All in all exploring this park has been a blast, and I'm sure to revisit this many times, discovering new bits upon every view. 80% and a 'yes' from me. Whatever the score, congratulations on this masterpiece and thanks for sharing!
Very excited for this! A little disappointed that there are no peeps, but hopefully that won't take away from my enjoyment of this. Will have a more comprehensive review after I see this in-game.
Based on the overview this looks flat out spectacular but I'll leave a more detailed review when I see it in game.
Amazing park.
Liampie: thanks for that awesome praise! I'm so happy with how this park turned out and I really hope it becomes a staple in the NCSO collection. My goal was to take the general themes of most NCSO works (Medieval, Egyptian, Western, etc.) and make a comprehensive depiction of each with my own style. Hopefully it works out!
Sorry about no peeps, guys. I had a major hacking problem with the guest entry point and risked a black hole while trying to fix it.
Stunning. The best ncso I've ever seen.
Magnificent. Not a single thing I didn't like. The ferris wheel/chairlift was pretty neat as well.
Amazing park man
Many things to see and like
No peeps makes me sad
meznator Offline
This is the best NCSO I have ever seen!
That gorilla exhibit was executed to perfection!
I think Spotlight is a bit overzealous, but it's certainly lovely.
Hopefully soon we can bang out some NCSO together
Congrats man. You deserve the praise.
I was so close to really loving this. It's unfortunate that things essentially out of your control were the reasons why I couldn't get 'into' the park as much.
I can definitely see that you had some troubles with the peeps [the ones near the lift of Paladin were particularly amusing] which is really quite unfortunate given that I think they would have added that bit extra to this that would have pushed it over the line for me.
Taking nothing away from some of the magnificent features of this park, I don't think that it is spotlight quality for a couple of reasons.
1) The glitches. You did in fact have a black hole at the entrance anyway [again, quite unfortunate and probably out of your control]. This definitely was not a glaring issue, and especially given that this was NCSO, but one that is perhaps worth taking into consideration. Save often so that in the event of a black hole/other problems you can go back some saves instead of attempting to fix it after a lot of stuff has been built. Also under this category are the lack of peeps. Again, not entirely in your control but they would have added so much to this.
2) The coasters. This is probably just personal preference, but I wasn't a huge fan of the coasters. Horus was definitely my favourite, but Paladin [a stock-standard B&M in my eyes; nothing overly 'interesting' about it], Wildfire [really struggled through the layout], and True Grit [although reasonably 'unique' it was quite slow at the end] were lacking.
Not really a determining factor, but I feel that I should mention that I really didn't like the solar panels. I would not have gotten the purpose of the track if it were not named, and even then it wasn't overly apparent.
However, there were also some really fantastic ideas throughout the park.
1) The chairlift. Sheer genius, I absolutely loved the execution of this, and it definitely showed a level of innovation inherently present in spotlight quality parks.
2) The gorilla enclosure. Quite possibly the best [and only from memory] animal enclosure I've seen in NCSO. It was really top notch as you were able to fit it in with the rest of the area.
3) Wagon Wheel Inn. I absolutely love this building; definitely my favourite in the entire park. Excellent combination of trackitecture and pre-made objects.
Spotlight quality areas: Jungle, Egypt for the most part, Sky Wheel, Foliage, Architecture [for NCSO].
Not Spotlight: Wild West [especially around Wildfire and Timber Cascade - looked really messy with all the supports], Medieval [other than Archer wasn't really a fan - probably personal however as I don't really like medieval themes as a general rule]
Obviously, this is all just my own personal take on the park. Although I didn't really like some of the areas, take nothing away from the park as a whole. It is definitely quality NCS, and I will definitely look forward to whatever you release next.
Would vote 80% and 'no.'
80% from me as well. What stopped me there was your ride design and the rudimentary look of your older work in the park. That fucking splash boats, man... nice adding that little piece from the flood in there too
Now i just need to kick your ass. Even though I stole the idea to use supports from you, remember who gave you the roman wall border trick
Me being a facetious dick aside, nice job.
Wow, I really liked this Park!
The rides are all good the theming in most parts very well done.
I only misliked the entrance area and Paladin (but I cant really tell you why I dislike that coaster :/ ).
CrokoNile was awesome, the whole complex incredible well done.
The area around Slither as well, just a incredible atmosphere there.
Very well done! Let´s see how far this gets int he ratings
Um... Holy Fuck.
Up until recently I really didn't "get" NCSO but I'm really starting to appreciate it and this park really added to that appreciation.
I don't even know where to begin with this. The animal exhibits were amazing, the chairlift was just too much fun and the bridge near True Grit's far turnaround was awesome. True Grit was a little slow but aesthetically this coaster was flawless. It looks amazing and adds so much atmosphere to the park. I felt the same way about Slither too, you put a lot of thought into the placement of your coasters.
I think the only coasters I didn't care for were the Boomerang which was way too fast and the impulse. The supports were great but the ride needed to be a little taller for them to look right (maybe that's just me though).
Still, those complaints are so minor. I sincerely hope it wins spotlight though I could understand it falling a little short with the peep issue.
Oh... and the tents and camp fire sent this over the edge for me. What a great idea.
Wow. Two golds on the same day?!
I thought this was right on the line of spotlight. The sheer size of the park and level of detail were stunning. Congratulations on the gold and I can't wait to see what's next!
Your move, Shotguns.
This was awesome man. Sorry for the haiku reply yesterday as you deserve more than that. It's just that the reply system was screwing with me. I loved this park and the creativity that went in it but I would have voted 5 or 10% higher if you had incorporated some peeps and stuff.

Stuff like this is what made it 80% though:
Great job!
[Time to do some replies before too many comments pile on. But please keep them coming]
Thank you everyone! I'm so happy with this. Honestly, I anticipated this to be a Silver and I'd have to work to get that Gold. I'm ecstatic that it got such a high score and threatened being the first NCSO spotlight.
-Pokecoasterempires: thank you! that was my goal
-csw: you're being nice but thank you nonetheless
-meznator: thank you! Interesting the gorilla exhibit was one of the first things I did so I thought it wasn't great, just creative and original.
-Ling: I agree. Hell, I think Gold is overzealous but I'm not complaining.
-Corkscrewy: My man! You and your NCSO work over the years were a huge inspiration in this project. Can't thank you enough. I'm ready to do a duo whenever you are.
-Stoksy: I think I agree with your comment more than anyone. Exactly, I had some problems that were out of my control like the black hole. I think no peeps also hurt but imagine the amount of data with them and the headaches of building and dealing with them. But they would have added to the park so yeah. Coasters I grant you were not my best but they were still solid right? Solar panels I thought were creative and I thought they spoke for themselves but I guess not. The chairlift (Sky Wheel by the way) was my favorite part and best idea. I loved that idea and I'm happy with how it came out. Again, the gorilla thing was the first thing I did besides the parking lot so I thought it was only creative, not good, but whatever. And Wagon Wheel Inn was likewise my favorite building in the whole park. I'm surprised you like the Jungle area and not the area around WIldfire/Timber Cascade because that's the opposite for me. Anyway, thanks man. You're awesome.
-Shotguns?: I loved that splash boats ride. Hey man, I'm right here ready for a NCSO challenge. Looks like we're the now both the experts on it...
-MCI: Yeah the entrance area could have been better and same with Paladin. CrocoNile was one of my favorite things to build and I'm glad you like it. You're an inspiration for my work too so don't you stop building.
-Coasterbill: thanks man. Means a lot when someone tells you your work makes them appreciate NCSO. I'm glad you liked those layouts and saw some of my small ideas like the campsite.
-csw: I'm waiting for Shotguns to counterattack with another NCSO masterpiece. Scratch that, I'm waiting for him to actually submit something finished.
-Faas: that picture is my favorite area of the entire park so thank you for posting that and thanks for the comment
So close to Spotlight! If only I had peeps but whatever. Thank you everybody. Now onto Micro Madness...
I remember back in the TPR days only a few years ago how inexperienced we were and still just how dedicated. To go from where we started together to where we both are now I know you will agree with me that I can contribute that to this site. It pushed me to be a better player than I even realized possible. And I'm so happy we both found it. Your work has grown exponentially. And your talent and love for the game can only be contributed to this site. And I'm ever so glad it did because this park wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the high level of talent this site requires of it's players. And I know, as do you, that I wouldn't be half the player I am today without NE and for that I thank the community.
You really did an amazing job. Evening finishing this is something to be said to the game. So congrats man. You relly deserve all the praise you're getting from this.